Robert Allen Zimmerman | |
罗伯特·艾伦·齐默曼 | |
鲍勃·迪伦(英语:Bob Dylan,1941年5月24日-),原名罗伯特·艾伦·齐默曼(Robert Allen Zimmerman),美国创作歌手、艺术家和作家。从1961年发布首张专辑至今,迪伦在流行音乐界和文化界引起的影响已超过50年。他的大多数著名作品都来自1960年代的反抗民谣,也被广泛认为是当时美国新兴的反叛文化的代言人,尽管他否认了这一点。他的部分早期作品成为了当时美国民权反战运动的圣歌,例如《答案在风中飘》(Blowin' in the Wind)和《时代在变》(The Times They Are a-Changing)。1960年代中期,迪伦开始从原先的抗议民谣风格转型,并在1965年发行长达六分钟的单曲《像一块滚石》(Like a Rolling Stone),也从此改变了流行音乐的传统分类。迪伦60年代中期的一些作品登上了《告示牌》榜单冠军,但由于其使用摇滚元素亦受到了民谣运动中一些人士的批评。
迪伦早期受到了美国创作歌手小理查德的表演和音乐人伍迪·盖瑟瑞、罗伯特·约翰逊和汉克·威廉斯的歌词的影响,并在后来发展及个性化了既有的音乐风格。迪伦在其50多年的歌唱生涯中探索了美国歌曲风格里的各种成分——从民谣、蓝调及乡村到福音音乐、摇滚乐和洛卡比里,再到英格兰式、苏格兰式和爱尔兰式民谣,还有爵士乐和摇摆乐。迪伦通常的演奏乐器为吉他、键盘乐器和口琴。在不同的音乐人的支持下,迪伦从20世纪80年代末开始就一直在举办他的“永不停息巡演”(Never Ending Tour)。作为一个唱片艺术家和表演者,迪伦的成就主要以他的演艺生涯为核心,但他最大的贡献被普遍认为是他的作词。
鲍勃·迪伦(原名罗伯特·艾伦·齐默曼)于1941年5月24日生于明尼苏达州杜鲁斯,他的祖父母是犹太裔的移民,十九世纪末从立陶宛和乌克兰移民到美国。他的父母是犹太人。他在美国明尼苏达州的一个中产阶级的犹太家庭中长大。13岁时,他接受了犹太教的成年礼(Bar Mitzvah)仪式。并且,他参加了犹太人夏令营。他的童年生活大部分都在收音机前听广播里的蓝调和乡村歌曲中度过;他在高中的时候就有自己的乐队,最早已知的录音John Bucklen Tape,是他于1958年与高中好友John Bucklen在迪伦家中翻唱Little Richard和Richard Rodgers等人的歌曲。他于1959年高中毕业,并前往明尼苏达大学就读。他在大学时代,渐渐对民谣产生兴趣,开始在学校附近的民谣圈子演出,并首度以鲍勃·迪伦作艺名。大学第一年没读完,他就从学校退学,但依然留在明尼阿波利斯的民谣圈内演出。
在1961年的一次从明尼阿波利斯到芝加哥的途中,迪伦改变主意,前往纽约,去探望自己的音乐偶像、当时已患亨廷顿氏舞蹈症的伍迪·盖瑟瑞,并在其面前演出。在一些纽约格林威治村的小俱乐部中的演出中,他逐渐脱颖而出,获得了以Robert Shelton为首的乐评人的好评,并为哥伦比亚唱片公司的传奇星探约翰·哈蒙德所注意,于当年10月与该公司签订了第一份唱片合约,为期五年,并于1962年推出了名为《鲍勃·迪伦》的处女专辑。这张专辑里,只有《Song To Woody》与《Talking New York》是迪伦自己的创作,其余都是他在格林威治村民谣圈子里向其他歌手学来的歌曲。
他于1963年发行第二张专辑《自由驰骋的鲍勃·迪伦》(The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan),专辑中十三首歌都是迪伦自己的创作,并因其受到伍迪·盖瑟瑞而影响,以演唱抗议歌曲而出名,他这个时期最有代表性的歌曲之一,即《答案在风中飘》(Blowing in The Wind),在其后的反战和民权运动中被反复传唱,而很多人也是透过在电影《阿甘正传》中琼·贝兹对这首歌的翻唱而认识迪伦。
自1963年起,琼·贝兹邀请迪伦与她一起巡回演出;1963年8月28日,两人曾于著名的“进军华盛顿”这场大规模的民权运动游行中,演唱《Only A Pawn In Their Game》与《Keep Your Eyes On The Prize》这两首歌曲。正是在这次大游行中,马丁·路德·金发表了他著名的《我有一个梦》的演讲。在这个过程中,迪伦逐渐成为人们心目中民权运动的代言人,但是他本人却对此开始反感起来。1963年底,在肯尼迪总统被刺杀不久之后,他前往接受国家紧急民权委员会的一个颁奖仪式,他带着酒气,质疑了委员会的作用。在此之后,他逐渐远离民权运动和抗议歌曲。
