běi sòng zuòzhělièbiǎo
kòu zhǔn Kou Zhun(běi sòng) shì Su Shi(běi sòng)huáng tíng jiān Huang Tingjian(běi sòng)
fàn zhòng yān Fan Zhongyan(běi sòng) fèi Mi Fei(běi sòng)zhào Zhao Ji(běi sòng)
kǎi Xu Kai(běi sòng)zhào huán Zhao Huan(běi sòng)zhào zhēn Zhao Zhen(běi sòng)
zhào Zhao Xu(běi sòng)guō mào qiàn Guo Maoqian(běi sòng)sòng xiáng Song Xiang(běi sòng)
jǐng liàng Xu Jingliang(běi sòng)zhào héng Zhao Heng(běi sòng)zhào shì yán Zhao Shiyan(běi sòng)
zhū gōng Zhu Gong(běi sòng)xuē zhèng Xue Juzheng(běi sòng)zhāng Zhang Ni(běi sòng)
zhào kuāng yìn Zhao Kuangyin(běi sòng)zhào guāng Zhao Guangyi(běi sòng)zhào shǔ Zhao Shu(běi sòng)
zhào Zhao Xu(běi sòng) tiān Heaven(běi sòng)shī Dānapāla(běi sòng)
xián Faxian(běi sòng)wéi jìng Wei Jing(běi sòng)shì hóng Shi Dehong(běi sòng)
sòng luán Song Luan(běi sòng)liú yuè Liu Xiyue(běi sòng) diàn Lu Dian(běi sòng)
zhōu Zhou Gupiao(běi sòng)tóu qīng Touziyiqing(běi sòng) zhěn Wu Zhen(běi sòng)
sòng 'ān Song Zi'an(běi sòng)
kòu zhǔn Kou Zhun
běi sòng  (961nián1023niánshíyuè24rì)
xìng: kòu
míng: zhǔn
zì: píng zhòng
wǎngbǐhào: kòu zhōng mǐn ; kòu lāi gōng
jíguàn: huá zhōu xià guī
jīnshǔ: shǎn wèi nán

shīcígān cǎo Licorice child》    suō xíng Tasha Hang》   yáng guān yǐn   diǎn jiàng chún Point Jiangshouju lip》   dié liàn huā Butterfly in Love》    dōng hán shí Padang Cold Food》    dōng shū shì    dōng xiàn zhāi qiū shū Badong county fast Autumn Books》    dōng qiū wǎn wàng Padang remount stations Autumn Night looking》    dōng yòu gǎn   gèngduōshīgē...

yuèdòukòu zhǔn Kou Zhunzài诗海dezuòpǐn!!!





Kou Zhun (c. 961 – 24 October 1023), courtesy name Pingzhong, was a much-praised official in ancient China's Northern Song Dynasty. He was the chancellor from 1004 to 1006 during Emperor Zhenzong's reign.


Kou Zhun became a jinshi after passing the imperial examination in 979. Kou Zhun was a great speaker and had a reputation of offering criticism as he saw fit. Once, Emperor Taizong got offended and decided to leave, but Kou Zhun grabbed his robe and forced him to sit down and finish listening. Emperor Taizong remarked, "Having Kou Zhun is like Emperor Taizong of Tang having Wei Zheng."

In 1004, during Emperor Zhenzong's reign, the Liao forces from the North initialized a major invasion and came surprisingly close to the Song capital. When other officials such as Wang Qinruo suggested that the emperor desert the city and find a new capital in Southern China, Kou Zhun suggested the emperor come to the front line to boost the Song army's morale. Emperor Zhenzong listened to Kou Zhun's suggestion, and the Song forces successfully resisted the Liao invasion, ending in the Chanyuan Treaty.

Wang Qinruo, another Song official, was notably jealous of Kou Zhun and talked Emperor Zhenzong into distrusting Kou Zhun with words such as "Does my majesty know about gambling? When gamblers are about to lose everything, they take out all of their money for a last gamble. Kou Zhun was using your majesty as his stake (in that battle), which was incredibly dangerous." Soon Kou Zhun was banished from his post.


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