岁暮阴阳催短景,天涯霜雪霁寒宵。 五更鼓角声悲壮,三峡星河影动摇。 野哭千家闻战伐,夷歌数处起渔樵。 卧龙跃马终黄土,人事音书漫寂寥。
【白话文】 时令到了寒冬,日子就越来越短;浪迹天涯,在这霜雪初散的寒宵。 五更时听到战鼓号角,起伏悲壮;山峡倒映着银河星辰,随波动摇。 野外几家哭声,传来战争的讯息;数处渔人樵夫,唱起夷族的歌谣。 诸葛亮和公孙述,一样终成黄土;人事变迁音书断绝,我寂寞无聊。
Night in the Watch-tower
Du Fu
While winter daylight shortens in the elemental scale And snow and frost whiten the cold-circling night, Stark sounds the fifth-watch with a challenge of drum and bugle. ...The stars and the River of Heaven pulse over the three mountains; I hear women in the distance, wailing after the battle; I see barbarian fishermen and woodcutters in the dawn. ...Sleeping-Dragon, Plunging-Horse, are no generals now, they are dust – Hush for a moment, O tumult of the world. 2) A Night in a Chamber Tr. Wu Juntao
The nights and days so swiftly flee at the end of the year; At this corner of the earth, after snow, the cold, dark sky is clear. In the dim twilight the drums and bugles moan touchingly; Between the Three Gorges the waves mirror the galaxy. The cry of battle is heard in some folk's wailings long. And fishermen and woodsmen sing some alien folk song. Even Zhuge Liang and Gongsun Shu were but dust at last, How futile it is to bemoan sorrows that are past!
Note: Gongsun Shu (?-36), an official of the Han Dynasty, but in the last years of the dynasty he occupied the area of Shu by force of arms, and entitled himself White Emperor.