他曾经于1963年和1964年,两次在新港民谣音乐节(Newport Folk Festival)上演出。六零年代的民谣音乐界,对于摇滚乐的出现与盛行普遍感到不满,迪伦却在1965年7月25日,于当年的民谣音乐节中,第一次在舞台表演中使用电吉他,在观众的掌声和嘘声中,他仅仅演唱了三首“插了电(Plugged)”的歌曲,随即被愤怒的听众赶下台,这被认为是其从民谣转向摇滚乐的转折点。关于为什么迪伦要在1965年的表演中使用电吉他,从而让许多他原来的民谣听众认为他是一个叛徒,一直有着多种不同的解释。但是,这次表演也被认为是民谣历史上的一个重要时刻,因为它代表着即使是对迪伦这样的继承传统的音乐家来说,民谣再也无法再满足迪伦的需求了。
1965年迪伦发行了自己的第一张摇滚专辑《重访六十一号公路》(Highway 61 Revisited),其中的一曲《像一块滚石》(Like a Rolling Stone)迅速登上美国排行榜第二名、英国排行榜第四名,后来并被滚石杂志列为史上最伟大的歌曲。在专辑出版之后,迪伦开始在美国国内巡演,在这个过程中,仍然有歌迷要求他放弃摇滚乐,改回到民谣的原声吉他中。
当迪伦与与哥伦比亚的第二张合约期满之后,双方无法达成新约定,于是他在1973年与格芬唱片签了一份发行一张专辑的合约,即Planet Waves;为了推销这张唱片,迪伦于1974年与长年的老朋友The Band一起进行北美巡回演出,巡回演出结束后不久,与妻子的关系开始恶化。
1975年,迪伦探望了深处囹圄中,因种族歧视蒙受不白之冤的黑人拳王“飓风”罗宾·卡特(Rubin "Hurricane" Carter),并创作了一首长达八分多钟的《飓风》("Hurricane")为他声援。同年10月30日,他展开一场名为“Rolling Thunder Revue”的巡回,与琼尼·米歇尔、Roger McGuinn、诗人Allen Ginsberg一起演出,甚至琼·贝兹这位在民权运动后期,因为与迪伦意见不一而分道扬镳的昔日情人,也加入巡回。
1979年,迪伦成为一名再生基督徒,影响到他从1979年到1982年的创作,这段时间的三张专辑,Slow Train Coming、Saved、Shot of Love都带有浓重的基督宗教气息。
1988年6月7日,迪伦在美国加州的 Concord 展开了一场名为Never Ending Tour的巡回,此后以每年一百场上下的次数,在全球各地演出。至2010年底,这场巡回已演出超过两千三百场。
进入90年代,迪伦出版唱片的速度开始变得缓慢,其中在1992年的As I Been to You、和1993年的World Gone Wrong中,他重新拾起早期的民谣,翻唱许多并不广为人知的歌曲。1992年10月16日,在麦迪逊花园广场,举办了一场纪念迪伦踏入歌坛三十年的演唱会,其中包括尼尔·杨、埃里克·克莱普顿、前披头士吉他手乔治·哈里森等人均到场表演。1995年,迪伦在MTV音乐台录制不插电演唱会;1997年初,由于突然心脏病发作,当年的欧洲巡回被迫取消,但他很快就康复出院,甚至还于当年9月27日,在教宗若望保禄二世面前表演。1997年9月30日,迪伦发行了由Daniel Lanois制作的Time out of Mind,距离他上一张原创专辑Oh Mercy有八年之久。
2001年9月11日,迪伦发行Love and Theft;2004年10月,他出版了名为Chronicles, Vol. 1,的自传,作为计划中三部分的自传的第一部,记述了他的童年生活、在纽约奋斗的经过、中年陷入创作低潮的心情…等。推出之后,该书停留纽约时报书籍非小说类排行榜长达19周。该书中文简体版已由江苏人民出版社和凤凰出版传媒集团共同出版,译名为《像一块滚石》;繁体中文版亦已由大块文化出版股份有限公司出版,译名为《摇滚记》。
2005年,曾经导演过《出租车司机》、《愤怒的公牛》等影片的导演马丁·斯科西斯执导了迪伦的自传性电影No Direction Home,讲述了从出生到摩托车事故之前的迪伦;片中有大量的访谈与实况演出的影像,包括迪伦当时的亲密战友琼·拜亚、以及1966年5月17日在曼彻斯特那著名的吼声(Judas!)。
2006年8月底,迪伦发行了他第四十八张专辑"Modern Times",随即登上美国排行榜第一名。他的上一张冠军专辑,是三十年前的"Desire"。
2019年4月9日迪伦著名的乡村专辑《Nashville Skyline》发行50周年,其威士忌品牌Heaven’s Door也特别宣布将为此在Nashville的百年教堂开设新的酿酒厂与艺术中心,预计将在2020年秋天开幕。
- ^ Bob Dylan. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum
- ^ Bob Dylan’s Jewish Odyssey. March 12, 2016 [May 20, 2018].
- ^ Down the Highway - The Life of Bob Dylan. The New York Times. [May 20, 2018].
