英国 人物列表
贝奥武甫 Beowulf乔叟 Geoffrey Chaucer埃德蒙·斯宾塞 Edmund Spenser
威廉·莎士比亚 William Shakespeare琼森 Ben Jonson米尔顿 John Milton
多恩 John Donne马维尔 Andrew Marvell格雷 Thomas Gray
布莱克 William Blake华兹华斯 William Wordsworth萨缪尔·柯勒律治 Samuel Coleridge
司各特 Sir Walter Scott拜伦 George Gordon Byron雪莱 Percy Bysshe Shelley
济慈 John Keats艾米莉·勃朗特 Emily Bronte勃朗宁夫人 Elizabeth Barret Browning
爱德华·菲茨杰拉德 Edward Fitzgerald丁尼生 Alfred Tennyson罗伯特·勃朗宁 Robert Browning
阿诺德 Matthew Arnold哈代 Thomas Hardy艾略特 Thomas Stearns Eliot
劳伦斯 David Herbert Lawrence狄兰·托马斯 Dylan Thomas麦凯格 Norman Maccaig
麦克林 Somhairle Mac Gill-Eain休斯 Ted Hughes拉金 Philip Larkin
彼得·琼斯 Peter Jones崔瑞德 Denis Twitchett阿诺德·汤因比 Arnold Joseph Toynbee
约翰·劳埃德 John Lloyd约翰·米奇森 约翰米奇森保罗·科利尔 Paul Collier
亚当·斯密 Adam Smith戴维·米勒 D.W.Miller多丽丝·莱辛 Doris Lessing
乔纳森·斯威夫特 Jonathan Swift乔纳森·普雷西 Jonathan Pryce乔纳森 Jonathan
约翰·曼 John Man尼古拉斯·科兹洛夫 Nikolas Kozloff葛瑞姆·汉卡克 Graham Hancock
韦恩·鲁尼 Wayne Rooney戴维-史密斯 David - Smith史蒂芬·贝利 Stephen Bayley
戴斯蒙德·莫里斯 Desmond Morris乔治·奥威尔 George Orwell辛西娅.列侬 Cynthia Lennon
亚历山大·史迪威 Alexander Stillwell唐纳德 A.麦肯齐 Donald Alexander Mackenzie亚伦·卡尔 Allen Carr
玛丽·杰克斯 Mary Jaksch亚当·杰克逊 Adam J. Jackson罗斯玛丽·戴维森 Rosemary Davidson
萨拉·瓦因 Sarah VineE·凯·崔姆博格 E.Kay Trimberger维多利亚·贝克汉姆 Victoria Beckham
弗吉尼亚·伍尔芙 Virginia Woolf
英国 温莎王朝  (1882年1月25日1941年3月28日)
Adeline Virginia Woolf

Virginia Woolf
弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫(英语:Virginia Woolf;1882年1月25日-1941年3月28日),英国作家,被誉为二十世纪现代主义女性主义的先锋。在一战与二战的战间期,她是伦敦文学界的核心人物,同时也是布卢姆茨伯里派Bloomsbury Group)的成员。最知名的小说包括《达洛维夫人》(Mrs. Dalloway)、《到灯塔去》(To the Lighthouse)、《雅各的房间》(Jakob's Room)、《奥兰多》,散文《自己的房间》等,其中的名言指出,女人必须有她自己的一点收入及独立的房间。


1882年1月25日,弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫于伦敦出生,当时她的父母给她取名阿德琳(Adeline)。截至她结婚前都叫阿德琳·弗吉尼亚·斯蒂芬(Adeline Virginia Stephen)。

而她的父母双方都曾丧偶,所以伍尔夫与她的异母/异父兄弟姊妹住在一起,整个家庭跨三宗婚姻。她的父亲是当时显赫的编辑莱斯利·史蒂芬爵士(Sir Leslie Stephen),也是文学评论家及传记作者。他的亡妻为萨克雷的幼女,因此,他与很多文学名士都有往来,包括亨利·詹姆斯丁尼生托马斯·哈代。伍尔夫的母亲是一个美人,曾为前拉斐尔派的画家爱德华·波恩-琼斯(Edward Burne-Jones)担任模特。伍尔夫跟随父母住在伦敦市区,那里邻近海德公园。另外,她的早年教育由父母在家指导完成。


