日本 人物列表
谷川俊太郎 Shuntaro Tanikawa与谢野晶子 Yosano Akiko石川啄木 Takuboku Ishikawa
岛崎藤村 Shimazaki冈元凤 Yuan Feng Gang陈舜臣 Chin Shunshin
川口长孺 Kawaguchi Changru辻原登 Noboru Tsuji高桥敷 Takahashi apply
大江健三郎 Kenzaburō Ōe茂吕美耶 Moro Miya山冈庄八 Yamaoka Sohachi
山本常朝 Chang Korean Yamamoto石原结实 Ishihara strong坂东真理子 Mariko Bando
千叶丽子 1000 叶丽子福田千晶 Fu 田千晶高桥美佳 Takahashi Meijia
中泽琉美 Nakazawa Okinawa U.S.立石员子 Tateishi member sub-津田妙子 Jin 田妙子
辜朝明 Koo松嶋·亚 Song Nakajima Asia大野耐一 Taiichi Ohno
樋口泰行 Yasuyuki Higuchi海音寺潮五郎 Kaionji Chogoro甲田光雄 A 田光雄
东茂由 Tung Mau by the黑泽明 Akira Kurosawa桐山桂一 Kiriyama Keiichi
井上笃夫 Inoue Du Fu重野秀一 Shuichi Shigeno加藤正秀 Kato Masahide
伊奘诺尊 Izanagi respect天照大神 Amaterasu神武天皇 Emperor Jimmu
绥靖天皇 Appeasement Emperor安宁天皇 Annei Tennō懿德天皇 Itoku-tenno
孝昭天皇 Kosho-tenno孝安天皇 Koan-tenno孝灵天皇 Emperor Xiao Ling
孝元天皇 Kogen-tenno开化天皇 Civilized Emperor崇神天皇 Emperor worship God
垂仁天皇 Emperor Suinin景行天皇 Kageyuki Emperor成务天皇 Emperor into service
仲哀天皇 Emperor Chuai神功皇后 Jingū Kōgō应神天皇 God Emperor should be
仁德天皇 Emperor Ren履中天皇 To fulfill the Emperor反正天皇 Hanzei-tennō
允恭天皇 Ingō-tennō安康天皇 Ankō Tennō雄略天皇 雄略 Emperor
清宁天皇 Qing 宁天皇显宗天皇 Exoteric Emperor仁贤天皇 Renxian Emperor
木村拓哉 Kimura Takuya
日本  (1972年11月13日)
Takuya Kimura

Takuya Kimura

木村拓哉(日语:木村 拓哉きむら たくや Kimura Takuya,1972年11月13日)是日本知名歌手演员配音员,已解散的日本偶像团体SMAP的前成员。东京都出生,经纪公司为杰尼斯事务所。2000年时与歌手工藤静香结婚, 并分别于2001年和2003年生下木村心美木村光希两个女儿[注 1]



1987年11月,加入杰尼斯事务所。1991年9月9日,与中居正广稲垣吾郎森且行草彅刚香取慎吾组成男子偶像团体SMAP, 并以单曲《Can't Stop!! -LOVING-》正式出道





2019年9月29日,在自己主持的广播节目《木村拓哉 Flow supported by GYAO!》中宣布开始作为个人歌手进行活动。2020年1月8日,专辑《Go with the Flow》将在SMAP时代所属唱片公司胜利娱乐发行


  • 第11-15届日本Best Jeans奖得主(1994年-1998年),名人堂入选。
  • TV LIFE年度日剧大赏最佳男主角
    • 第6届:《悠长假期》(1996年)
    • 第7届:《快递高手》、《恋爱世代》(1997年)
    • 第10届:《美丽人生》(2000年)
    • 第11届:《HERO》(2001年)
  • 日刊体育日剧大赏最佳男主角
    • 第1届:《恋爱世代》(1998年)
    • 第3届:《美丽人生》(1999年)
    • 第4届:《HERO》(2001年)
    • 第6届:《梦想飞行》(2003年)
    • 第17届秋:《安堂机器人》(2013年)
    • 第18届夏:《HERO 第二季》(2014年)
  • TVnavi日剧年度大赏最佳男主角
    • 第4届:《华丽一族》(2007年)
    • 第9届:《PRICELESS~无价人生~》(2012年)
    • 第10届:《安堂机器人》(2013年)
  • 日本放送映画艺术大赏优秀男主角奖
    • 第61届:《武士的一分》(2007年)
    • 第66届:《南极大陆》(2011年)
  • 首尔戏剧奖最佳男主角:《华丽一族》(2007年)