- ^ Bob Dylan wins Nobel literature prize. The Jewish Chronicle. October 13, 2016 [May 20,2018].
Dylan was born Robert Allen Zimmerman to Jewish parents in Hibbing, Minnesota in 1941.
- ^ Walsh, John. The Big Question: Why does Bob Dylan keep touring and is he still the. The Independent. April 23, 2009 [June 5, 2018].
- ^ Dreier, Peter. The Political Bob Dylan. Huffington Post. May 25, 2016 [May 20, 2018].
- ^ Bob Dylan: 'Prophet' and Medal of Freedom recipient. Jewish Journal. May 21, 2012[May 20, 2018].
Born Robert Allen Zimmerman to Jewish parents and raised in Hibbing, Minn.
- ^ How Bob Dylan embraced Jesus in a born-again period lasting 3 years. The Independent. November 1, 2017 [May 20, 2018].
- ^ Green, David B. This Day in Jewish History 1954: Shabtai Zissel Is Bar Mitzvahed, and Turns Out to Be Bob Dylan. Haaretz. May 21, 2015 [May 20, 2018].
- ^ Frankel, Glenn. DYLAN'S DOLDRUMS. Washington Post. September 9, 1987 [June 5,2018].
- ^ Bob Dylan’s life and work examined in new exhibit. JTA - Jewish news. April 13, 2016[May 20, 2018].
- ^ John Bucklen Tape 的簡介. Skipping Reels of Rhyme.
- ^ 1963-08-28 該場公開演出的曲目. A Ballad of a Thin Man. (原始内容存档于2009-10-26).
- ^ Bjorner's Still On The Road: Mashantucket, Connecticut, 27 November 2010. November 29, 2010 [December 7, 2010].
- ^ 三十週年紀念演唱會的曲目.
- ^ 在教宗面前演唱的曲目. Bill Pagel.
- ^ 鲍比迪伦取消亚洲演唱行,联合报,2010年4月4日
- ^ 永远年轻,永远不听话[永久失效链接],南方报业网网站
- ^ Dylan awarded Polar Music Prize. 2000-12-01 [2016-10-03].
- ^ President Obama Names Presidential Medal of Freedom Recipients. 2012-04-26 [2012-04-27].
- ^ Sisario, Ben. At Grammys Event, Bob Dylan Speech Steals the Show. The New York Times (ArtsBeat Blog). 2015-02-07 [2015-02-08].
- ^ Gibsone, Harriet. Bob Dylan awarded French Legion of Honour. 2013-11-14 [2016-10-03].
- ^ Claire Armitstead, Richard Lea, Alison Flood. Bob Dylan wins Nobel prize in literature 2016. The Guardian. October 13, 2016 [October 13, 2016].
- ^ The Nobel Prize in Literature 2016 (PDF). October 13, 2016 [October 13,2016].