1897至1901年间,伍尔夫于伦敦国王学院接受古希腊、拉丁语、德语及历史教育。后来在自传《存在的瞬间》(Moments of Being)中道出她和姐姐瓦内萨·贝尔Vanessa Bell)曾遭受同母异父的哥哥乔治和杰瑞德·杜克沃斯(Gerald Duckworth性侵的遭遇。1904年,父亲莱斯利·斯蒂芬爵士去世之后,她和瓦内萨迁居到了布卢姆斯伯里Bloomsbury)。后来她们和几位朋友创立了布卢姆茨伯里派文人团体。她在1905年开始职业写作生涯,最初为《泰晤士报文学增刊》撰稿。



1915年,她的第一部小说《远航》出版,其后作品都深受评论界和读者喜爱。大部分作品是由自己和其丈夫成立的“贺加斯岀版”(Hogarth Press) 推岀。


伍尔夫患有严重的忧郁症,她曾在1936年写给朋友的信中提及:“永不要相信我的信,不骗你,写这信之前我彻夜未眠,瞪着一瓶三氯乙醛,喃喃说着不能、不要,你不能饮。”1941年3月28日,她在自己的口袋里装满了石头之后,投入了位于罗德麦尔(Rodmell)她家附近的欧塞河(River Ouse)自尽,留下了给丈夫的遗书。伍尔夫与詹姆斯·乔伊斯同年出生,又同年死去,两人又同是意识流的代表作家。


最近关于伍尔夫的研究大多关注于三个方向:女权主义同性恋倾向及忧郁症病史。这方面的一个例子是 1997 年 Eileen Barrett 和 Patricia Cramer 所著的一系列文学批评:《Virginia Woolf: Lesbian Readings》。

1966年伊丽莎白·泰勒曾主演的电影《灵欲春宵》(Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf?),但这部影片的名字,却和 Virginia Woolf 没有丝毫关系,而是套用了一曲英国童谣,名为“Who's afraid of the big, bad wolf?”

在 2002 年,出现了一部以伍尔夫在写《达洛维夫人》期间故事为题材的电影《时时刻刻》(The Hours)。这部电影获得了奥斯卡最佳影片奖的提名,最后没有获奖。但是影片的主角妮可·基德曼(Nicole Kidman)获得了最佳女主角奖。这部电影取材于普利策奖得主麦可·康宁汉(Michael Cunningham)1998 年的同名小说。电影名字“The Hours”是伍尔夫在创作期间为《达洛维夫人》所起的暂时名字。不过有些研究伍尔夫的学者对伍尔夫在影片中的形像非常不满。





  • 出航(The Voyage Out,1915年)
  • 夜与日(Night and Day,1919年)
  • 雅各的房间(Jacob's Room,1920年)
  • 达洛维夫人Mrs. Dalloway,1925年)
  • 到灯塔去To the Lighthouse,1927年)
  • 奥兰多Orlando: a Biography,1928年)
  • 海浪The Waves,1931年)
  • 岁月(The Years,1937年)
  • 幕间(Between the Acts,1941年)


  • 自己的房间(A Room of One's Own,1929年)
  • 普通读者I(The Common Reader,1925年)
  • 普通读者II(The Second Common Reader,1933年)
  • 三个畿尼(Three Guineas,1938年)
  • 罗杰·弗莱传记(Roger Fry: A Biography,1940年)
  • 飞蛾之死及其它(The Death of the Moth and Other Essays,1942年)
  • 瞬间及其它随笔(The Moment and Other Essays,1948年)
  • 存在的瞬间(Moments of Being
  • 现代小说(Modern Fiction,1919年)


弗吉尼亚‧伍尔夫出版了三本书,并给了它们“传记” ("A Biography")的副标:

  • Orlando: A Biography (1928, usually characterised as a novel inspired by the life of Vita Sackville-West)
  • Flush: A Biography (1933, more explicitly cross-genre: fiction as "stream of consciousness" tale by Flush, a dog; non-fiction in the sense of telling the story of the owner of the dog, Elizabeth Barrett Browning), reprinted in 2005 by Persephone Books
  • Roger Fry: A Biography (1940, usually characterised as non-fiction, however: "[Woolf's] novelistic skills worked against her talent as a biographer, for her impressionistic observations jostled uncomfortably with the simultaneous need to marshal a multitude of facts.")


