日本 人物列表
谷川俊太郎 Shuntaro Tanikawa与谢野晶子 Yosano Akiko石川啄木 Takuboku Ishikawa
岛崎藤村 Shimazaki冈元凤 Yuan Feng Gang
星野道夫 Michio Hoshino
日本 平成时代  (1952年9月27日1996年8月8日)
Hoshino Michio
出生地: 日本千叶县市川

星野道夫(日本语:ほしの みちお,英语:Michio Hoshino,1952年9月27日-1996年8月8日),日本千叶县市川,毕业于庆应大学经济系。为知名摄影师,以生态摄影闻名于世,与美国摄影师安塞尔·亚当斯齐名


美国阿拉斯加州锡特卡于2008年8月8日设立星野道夫纪念图腾柱(Totem Poles),当天也是他逝世12周年,遗孀也从日本前来参加仪式


  • 1986年:第三届平凡社动物摄影奖。
  • 1990年:第十五届木村伊兵卫奖。
  • 1999年:日本摄影协会追赠特别奖。


  • 《旅行的树》
  • 《阿拉斯加,光与风》
  • 《表现者》
  • 《星野道夫的工作1~4》
  • 《北方的光》


  1. ^ 存档副本[2011-08-18]. (原始内容存档于2020-04-19).
  2. 跳转至:2.0 2.1 Totem pole to honor photographer Michio HoshinoRaven Radio News, Andi McDaniel. 2008-08-01.
  3. ^ Kantner, Seth. Shopping for Porcupine, p. 120. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Milkweed, 2008.
  4. ^ "Michio Hoshino Dies While Filming Bears"The New York Times, September 22, 1996, accessed January 12, 2011.


Michio Hoshino (星野 道夫Hoshino Michio, September 27, 1952 – August 8, 1996) was a Japanese-born nature photographer. He originally hailed from IchikawaChiba Prefecture. Considered one of the most accomplished nature photographers of his era and compared to Ansel Adams, Hoshino specialized in photographing Alaskan wildlife until he was killed by a brown bear while on assignment in Kurilskoye LakeRussia in 1996. Lynn Schooler's book The Blue Bear relates the story of the author's friendship with Hoshino, a man he admired greatly for his skill as a photographer and his humanity. Schooler is a wilderness guide who became a photographer in his own right under Hoshino's tutelage. Another book, The Only Kayak by Kim Heacox, describes Hoshino's journeys to Glacier Bay as well as his own close personal friendship with Hoshino.

A memorial totem pole was raised in Sitka, Alaska, on August 8, 2008 (the 12-year anniversary of Hoshino's death), in honor of his work. Relatives and witnesses from Japan, including his widow, Naoko, attended the ceremony. Hoshino's wife and son survive him.

Last Photo Hoax

A photo of a bear entering a tent circulating the internet has been framed as the last photo that Michio Hoshino took before he got mauled by said bear is in fact incorrect. The photo was in fact a photo entered into the Worth1000 photoshop competition, which theme was "hoax last photo taken before death".


Michio's interest in Alaska began at the age of 19, when he bought a photo book showing the village of Shishmaref. Wanting to see it for himself, he sent a letter to the village's mayor, who replied six months later inviting him to visit. The following summer, he spent three months there, taking photographs and helping to catch fish.

Hoshino's photographs

Further reading


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