- ^ Bob Dylan wins Nobel Literature Prize. BBC News. 13 October 2016 [13 October 2016].
- ^ Nobel panel gives up knockin’ on Dylan’s door. theguardian. 2016-10-17 [2016-10-17].
- ^ Bob Dylan: Nobel Literature Prize left me speechless. BBC. 2016-10-17 [2016-10-17].
- ^ Gray (2006), pp. 198–200.
- ^ Himmelman turned down an invitation to perform on The Tonight Show when it became apparent that the performance would fall on the Jewish holiday Sukkot. Peter Himmelman Puts Family Before Rock 'n' Roll. October 12, 2010 [August 8, 2011].
- ^ Sounes, pp. 371–373.
- ^ Dylan's Secret Marriage Uncovered. BBC News. April 12, 2001 [September 7, 2008].
- ^ Junod, Tom. Seven Questions for Bob Dylan. Esquire. 2014-01-23 [2015-04-21].
- ^ Adams, Guy. How did Bob Dylan upset his neighbours? (The answer is blowin' in the wind). The Independent (London). 2009-03-18 [2010-07-14].
- ^ 本世纪最有影响力的100人之一. 时代杂志 (英语).
- Bjorner, Olof. Olof's Files: A Bob Dylan Performance Guide (Bob Dylan all alone on a shelf). Hardinge Simpole. 2002. ISBN 1843820242.
- Bauldie, John (ed.). Wanted Man: In Search of Bob Dylan. Penguin Books. 1992. ISBN 0140153616.
- Beatles, The. The Beatles Anthology. Cassell & Co. 2000. ISBN 0304356050.
- Cohn, Nik. Awopbopaloobop Alopbamboom. Paladin. 1970. ISBN 0586080147.
- Cott, Jonathan (ed.). Dylan on Dylan: The Essential Interviews. Hodder & Stoughton. 2006. ISBN 0340923121.
- Dylan, Bob. Chronicles: Volume One. Simon and Schuster. 2004. ISBN 0-7432-2815-4.
- Fishkoff, Sue. The Rebbe's Army: Inside the World of Chabad-Lubavitch. Schocken Books. 2003. ISBN 0805211381.
- Fong-Torres, Ben (ed.). The Rolling Stone Interviews, Vol. 2. Warner Paperback Library. 1973.
- Gill, Andy. Classic Bob Dylan: My Back Pages. Carlton. 1999. ISBN 1-85868-599-0.
- Gray, Michael. Song & Dance Man III: The Art of Bob Dylan. Continuum International. 2000. ISBN 0-8264-5150-0.
- Gray, Michael. The Bob Dylan Encyclopedia. Continuum International. 2006. ISBN 0-8264-6933-7.
- Hajdu, David Positively 4th Street: The Lives and Times of Joan Baez, Bob Dylan, Mimi Baez Farina, and Richard Farina Farrar Straus Giroux, 2001, 328 pages. ISBN 978-0-374-28199-1
- Harvey, Todd. The Formative Dylan: Transmission & Stylistic Influences, 1961–1963. The Scarecrow Press. 2001. ISBN 0-8108-4115-0.
- Hedin, Benjamin (ed.). Studio A: The Bob Dylan Reader. W.W.Norton & Co. 2004. ISBN 0-393-32742-6.
- Helm, Levon; Stephen Davis. This Wheel's on Fire: Levon Helm and the Story of the Band. a capella. 2000. ISBN 1-55652-405-6.
- Heylin, Clinton. Saved!: The Gospel Speeches of Bob Dylan. Hanuman Books. 1990. ISBN 0937815381.
- Heylin, Clinton. Bob Dylan: A Life In Stolen Moments. Book Sales. 1996. ISBN 0711956693.
- Heylin, Clinton. Bob Dylan: Behind the Shades Revisited. Perennial Currents. 2003. ISBN 0-06-052569-X.
- Heylin, Clinton. Revolution In The Air: The Songs of Bob Dylan, Volume One: 1957-73. Constable. 2009. ISBN 9781849010511.
- Lee, C. P. Like a Bullet of Light: The Films of Bob Dylan. Helter Skelter. 2000. ISBN 1900924064.
- Marcus, Greil. The Old, Weird America: The World of Bob Dylan's Basement Tapes. Picador. 2001. ISBN 0-312-42043-9.