  • Modern Fiction (1919)
  • The Common Reader (1925)
  • A Room of One's Own (1929)
  • On Being Ill (1930)
  • The London Scene (1931)
  • The Common Reader: Second Series (1932)
  • Three Guineas (1938)
  • The Death of the Moth and Other Essays (1942)
  • The Moment and Other Essays (1947)
  • The Captain's Death Bed And Other Essays (1950)
  • Granite and Rainbow (1958)
  • Books and Portraits (1978)
  • Women And Writing (1979)
  • Collected Essays (six volumes)


  • Freshwater: A Comedy (performed in 1923, revised in 1935, and published in 1976)



  • A Writer's Diary (1953)—Extracts from the complete diary
  • Moments of Being (1976)
  • A Moment's Liberty: the shorter diary (1990)
  • The Diary of Virginia Woolf (five volumes)—Diary of Virginia Woolf from 1915 to 1941
  • Passionate Apprentice: The Early Journals, 1897–1909 (1990)
  • Travels With Virginia Woolf (1993)—Greek travel diary of Virginia Woolf, edited by Jan Morris
  • The Platform of Time: Memoirs of Family and Friends, Expanded Edition, edited by S. P. Rosenbaum (London, Hesperus, 2008)


  • Congenial Spirits: The Selected Letters (1993)
  • The Letters of Virginia Woolf 1888–1941 (six volumes, 1975–1980)
  • Paper Darts: The Illustrated Letters of Virginia Woolf (1991)

  • Selections Autobiographical and Imaginative from the Works of George Gissing ed. Alfred C. Gissing, with an introduction by Virginia Woolf (London & New York, 1929)



  1. ^ Google celebrates 136th birthday of Virginia Woolf with a doodle.
  2. ^ Kirkpatrick, B. J.; Clarke, Stuart N. A Bibliography of Virginia Woolf 4th. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1997. ISBN 9780198183839.
  3. ^ Frances Spalding (ed.), Virginia Woolf: Paper Darts: the Illustrated Letters, Collins & Brown, 1991, (ISBN 1-85585-046-X) (hb) & (ISBN 1-85585-103-2) (pb), pp. 139–140.


  • Bell, QuentinVirginia Woolf: a Biography. Vol. I: Virginia Stephen 1882 to 1912. London: Hogarth Press. 1972.
  • Bell, QuentinVirginia Woolf: a Biography. Vol. II: Virginia Woolf 1912 to 1941. London: Hogarth Press. 1972.
  • Bell, QuentinVirginia Woolf: A Biography. Rev. ed. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1996.
  • Bennett, Maxwell. Virginia Woolf and Neuropsychiatry. Dordrecht, London: Springer, 2013.
  • Briggs, Julia. Virginia Woolf: An Inner Life. Orlando, FL: Harcourt, 2006. ISBN 0-15-603229-5.
  • Caramago, Thomas D. The Flight of the Mind: Virginia Woolf's Art and Manic-Depressive Illness. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1992.
  • Curtis, Anthony. "Virginia Woolf: Bloomsbury & Beyond", Haus Books, 2006.
  • Dalsimer, Katherine. Virginia Woolf: Becoming a Writer. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2002. ISBN 0-300-09208-3.
  • Dally, Peter. The Marriage of Heaven and Hell: Manic Depression and the Life of Virginia Woolf. New York: St. Martin's Griffin, 2001.
  • Dunn, Jane. A Very Close Conspiracy: Vanessa Bell and Virginia Woolf. Boston: Little, Brown, 1990.
  • Holtby, Winifred. Virginia Woolf: a critical memoir. London: Bloomsbury. 2007 . ISBN 9780826494436. 已忽略未知参数|author&link= (帮助)
  • Gordon, LyndallVirginia Woolf: A Writer's Life. New York: Norton, 1984.
  • Gruber, RuthVirginia Woolf: The Will to Create as a Woman. New York: Carroll & Graf, 2005.
  • Forrester, VivianeVirginia Woolf: A Portrait. United States: Columbia University Press, 2015. ISBN 0231153562
  • King, James. Virginia Woolf. New York: Norton, 1994.
  • Leaska, Mitchell. Granite and Rainbow: The Hidden Life of Virginia Woolf. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1998.
  • Lee, HermioneVirginia Woolf. New York: Knopf, 1997.
  • Nicolson, NigelVirginia Woolf. New York: Penguin, 2000.
  • Poole, Roger. The Unknown Virginia Woolf. Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1978.
  • Reid, Panthea. Art and Affection: A Life of Virginia Woolf. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996.
  • Rosenman, Ellen Bayuk. The Invisible Presence: Virginia Woolf and the Mother-Daughter Relationship. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1986.
  • Szasz, Thomas"My Madness Saved Me": The Madness and Marriage of Virginia Woolf. New Brunswick, NJ : Transaction Publishers, 2006.
  • Blair, Emily. Virginia Woolf and the Nineteenth-century Domestic Novel. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2007. ISBN 0-7914-7119-5.
  • Dalgarno, Emily. Virginia Woolf and the Visible World. Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007. ISBN 0-521-03360-8.
  • DeSalvo, Louise. Virginia Woolf: The Impact of Childhood Sexual Abuse on Her Life and Work. Boston: Little, Brown, 1989.
  • Goldman, Jane. The Feminist Aesthetics of Virginia Woolf. Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001. ISBN 0-521-79458-7.
  • Hussey, Mark. Virginia Woolf and War. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1991. ISBN 0-8156-2537-5.
  • Miller, C. Ruth. Virginia Woolf: The Frames of Art and Life. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1988. ISBN 0-333-44880-4.
  • Paul, Janis M. The Victorian Heritage of Virginia Woolf: The External World in Her Novels. New York : St. Martin's Press, 1988. ISBN 0-937664-73-1.
  • Transue, Pamela J. Virginia Woolf and the Politics of Style. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1986. ISBN 0-88706-286-5.

