
尼古拉•马兹洛夫(Nikola Madzirov) 诗人,散文家,译者.1973年生于前南斯拉夫的一个巴尔干战争的难民家庭。18岁时,南斯拉夫解体,文化身份发生了转变。东欧诗歌有一个明显的传统,从米沃什、赫伯特、蒲巴、扎加耶夫斯基,再到马兹洛夫,但是后者发出的是东欧诗歌二十一世纪的声音,他是后苏联时期最出色的诗人之一。德文周刊Der Spiegel 甚至将马兹洛夫和特朗斯特罗姆相提并论。马兹洛夫的诗歌被翻译成四十种语言出版,《重置的石头》(2007) 曾赢得 Hubert Burda 欧洲诗歌奖,也曾在斯特鲁加诗歌之夜获得米拉迪诺夫兄弟诗歌奖,还获得数个文学奖金,包括爱荷华国际作家工作坊、柏林DAAD文学奖金、法国玛格丽特•尤瑟娜文学奖金等等。马兹洛夫也是Lyrikline诗歌网站的主持,常年四海为家。
Nikola was born on 27 May 1973 in Strumica, then in SFR Yugoslavia, now in North Macedonia. He has worked as an essayist and editor besides being a poet and is an international coordinator for Lyrikline, Haus für Poesie, Berlin. He won the Studentski Zbor award for best debut in Macedonia and subsequently the DJS award for contribution to international poetry in China.
Oliver Lake, a jazz composer who has collaborated with Björk and Lou Reed, has created compositions based on Madžirov's poems. His book Remnants of Another Age, with a foreword by poet Carolyn Forché, has been translated into English, and published in German as Versetzter Stein.
- Locked in the City (1999)
- Somewhere Nowhere (1999)
- Relocated Stone (2007)
- Remnants of Another Age (Bloodaxe Books, 2013)
- Studentski Zbor Award (for Best Debut book)(1999)
- Aco Karamanov Award (1999)
- Hubert Burda European Poetry Award (2007)
- Brothers Miladinov Award (2007)
- Fifteen Martyrs of Tiveriopol Award (2007)