- Marqusee, Mike. Wicked Messenger: Bob Dylan and the 1960s. Seven Stories Press. 2005. ISBN 1-58322-686-9.
- Marshall, Scott. Restless Pilgrim: The Spiritual Journey of Bob Dylan. Relevant Books. 2002. ISBN 0-9714576-2-X.
- Muir, Andrew. Razor's Edge: Bob Dylan & the Never Ending Tour. Helter Skelter. 2001. ISBN 1-900924-13-7.
- Ricks, Christopher. Dylan's Visions of Sin. Penguin/Viking. 2003. ISBN 0-670-80133-X.
- Scaduto, Anthony. Bob Dylan. Helter Skelter, 2001 reprint of 1972 original. ISBN 1-900924-23-4.
- Robert Shelton, No Direction Home, Da Capo Press, 2003 reprint of 1986 original, 576 pages. ISBN 978-0-306-81287-3
- Sam Shepard, Rolling Thunder Logbook, Da Capo, 2004 reissue, 176 pages. ISBN 978-0-306-81371-9
- Sounes, Howard. Down The Highway: The Life Of Bob Dylan. Grove Press. 2001. ISBN 0-8021-1686-8.
Bob Dylan (born Robert Allen Zimmerman; May 24, 1941) is an American singer-songwriter, author, and visual artist. Widely regarded as one of the greatest songwriters of all time, Dylan has been a major figure in popular culture for more than 50 years. Much of his most celebrated work dates from the 1960s, when songs such as "Blowin' in the Wind" (1963) and "The Times They Are a-Changin'" (1964) became anthems for the civil rights and anti-war movements. His lyrics during this period incorporated a range of political, social, philosophical, and literary influences, defied pop music conventions and appealed to the burgeoning counterculture.
Following his self-titled debut album in 1962, which mainly comprised traditional folk songs, Dylan made his breakthrough as a songwriter with the release of The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan the following year. The album features "Blowin' in the Wind" and the thematically complex "A Hard Rain's a-Gonna Fall". For many of these songs, he adapted the tunes and phraseology of older folk songs. He went on to release the politically charged The Times They Are a-Changin' and the more lyrically abstract and introspective Another Side of Bob Dylan in 1964. In 1965 and 1966, Dylan drew controversy when he adopted electrically amplified rock instrumentation, and in the space of 15 months recorded three of the most important and influential rock albums of the 1960s: Bringing It All Back Home (1965), Highway 61 Revisited (1965) and Blonde on Blonde (1966). Commenting on the six-minute single "Like a Rolling Stone" (1965), Rolling Stone wrote: "No other pop song has so thoroughly challenged and transformed the commercial laws and artistic conventions of its time, for all time."
In July 1966, Dylan withdrew from touring after a motorcycle accident. During this period, he recorded a large body of songs with members of the Band, who had previously backed him on tour. These recordings were released as the collaborative album The Basement Tapes in 1975. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, Dylan explored country music and rural themes in John Wesley Harding (1967), Nashville Skyline (1969), and New Morning (1970). In 1975, he released Blood on the Tracks, which many saw as a return to form. In the late 1970s, he became a born-again Christian and released a series of albums of contemporary gospel music before returning to his more familiar rock-based idiom in the early 1980s. Dylan's 1997 album Time Out of Mind marked the beginning of a renaissance for his career. He has released five critically acclaimed albums of original material since then, the most recent being Rough and Rowdy Ways (2020). He also recorded a series of three albums in the 2010s comprising versions of traditional American standards, especially songs recorded by Frank Sinatra. Backed by a changing lineup of musicians, he has toured steadily since the late 1980s on what has been dubbed the Never Ending Tour.
Since 1994, Dylan has published eight books of drawings and paintings, and his work has been exhibited in major art galleries. He has sold more than 100 million records, making him one of the best-selling music artists of all time. He has received numerous awards, including the Presidential Medal of Freedom, ten Grammy Awards, a Golden Globe Award and an Academy Award. Dylan has been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Nashville Songwriters Hall of Fame and the Songwriters Hall of Fame. The Pulitzer Prize Board in 2008 awarded him a special citation for "his profound impact on popular music and American culture, marked by lyrical compositions of extraordinary poetic power". In 2016, Dylan was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature "for having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition".