Ali Ahmad Said Esber | |
阿裏·艾哈邁德·賽義德·伊斯比爾 | |

阿裏·艾哈邁德·賽義德·伊斯比爾(阿拉伯語:علي أحمد سعيد إسبر,1930年1月1日-),筆名阿多尼斯(أدونيس、Adunis),敘利亞詩人、思想傢、文學理論傢、翻譯傢、畫傢。
- 詩集:《最初的詩篇》(1957年)
- 《風中的樹葉》(1958年)
- 《大馬士革的米赫亞爾之歌》(1961年)
- 《戲劇與鏡子》(1968年)
- 《這是我的名字》(1971年)
- 《對應與初始》(1979年)
- 《身體之初,大海之末》(2003年)
1995年1月27日阿多尼斯被阿拉伯作傢聯盟除名,理由是在1993年一次UNESCO主辦的會議上和以色列人見面。兩位敘利亞作傢Saadallah Wannous和Hanna Mina為聲援阿多尼斯而自行退出阿拉伯作傢聯盟。
阿多尼斯曾公開宣稱自己不信仰宗教並批判許多伊斯蘭教傳統。埃及薩拉菲教士Mohamad Said Raslan曾發佈伊斯蘭教令要求刺殺阿多尼斯,因為他使用異教神話的名字當筆名。在一段視頻中Raslan控訴阿多尼斯反伊斯蘭,是異教徒,著作應當被禁。
2013年,伊斯蘭教學者Abdelfetah Zeraoui Hamadache在網上讀到一首署名阿多尼斯的詩之後,號召焚毀阿多尼斯的著作。但該詩後來被證明是冒用阿多尼斯的名義。
- ^ 薛慶國《“風與光的君王》
- ^ Ibrahim, Youssef M. NYTimes: Arabs Split on Cultural Ties to Israel. The New York Times. 7 March 1995.
- ^ Adonis: ISIS and Nusra didn't fall from the sky.
- ^ They are the enemy so watch out from them (translation from Arabic).
- ^ This is the ignorant Adonis - Sheikh Mohamed Said Raslan (Translation from Arabic).
- ^ Intellectuals blast Syrian opposition calls for Adonis’ death.
- ^ translation from Arabic to the title : a Syrian apposition group places Adonis on the "killing list" (Translation from Arabic).
- ^ Adonis: fatwa calling for burning my books in Algeria is shameful[永久失效鏈接]
- ^ Les salafistes algériens du Front de la Sahwa en campagne contre "le parti de la France" 頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館
- ^ elhayat Article in Arabic titled (translation) "Hamadache judges Adonis as an infidel and calls for burning his books.
- ^ In a phone interview with "Echorouk Newspaper" published on 23 December 2013
- ^ Adonis: fatwa calling for burning my books in Algeria is shameful
- ^ Adonis, "Open Letter to President Bashar al-Assad; Man, His Basic Rights and Freedoms, or the Abyss," As-Safir, Beirut, June 14, 2011.
- ^ Prominent Syrian poet Adunis calls on Assad to step down. Monsters and Critics. 6 August 2011 [6 August 2011]. (原始內容存檔於17 July 2012).
- ^ "Constitution-building: The long march", "The Economist", 13 July 2013.
- ^ 《南方人物周刊》2009.4.20
- Adonis(Ali Ahmed Said)
- Yahoo! Directory entry for Adonis (Ali Ahmed Said)
- Encyclopedia of the Orient Ali Ahmed Said Asbar
- A life on public view Al Ahram Weekly (January 17, 2001)
- Shatz, Adam An Arab Poet Who Dares to Differ New York Times (January 13, 2002)
- Reuters Syrian Poet Adonis Seen as Nobel Contender (October 1, 2003)
Ali Ahmad Said Esber (North Levantine: [ˈʕali ˈʔaħmad saˈʕiːd ˈʔesbeɾ]; born 1 January 1930), also known by the pen name Adonis or Adunis (Arabic: أدونيس [ʔadoːˈniːs]), is a Syrian poet, essayist and translator. He led a modernist revolution in the second half of the 20th century, "exerting a seismic influence" on Arabic poetry comparable to T.S. Eliot's in the anglophone world.
Adonis's publications include twenty volumes of poetry and thirteen of criticism. His dozen books of translation to Arabic include the poetry of Saint-John Perse and Yves Bonnefoy, and the first complete Arabic translation of Ovid's "Metamorphoses" (2002). His multi-volume anthology of Arabic poetry ("Dīwān ash-shi'r al-'arabī"), covering almost two millennia of verse, has been in print since its publication in 1964.
A perennial contender for the Nobel Prize in Literature, Adonis has been described as the greatest living poet of the Arab world.