Emperor List of Authors
Pepin IIIal-MansurLi Yu
Meng GeluofengTaba ChaoguangDa QinmaoKhri-srong lDe-btsan
Mu NaizanpuLi KuoLi Song
Meng YimouxunHarun al-RashidCharlemagneKhri-lde-srong-btsan, Sad-na-legs
Pepin III
Emperor  (714 ADSeptember 24, 768 AD)
Reign751 AD768 AD

  Relationship with the Pope
  In order to repay the pope, Pepin immediately accounted for in the papal side against the Lombards. 751, as Lombard captured Ravenna, Pope Stephen III in person to the Frankish kingdom to Pippin for help.
  During the reign of Pepin began a large-scale conquest. Duke Wei Faer on Aquitain played nine consecutive Aquitain campaign.
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