Adeline Virginia Woolf (/wʊlf/; née Stephen; 25 January 1882 – 28 March 1941) was an English writer, considered one of the most important modernist 20th century authors and also a pioneer in the use of stream of consciousness as a narrative device.

Woolf was born into an affluent household in South Kensington, London, the seventh child in a blended family of eight which included the modernist painter Vanessa Bell. Her mother was Julia Prinsep Jackson and her father Leslie Stephen. While the boys in the family received college educations, the girls were home-schooled in English classics and Victorian literature. An important influence in Virginia Woolf's early life was the summer home the family used in St Ives, Cornwall, where she first saw the Godrevy Lighthouse, which was to become central in her novel To the Lighthouse (1927).

Woolf's childhood came to an abrupt end in 1895 with the death of her mother and her first mental breakdown, followed two years later by the death of her half-sister and a mother figure to her, Stella Duckworth. From 1897 to 1901, she attended the Ladies' Department of King's College London, where she studied classics and history and came into contact with early reformers of women's higher education and the women's rights movement. Other important influences were her Cambridge-educated brothers and unfettered access to her father's vast library.

Encouraged by her father, Woolf began writing professionally in 1900. Her father's death in 1904 caused Woolf to have another mental breakdown. Following his death, the Stephen family moved from Kensington to the more bohemian Bloomsbury, where they adopted a free-spirited lifestyle. It was in Bloomsbury where, in conjunction with the brothers' intellectual friends, they formed the artistic and literary Bloomsbury Group.

In 1912, she married Leonard Woolf, and in 1917 the couple founded the Hogarth Press, which published much of her work. They rented a home in Sussex and moved there permanently in 1940. Throughout her life, Woolf was troubled by her mental illness. She was institutionalised several times and attempted suicide at least twice. Her illness may have been bipolar disorder, for which there was no effective intervention during her lifetime. In 1941, at age 59, Woolf died by drowning herself in the River Ouse at Lewes.

During the interwar period, Woolf was an important part of London's literary and artistic society. In 1915 she published her first novel, The Voyage Out, through her half-brother's publishing house, Gerald Duckworth and Company. Her best-known works include the novels Mrs Dalloway (1925), To the Lighthouse (1927), and Orlando (1928). She is also known for her essays, including A Room of One's Own (1929), in which she wrote the much-quoted dictum, "A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction."

Woolf became one of the central subjects of the 1970s movement of feminist criticism and her works have since garnered much attention and widespread commentary for "inspiring feminism". Her works have been translated into more than 50 languages. A large body of literature is dedicated to her life and work, and she has been the subject of plays, novels, and films. Woolf is commemorated today by statues, societies dedicated to her work and a building at the University of London.


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