1998年织田信长 夺取天下的傻子织田信长单元剧
古畑任三郎 VS. SMAP木村拓哉
忠臣蔵 1/47堀部武庸单元剧
2015年I’m Home家路久朝日电视台首度主演朝日电视台连续剧
2017年A LIFE〜深爱的人〜冲田一光TBS电视台第7度主演周日剧场
2019年Grand Maison东京尾花夏树TBS电视台第8度主演周日剧场
2020年教场 (日剧)风间公亲富士电视台单元剧


  • 武士的一分(2006年12月1日公映,松竹)-饰:三村新之丞
  • HERO(2007年9月8日公映,东宝)-饰:久利生公平
  • HERO(2015年7月18日公映,东宝)-饰:久利生公平


  • 导盲犬(盲導犬)(1989年,日生剧场)
  • 勇者斗恶龙(ドラゴンクエスト)(1992年,京都南座)
  • 花影之花~大石内蔵助之妻(花影の花〜大石内蔵助の妻)(1992年,日生剧场)
  • ANOTHER~沉默之岛篇·少年之岛篇(ANOTHER〜沈黙の島編・少年の島編 )(1993年,天王洲Art Sphere、京都南座)
  • 时尚男士~Modern Boys~(洒落男たち〜モダンボーイズ〜)(1994年)


  • 花样男子 CD书-配:花泽类
    • 花样男子(1993年7月)
    • 花样男子2(1993年12月)
    • 花样男子3(1994年7月)
  • 蜡笔小新(2015年5月29日、6月5日,朝日电视台)-配:野原家家族


  • COMING OUT!(カミングOUT!)(1994年10月29日-1995年3月25日,TBS电视台)
  • 伊藤公式(イトイ式)(1995年4月29日-9月30日,日本电视台)-助理主持
  • TV's HIGH(2000年10月13日-2001年3月23日,富士电视台)
  • SmaSTATION!!(2001年10月13日-2017年9月23日,朝日电视台)-助理主持
  • SANTAKU(2003年1月3日-迄今,富士电视台)



  • 星期五Mega TV 爱与勇气的档案 儿童医院24小时(1996年10月12日,富士电视台)





  • JCB(1997年-)


  • 《番茄汁啊》(トマトジュースだよ〜ん)——明石家秋刀鱼松本敦联合作曲。于2014年1月1日在《SANTAKU》公开,成为该节目中的第一首原创歌曲。


  • 竹内玛莉亚今夜Heart Party》——竹内玛丽亚于1995年发行的单曲。木村拓哉参与了部分歌词的创作,比如歌词中有“木拓”(キムタク)这样的短语。同时,木村还负责歌曲开始部分“ねぇ、パーティにおいでよ”的演唱,以及歌曲中的和声部分。




  • Myojo》“看看木村的开放区!(KIMURA開放区ざまをみろ!)”(1995年6月号-2012年)


  • DVD《一分TAKUYA KIMURA》(2006年,NBC环球)EAN 4988102307332



  1. ^ 根据2017年娱乐媒体的报导中所提到的年纪,推断出两个女儿的出生年份。 页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  2. ^ 该角色由木村拓哉饰演,但原片为英语发音。日语版则依旧由木村拓哉为自己所饰演的角色配音。


