Carl Jung | |
卡尔·古斯塔夫·荣格 | |
出生地: | 瑞士凯斯维尔 |

卡尔·古斯塔夫·荣格(Carl Gustav Jung,1875年7月26日-1961年6月6日),瑞士心理学家、精神科医师,分析心理学的创始者。
- 情结:情结是个人无意识中的成分。
- 共时性:荣格认为两件或多件事于同时发生有其特殊的意义。在有翅膀的菲利门出现前,荣格发现一只少见的鱼狗死在湖畔。他认为这两件事于同时发生有关联。
- 力比多:与弗洛伊德认为欲力是纯粹性的潜力不同,荣格认为里比多是普遍的生命力,除表现在生长及生殖方面外,也表现于其他活动。
- 外向性与内向性
- 原型:是集体潜意识中荣格所发现人类不分地域与文化的共同象征。
- 阿尼玛:男人潜意识中的女性性格,只有一个。阿尼玛也是男人心目中女人的形象。当男人对女人有一见钟情的感觉时,他可能是将他心目中阿尼玛的形象投射在这女人身上。
- 阿尼玛斯:女人潜意识中的男性性格,可有多个。
- 阴影:潜意识中与自我相反的人格。
- 自性:也就是心、性、或本性,人心灵的中心。
- 怪兽:很伟大、但是很冷漠,令人感觉到自己不重要。
个性化(Individuation)或译个体化:心灵成长的目标,也就是自性的实现(Self Realization),其方法为融合有意识的自我与无意识中的阴影与阿尼玛或是阿尼玛斯让自性实现。
荣格是首位定义心理学中“内向性与外向性”者之一。在荣格的著作心理类型学(psychology types)中提到每一个人都属于“内向”、“外向”两种性格。荣格将这两种心理类型以希腊神话中的阿波罗与戴奥尼斯比较。内向性格者被比拟成通情达理的阿波罗,他们喜欢独处、思考,深思熟虑并且善于自省。内向性格者有时可能对于参与他人的活动不感兴趣。外向性格以戴奥尼斯比拟,他们富有活力、生动并且喜爱参与活动。外向性格的人在意外在世界的感受、物体与行为。外在性格的人极可能于独处时感到无聊。
- 《心理类型学》(Psychological types or the psychology of individuation)
- 《分析心理学的理论与实践》(Analytical psychology its theory and practice)
- 《寻求灵魂的现代人》(Modern man in search of a soul)
- 《人及其象征》(Man and His Symbols)
- 《人、艺术和文学中的精神》(The spirit in man art and literature)
- 《回忆、梦、反思》(Memories, Dreams, Reflections)
- 《向死者七次布道》(The Seven Sermons to the Dead)
- 《原型与集体无意识》
- 《弗洛伊德与精神分析》
- 《转化的象征:精神分裂症的前兆分析》
- 《心理结构与心理动力学》
- 《人格的发展》
- 《文明的变迁》
- 《象征生活》
- 《荣格谈心灵之路》
- 《分析心理学与梦的诠释》
- 《潜意识与心灵成长》
- 《荣格自传:回忆·梦·思考》
- 《红书》中央编译出版社
- 《金花的秘密:中国的生命之书》(Das Geheimnis der Goldenen Blüte: ein chinesisches Lebensbuch)北京商务印书馆(2016.07)
- 泡利
- 爱德华·爱因斯坦:爱因斯坦的次子,佛洛伊德精神分析学的粉丝,最后患有精神分裂症。在2017世纪天才剧中,爱德华一直看到自己着火的幻影,说因为婴儿时的记忆认为父亲因为吸烟不小心引起差点烧死自己的火灾,对爱因斯坦抱有怨恨,认为他在自己心目中的形象是“很伟大、无情,令人感觉自己没有价值”,荣格的怪兽原型。后来听母亲米列娃说那场火灾其实是自己忧郁症没有注意到小孩玩火,那火其实是爱因斯坦扑灭的。
- ^ 2017-05-03国家地理频道:十个你可能不知道的爱因斯坦小故事
- ^ 跳转至:2.0 2.1 2017国家地理频道影集世纪天才爱因斯坦第五集
- Jung, Carl Gustav; Marie-Luise von Franz. Man and His Symbols. Doubleday. 1964. ISBN 84-493-0161-0.
- Carl Gustav Jung, Analytical Psychology: Its Theory and Practice (The Tavistock Lectures) (Ark Paperbacks), 1990, ISBN 0-7448-0056-0
- Anthony Stevens, Jung. A Very Short Introduction, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1994, ISBN 0-19-285458-5
- Anthony Stevens, On Jung, Princeton University Press, 1990 (1999).
- The Basic Writings of C. G. Jung, edited by V. S. de Laszlo (The Modern Library, 1959)
- The Portable Jung, edited by Joseph Campbell (Viking Portable), ISBN 0-14-015070-6
- Edward F Edinger, Ego and Archetype, (Shambhala Publications), ISBN 0-87773-576-X
- Robert Hopcke, A Guided Tour of the Collected Works of C. G. Jung, ISBN 1-57062-405-4
- Edward C. Whitmont, The Symbolic Quest: Basic Concepts of Analytical Psychology, Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1969, 1979, ISBN 0-691-02454-5
- O'Connor, Peter A. Understanding Jung, understanding yourself. New York, NY: Paulist Press. 1985. ISBN 0-8091-2799-7.
- The Cambridge Companion to Jung, second edition, eds Polly Young-Eisendrath and Terence Dawson, published in 2008 by Cambridge University Press.
