從1916年開始,到1926年為止,蔡東藩用10年的心血,先後完成了前漢(附秦朝)、後漢、兩晉、南北朝、唐、五代、宋、元、明、清、民國共11 部歷史通俗演義,合稱《歷朝通俗演義》,時間跨度自秦始皇到民國九年,凡二千一百六十六年。加上《西太後演義》及《歷朝史演義》兩部,總共撰寫了13部計 724萬字的通俗史巨著,其內容跨越時間之長、人物之衆、篇製之巨,堪稱歷史演義之最。被譽為“一代史傢,千秋神筆”。
Caidong Fan (1877 ~ 1945), the name Cheng, Chun-life characters, Tung Fan (East Fan) and Qing County, Zhejiang Sanin Linpu (this is Xiaoshan) people. 14 year old scholar, and later to Beijing into Korea, among the excellent contribution, distribution, Fujian alternate magistrate. Because of dissatisfaction with bureaucratic habit, said the disease a few months to return home. After the Revolution, have been in Hangzhou and Shaoxing and other places to teach. From 1916 to 1926 so far, Cai Dongfan with 10 years of effort, has completed the Former Han (with the Qin Dynasty), after the Han, Jin, Northern and Southern Dynasties, Tang, Five Dynasties, Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasty were 11 Kingdoms history, collectively, the "Reign Kingdoms", the time span of nine years from the Qin to the Republic, where two thousand one hundred and sixty six years. Add "Empress Dowager Kingdoms" and "History of Kingdoms dynasty" two, a total of 13 written words total 7.24 million masterpiece of popular history, and its content spans the length of time, the characters of the public, articles made of giant, called the Historical Romance of the most. Known as the "generation of historians, future generations of God pen."