  1. ^ ペッパー君、キムタクにムチャ振り連発日刊体育 (日刊体育新闻社). 2014-08-19[2014-09-17]. (原始内容存档于2014-08-19).
  2. ^ キムタク「HERO」“再続編”に含み「久利生くたばらなさそう」. Sponichi Annex (体育日本新闻社). 2014-09-08 [2014-09-17]. (原始内容存档于2014-09-12).
  3. ^ 布布. 赤西仁曝杰尼斯禁语 称木村拓哉“木拓”腾讯网. 腾讯娱乐. [2017-10-22]. (原始内容存档于2017-10-22).
  4. ^ 哈日剧. 【校園特輯】傑尼斯藝人們的出身校&偏差值. 好享看影视娱乐网. [2017-10-22]. (原始内容存档于2017-10-22).
  5. ^ 木村拓哉14岁女儿照片首次曝光 完美身材比例引來围观凤凰网. 凤凰娱乐. [2017-10-22]. (原始内容存档于2017-10-22).
  6. ^ 【12套神话日剧上架】百变木村拓哉开创姐弟恋先河 日本人心中《悠长假期》只系NO.2
  7. ^ 陪伴大家成长:回顾木村拓哉29年来的经典日剧“履历表”
  8. 跳转至:8.0 8.1 8.2 木村拓哉-映画ならKINENOTE 页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆” KINENOTE 2016年5月20日阅覧。
  9. ^ 木村拓哉のプロフィール 页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆” ORICON STYLE 2014年11月16日阅覧。
  10. ^ 山P「月9」救世主になる! 「コード・ブルー」7年ぶり再来. デイリースポーツ. 2017-03-10[2017-04-23]. (原始内容存档于2017-04-24).
  11. ^ キムタク貫禄、好きな男15年連続1位. 日刊スポーツ. 2008-09-23 [2017-04-23]. (原始内容存档于2017-04-24).
  12. ^ 木村拓哉もSMAP解散をファンに謝罪「本当に、ごめん」. Sponichi Annex. 2016-08-19[2016-08-19]. (原始内容存档于2016-08-20).
  13. ^ 木村拓哉ソロアルバム発売!アレキ、B'z稲叶、槇原敬之、水野良树、小山田圭吾ら曲提供 页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆,音楽ナタリー,2019年9月29日
  14. ^ 木村拓哉アルバムのタイトルと発売日が决定、MVのメイキング映像公开(コメントあり) 页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆,音楽ナタリー,2019年9月30日
  15. ^ キスマイ藤ヶ谷、ベストジーニスト殿堂入り 先輩のキムタク、草なぎ、亀梨、相葉に続き男性5人目ORICON NEWS. 2016-10-11 [2017-04-23]. (原始内容存档于2016-12-15).
  16. 跳转至:16.0 16.1 キムタクが主演男優賞/映画大賞. 日刊スポーツ. 2007-12-05 [2017-04-23]. (原始内容存档于2017-04-24).
  17. ^ エランドール賞歴代受賞者一覧. 日本映画テレビプロデューサー协会. 2015 [2017-04-23]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-05).
  18. ^ 東京スポーツ 映画大賞. 东スポWeb. 2016 [2017-04-23]. (原始内容存档于2012-12-04).
  19. ^ 第32回奨励賞受賞作品. 放送批评恳谈会. [2017-04-23]. (原始内容存档于2012-03-04).
  20. ^ 発表! 第82回ドラマアカデミー賞. ザテレビジョン関西版 (KADOKAWA): 6–10.
  21. ^ TV LIFE年間ドラマ大賞 受賞リスト. TV LIFE. [2017-04-23]. (原始内容存档于2017-11-02).
  22. ^ 日刊スポーツ・ドラマグランプリ 歴代の受賞者・受賞作品. 日刊スポーツ. 2016[2017-04-23]. (原始内容存档于2014-05-18).
  23. ^ 「安堂ロイド」が4冠/ドラマGP秋. 日刊スポーツ. 2013 [2017-04-23]. (原始内容存档于2017-04-24).
  24. ^ 「HERO」が4冠. 日刊スポーツ. 2014 [2017-04-23]. (原始内容存档于2017-10-23).
  25. ^ 第12回 TVnavi読者が選んだドラマ・オブ・ザ・イヤー2015結果発表!TVnavi web. 2016[2017-04-23]. (原始内容存档于2016-08-03).
  26. ^ 第26回「放送文化基金賞」受賞一覧. 放送文化基金. (原始内容存档于2003年1月2日). 已忽略未知参数|deadlinkdate= (帮助); 已忽略未知参数|deadlink=(建议使用|dead-url=) (帮助)
  27. ^ ビートたけし “秀吉”で受賞「私はキムタクさんのおまけ」. スポニチアネックス. 2012-11-01 [2017-04-23]. (原始内容存档于2017-06-20).
  28. ^ 初代「宇宙戦艦ヤマト」でアニメ映画新作. nikkansports.com. 2011-11-10 [2016-08-24]. (原始内容存档于2014-11-15). 已忽略未知参数|deadlinkdate= (帮助)
  29. ^ 三池监督 キクタクの起用理由を语る 页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆”デイリースポーツ 2015年10月5日阅覧。
  30. ^ 木村拓哉、『無限の住人』で10年ぶり時代劇主演! 三池監督と初タッグに興奮. マイナビニュース. 2015-10-05 [2015-10-05]. (原始内容存档于2015-10-07).
  31. ^ REDLINE. マッドハウス. [2016-06-24]. (原始内容存档于2016-08-26).
  32. ^ 木村拓哉、『クレヨンしんちゃん』にゲスト出演 野原一家全員を演じるORICON. 2015-05-21 [2015-05-21]. (原始内容存档于2015-05-23).
  33. ^ # 木村拓哉跨足遊戲界主演登場:審判之眼 死神的遺言. L.DOPE. [2018-09-11] (中文(台湾)‎).
  34. ^ 木村拓哉、『レッドクリフ』『M:I-2』の名匠と初コラボCMORICON. 2015-07-26[2015-07-27]. (原始内容存档于2015-07-26).
  35. ^ SMAP・木村拓哉、和服姿で着物美人と待ち合わせ「ドキドキしちゃいます」. マイナビニュース. 2016-01-18 [2016-01-18]. (原始内容存档于2016-01-18).
  36. ^ “木村拓哉、山下达郎から“爱してるよと言って”と赖まれ…” 页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆cyzo woman(2008年11月6日)2017年4月23日阅覧。
  37. ^ 竹内まりやベスト・アルバム‘expressions’ライナーノーツより


Takuya Kimura (Japanese木村 拓哉HepburnKimura Takuya, born November 13, 1972), also known as "Kimutaku" ("キムタク"), is a Japanese actor, singer, and radio personality. He is regarded as a Japanese icon after achieving success as an actor. He was also a popular member of SMAP, one of the best-selling boy bands in East Asia.

A 1996 television drama series, Long Vacation, in which he landed his first lead role, became a massive success, creating a phrase called the "Lon-bake phenomenon". He was given the title, "The King of Ratings", as his subsequent television series continued to generate high ratings and each show became a social phenomenon as it aired. Five of his works are ranked in the 10 best-viewed TV drama series in Japan, the highest of which is his 2001 drama series, Hero. He also starred in blockbuster films, including Love and Honor (2006), Hero (2007) and Howl's Moving Castle (as a voice actor, 2004).



In 1987, at age 15, Kimura auditioned to enter Johnny & Associates, a talent agency that recruits and trains young boys, preteens to teens, to become singers and members of boy bands. After five of the other band members auditioning individually from 1986 through 1987, in autumn 1987, twenty boys, from ages ten to seventeen, were put together into a group called The Skate Boys, which was initially created as backup dancers for a famous boy band, Hikaru Genji. In April 1988, producer Johnny Kitagawa chose six out of the twenty boys to create a new boy band and named them "SMAP".


In 1988, Kimura made his acting debut in a television series, Abunai Shonen III, along with his band members. After appearing in several television series, he first attracted attention after landing a role in a high-rated television series, Asunaro Hakusho, in 1993. The scene where he hugged his co-star Hikari Ishida from behind became popular in Japan and a man hugging a girl from behind was later named "asunaro daki", meaning "asunaro hug". From 1994, men in Japan started copying his fashion and style, as clothes and fashion items became instant hits, the thick, black-rimmed glasses he wore in Asunaro Hakusho, being one of them. The phenomenon was collectively called the "Kimutaku syndrome". He won the Ishihara Yujiro New Artist Award for his performance in Shoot, in which he made his screen debut.

He first landed the lead role in Long Vacation in 1996. The series, which aired every Monday night, saw massive success and was the highest-rated program that year, thus becoming a social phenomenon. Media stated that, "women disappear from the city on Mondays", pointing out the large viewership and how intoxicating the show was for women in Japan. After Kimura playing a young pianist, there was a rapid increase of young men who started taking piano lessons. The cultural impact and influences of the show is commonly referred to as the "Lonvaca (ron-bake) phenomenon". This was also a breakthrough for Kimura as an actor and helped him gain recognition and a more broad fan base. In 2000, he starred in a television series, Beautiful Life, which became a massive hit, with the final episode marking above the 40% household share rating and becoming the highest-rated program for that slot (Sunday 9:00pm). In 2001, Kimura starred in Hero, which became the all-time highest-rated television series in Japan and the only program in history to have all episodes mark above the 30% household share rating. Subsequent television series, such as Good Luck!!Pride and Engine, also generated high-ratings. Five of his most successful television series, Hero (2001), Beautiful Life (2000), Love Generation (1997), Good Luck!! (2003), and Long Vacation (1996) are ranked in the top ten highest-rated television series in Japanese history.

In 2004, he played a supporting role in a Cannes-nominated film 2046, and walked the red carpet of Cannes Festival for the first time. He also played the title role of Howl's Moving Castle as a voice actor in 2004. He was the lead actor in Love and Honor (2006). Although he was nominated for numerous prestigious awards for Love and Honor, including the Japan Academy Award, his agency, Johnny & Associates, declined all nominations, though some organizations still announced him as the winner, such as the Tokyo Sports Film Awards, headed by Takeshi Kitano and Cinema Junpo. Earning over 40.3 billion yen, the film became the biggest hit for director Yoji Yamada during his four-decade career, as well as becoming the biggest box-office earner in Shochiku's history.


As a member of the boy band SMAP, he used to co-host a weekly variety show SMAPxSMAP for 20 years until December 2016 and they welcomed a number of international celebrities such as Michael Jackson, Madonna and Lady Gaga as well as Japanese guests. He has also showed up in other shows as an actor occasionally. He hosts an annual TV variety called Santaku with comedian Sanma Akashiya in new year since 2003, but in 2017 it was broadcast in April due to the official disbanding of the band on New Year's Eve.

Personal life

Kimura married singer Shizuka Kudo on December 5, 2000. They have two daughters, Cocomi, born on May 1, 2001; and Mitsuki, born on February 5, 2003.

Other ventures

Product endorsement

Takuya Kimura was the previous brand ambassador for the Japanese men's grooming brand GATSBY, promoting its iconic Moving Rubber series.


Takuya Kimura's costume in Hero


1994Shoot!Yoshiharu KuboLeading role
1995Kimi wo WasurenaiJyunichiro Ueda
20042046TakuHong Kong film
Howl's Moving CastleHowl (voice)Leading role
2006Love and HonorShinosuke MimuraLeading role
2007HeroKohei KuryuLeading role
2009I Come with the RainShitaoFrench film
2010RedlineJP (voice)Leading role
Space Battleship YamatoSusumu KodaiLeading role
2015HeroKohei KuryuLeading role
2017Blade of the ImmortalManjiLeading role
2018Killing for the ProsecutionTakeshi MogamiLeading role
2019Masquerade HotelKōsuke NittaLeading role
2020Doraemon: Nobita's New DinosaurJill (voice)

Television (as actor)

YearTitleBroadcasting stationRoleNotes
1988Abunai Shonen IIIHimselfLeading role
1990Jikan Desuyo
1991Rugby Yattete YokattaMasaki Hirai
Romeo and JulietRomeoLeading role
SukinanoniEiichi Tamura
1992Matenro wa Barairo niNoboru Misawa
Yonimo Kimyo na MonogatariInakamonoLeading role
Shojo Ijyou Shounen MimanYuichi Konno
Motto, Tokimeki woHimselfGuest appearance
Sono toki Heartwa NusumaretaMasato Katase
1993Boku dake no MegamiTakeshi
Izu no OdorikoKawasaki
Asunaro HakushoFuji TVOsamu Toride
1994Kimi ni TsutaetaiToru Yamashita
Wakamono no SubeteFuji TVTakeshi Ueda
1995Kimi wa Toki no Kanata eMotoyasu MatsudairaLeading role
Jinsei wa JyojyodaTBSKazuma Ooue
Yonimo Kimyou na MonogatariOshimoto
1996Furuhata NinzaburoFuji TVIsao Hayashi
Long VacationFuji TVHidetoshi SenaLeading role
KyousoukyokuTBSSho Kikura
1997Boku ga Boku de Arutame niRiki KurosawaLeading role
GiftFuji TVYukio HayasakaLeading role
Ii HitoYukio HayasakaGuest appearance
Love GenerationFuji TVTeppei Katakiri
1998Oda Nobunaga: Tenka wo Totta BakaTBSNobunaga OdaLeading role
Nemureru MoriFuji TVNaoki ItoLeading role
1999Furuhata Ninzaburo vs SMAPHimselfLeading role
Yonimo Kimyo na MonogatariFuji TVKimio
Konya wa EigyouchuHimselfLeading role
2000Beautiful LifeTBSShuji OkishimaLeading role
Densetsu no KyoushiYoji MizutaniGuest appearance; episode 11
Food FightKyutaro (voice)
2001HeroFuji TVKohei KuryuLeading role
2001Yonimo Kimyo na MonogatariFuji TVNaoki YunomotoLeading role
2002Sora Kara Furu Ichioku no HoshiFuji TVRyo KataseLeading role
2003Good Luck!!TBSHajime ShinkaiLeading role
2004PrideFuji TVHaru SatonakaLeading role
X’smapFuji TVAjiiLeading role
2005EngineFuji TVJiro ShinzakiLeading role
2006SaiyūkiFuji TVGenyokudaiouGuest appearance; episode 1
Hero SPFuji TVKohei KuryuLeading role
2007Karei naru IchizokuTBSTeppei ManpyoLeading role
2008Change!Fuji TVAsakura KeitaLeading role
2009Sekai ni Hitotsu dake no Hana SakasuTakuyaCameo appearance
Mr. BrainTBSRyusuke TsukumoLeading role
Kochi KameTakuboCameo appearance; episode 8
2010Tsuki no Koibito Moon LoversFuji TVRensuke HazukiLeading role
Dokutomato Satsujin JikenHimselfLeading role
2011Nankyoku TairikuTBSTakeshi KuramochiLeading role
2012PricelessFuji TVFumio KindaichiLeading role
2013Furuhata vs SMAP The AftermathHimselfLeading role
Andō Lloyd: A.I. knows Love?Ando RoidoLeading role
2014Oretachi ni Asu wa aruFuji TVHimselfLeading role
Sazae-sanFuji TVHimself (voice)Episode 7148: “Recipe for a Smile”
Miyamoto MusashiTV AsahiMusashi MiyamotoLeading role
Gokuaku GamboFuji TVKohei KuryuGuest appearance; episode 11
Hero 2Fuji TVKohei KuryuLeading role
2015I'm HomeTV AsahiHisashi IejiLeading role
2017A LifeTBSKazuaki OkitaLeading role
2018BG Personal BodyguardTV AsahiAkira ShimazakiLeading role
Jimmy: The True Story of a True IdiotNetflixComedianCameo appearance
2019La Grande Maison TokyoTBSNatsuki ObanaLeading role
2020BG Personal Bodyguard Season 2TV AsahiAkira ShimazakiLeading role

Television (as personality)

1995–2015Sanma&SMAPHimself (host)TV special; 21 episodes
1996–2016SMAPxSMAPHimself (host, chef, performer)
2000–2001TV's HighHimselfHost
2001–2015SmaStationHimselfGuest appearance
2003–presentSanTakuHimself (host)TV special; 13 episodes
2007–2016Baby SmapHimself (host)


1995–2018What's Up SMAPHimself (host)
2018–Kimura Takuya: FLOWHimself (host)


1991Saint SeiyaKaio Poseidon / Julian SoloMain role
1992Dragon QuestMain role
Hanakage no Hana
1993AnotherMain role

Video games

2018JudgmentTakayuki Yagami


  • Go with the Flow (2020)


Blue Ribbon Awards2006Best ActorLove and HonorDeclined nomination
Broadcasting Culture Fund Award2000Best ActorBeautiful LifeWon
Elan d'Or Award1994Newcomer of the YearShoot!Won
Galaxy Award1995Individual PerformanceWakamono no SubeteWon
Japanese Academy Awards for Best Actor Award2006Best ActorLove and HonorDeclined nomination
Japan Film Awards2006Best ActorLove and HonorNominated
2011Best ActorNankyoku TairikuWon
Japan Jeans Makers Association1994Best JeanistWon
1995Best JeanistWon
1996Best JeanistWon
1997Best JeanistWon
1998Best Jeanist (Hall of Fame)Won
Nikkan Sports Drama Grand Prix1998Best ActorLove GenerationWon
1999Best ActorBeautiful LifeWon
2001Best ActorHeroWon
2003Best ActorGood Luck!!Won
2008Best ActorChange!Won
2012Best ActorPricelessWon
2013Best ActorAndo Lloyd: A.I. knows Love?Won
Nikkan Sports Film Awards1994Ishihara Yujiro New ArtistShoot!Won
2006Best ActorLove and HonorWon
Seoul Drama Awards2007Best performance (Leading role)Karei naru IchizokuWon
Television Drama Academy Awards1994Best OutfitWakamono no SubeteWon
1995Best OutfitJinsei wa Jojo daWon
1996Best ActorLong VacationWon
1996Best ActorConcertoWon
1997Best CastGiftWon
1997Best ActorLove GenerationWon
1998Best ActorNemureru MoriWon
1999Best ActorBeautiful LifeWon
2001Best ActorHeroWon
2002Best ActorSora Kara Furu Ichioku no HoshiWon
2005Best ActorEngineNominated
2007Best ActorKarei naru IchizokuWon
2008Best ActorChange!Won
2009Best ActorMr. BrainNominated
2012Best ActorPricelessWon
2014Best ActorHero 2Won
Tokyo Sports Film Awards2006Best ActorLove and HonorWon
TV Life Annual Drama Grand Prix1996Best ActorLong VacationWon
1997Best ActorGiftWon
1997Best ActorLove GenerationWon
2000Best ActorBeautiful LifeWon
2001Best ActorHeroWon
TV Navi Drama of the Year2007Best performance (Leading role)Karei naru IchizokuWon
2013Best performance (Leading role)Ando Lloyd: A.I. knows Love?Won
TV Station Drama Awards2000Best ActorBeautiful LifeWon
2001Best ActorHeroWon



  1. ^ "SMAP member profiles" (in Japanese). Johnny's net. Retrieved February 17, 2010.
  2. ^ "木村拓哉の原点は岡本健一? SMAPメンバーの名前も出たラジオでの思い出話を聞いて"Real Sound|リアルサウンド (in Japanese). Retrieved June 4, 2019.
  3. ^ "SMAP"Japan-Zone. Retrieved December 13, 2009.
  4. ^ "SMAPの前身「スケートボーイズ」に所属していた豪華メンバーたち"Excite News. Nikkan Taishu. Archived from the originalon January 27, 2017. Retrieved August 26, 2015.
  5. ^ "Housemaid drama series logs highest rating in nearly 12 years". Japan Economic Newswire.
  6. ^ 『HERO』、全話30%超の視聴率を達成 平均視聴率も新記録Archived July 6, 2006, at the Wayback Machine
  7. ^ 平均視聴率ランキングA(平均視聴率18%以上) ArchivedApril 17, 2008, at the Wayback Machine
  8. ^ "Film of the day". Evening Gazette. p. 22.
  9. ^ "Kimutaku Declines Academy Nomination". Japan Zone. December 20, 2006. Retrieved December 17, 2009.
  10. ^ "Kimura Takuya GATSBY Ver 2 木村拓哉". kawaiinight. Retrieved June 6, 2009.
  11. Jump up to:a b http://neotokyo2099.com/2018/07/21/kimura-takuyas-radio-program-whats-up-smap-is-ending-new-radio-show-kimura-takuya-flow-to-premiere-on-august-5th/
  12. ^ https://www.siliconera.com/project-judge-is-pretty-much-detective-kimura-takuya-ga-gotoku-heres-some-demo-footage/
  13. ^ "第26回放送文化基金賞は『ビューティフルライフ』が受賞 本賞のほか男優、女優、脚本の各部門で受賞". Retrieved June 3,2014.
  14. ^ "Japan Film Awards". Retrieved June 3, 2014.
  15. ^ "Best Jeanist Award- past winner". Archived from the originalon July 18, 2014. Retrieved June 3, 2014.
  16. ^ "30 November,1994 Nikkan Sports Film Award - Yujiro Ishihara New Artist Award". Retrieved June 2, 2014.
  17. ^ "Nikkan Sports Film Award 2007". Retrieved June 2, 2014.
  18. ^ "Television Drama Academy Awards". Retrieved June 2, 2014.

External links


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