- Robert Aziz, C. G. Jung's Psychology of Religion and Synchronicity (1990), currently in its 10th printing, is a refereed publication of State University of New York Press. ISBN 0-7914-0166-9.
- Robert Aziz, Synchronicity and the Transformation of the Ethical in Jungian Psychology in Carl B. Becker, ed., Asian and Jungian Views of Ethics. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1999. ISBN 0-313-30452-1.
- Robert Aziz, The Syndetic Paradigm: The Untrodden Path Beyond Freud and Jung (2007), a refereed publication of The State University of New York Press. ISBN 978-0-7914-6982-8.
- Robert Aziz, Foreword in Lance Storm, ed., Synchronicity: Multiple Perspectives on Meaningful Coincidence. Pari, Italy: Pari Publishing, 2008. ISBN 978-88-95604-02-2
- Wallace Clift, Jung and Christianity: The Challenge of Reconciliation. New York: The Crossroad Publishing Company, 1982. ISBN 0-8245-0409-7
- Edward F. Edinger, The Mystery of The Coniunctio, ISBN 0-919123-67-8
- Wolfgang Giegerich, The Soul's Logical Life, ISBN 3-631-38225-1
- James A Hall M.D., Jungian Dream Interpretation, ISBN 0-919123-12-0
- James Hillman, "Healing Fiction", ISBN 0-88214-363-8
- Montiel, Luis, "El rizoma oculto de la psicología profunda. Gustav Meyrink y Carl Gustav Jung", Frenia, 2012, ISBN 978-84-695-3540-0
- Catherine M Nutting, Concrete Insight: Art, the Unconscious, and Transformative Spontaneity, UVic Thesis 2007 214
- Andrew Samuels, Critical Dictionary of Jungian Analysis, ISBN 0-415-05910-0
- June Singer, Boundaries of the Soul, ISBN 0-385-47529-2. On psychotherapy
- Marion Woodman, The Pregnant Virgin: A Process of Psychological Transformation, ISBN 0-919123-20-1
- Simosko, Vladimir. Jung, Music, and Music Therapy: Prepared for the Occasion of the C.G. "Jung and the Humanities" Colloquium, 1987. Winnipeg, Man., The Author, 1987
- Andrew Samuels, The Political Psyche (Routledge), ISBN 0-415-08102-5.
- Lucy Huskinson, Nietzsche and Jung: The Whole Self in the Union of Opposites (Routledge), ISBN 1-58391-833-7
- Davydov, Andrey. From Carl Gustav Jung's Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious to Individual Archetypal Pattern. HPA Press, 2014. ISBN 9781311820082
- Remo, F. Roth: Return of the World Soul, Wolfgang Pauli, C.G. Jung and the Challenge of Psychophysical Reality [unus mundus], Part 1: The Battle of the Giants. Pari Publishing, 2011, ISBN 978-88-95604-12-1.
- Remo, F. Roth: Return of the World Soul, Wolfgang Pauli, C.G. Jung and the Challenge of Psychophysical Reality [unus mundus], Part 2: A Psychophysical Theory. Pari Publishing, 2012, ISBN 978-88-95604-16-9.
- Kerr, John. A Most Dangerous Method: The Story of Jung, Freud, and Sabina Spielrein. Knopf, 1993. ISBN 0-679-40412-0.
- van der Post, Laurens, Jung and the Story of Our Time, New York : Pantheon Books, 1975. ISBN 0-394-49207-2
- Hannah, Barbara, Jung, his life and work; a biographical memoir, New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1976. SBN: 399-50383-8
- Grossman, Stanley. C.G. Jung and National Socialism. Jung in Contexts: A Reader. 1979. ISBN 9780415205580.
- Hanegraaff, Wouter J. New Age Religion and Western Culture: Esotericism in the Mirror of Secular Thought. Leiden/New York/Koln: E.J. Brill. 1996.
- Wulff, David M. Psychology of Religion: Classic and Contemporary Views. New York: John Wiley & Sons. 1991.
- Paul Bishop, Carl Jung (Critical Lives) (Reaktion Books, 2014).
- Noll, Richard. The Jung Cult: Origins of a Charismatic Movement 1st. Princeton University Press. 1994: 336.
- Richard Noll, The Aryan Christ: The Secret Life of Carl Jung (Random House, 1997)
- Anthony Stevens, On Jung (second edition).
- Sonu Shamdasani, Cult Fictions, ISBN 0-415-18614-5.
- Sonu Shamdasani, Jung and the Making of Modern Psychology: The Dream of a Science, ISBN 0-521-53909-9
- Sonu Shamdasani, Jung Stripped Bare, ISBN 1-85575-317-0
- Bair, Deirdre. Jung: A Biography. Boston: Little, Brown and Co, 2003.
- C.G. Jung Institute, Zurich
- Carl Jung Resources
- The Jung Page
- Philemon Foundation
- 互联网档案馆中卡尔·荣格的作品或关于他的作品
- 来自卡尔·荣格的LibriVox公共领域有声读物
- Carl Jung: Foreword to the I Ching
- The Association Method Full text article from 1916. Originally Published in the Collected Papers on Analytical Psychology.
- On The Psychology & Pathology of So-Called Occult Phenomena Full text article from 1916. Originally published in the Collected Papers on Analytical Psychology.
- The Seven Sermons to the Dead, 1916 Carl Gustav Jung
- Jung's 'Essay on Wotan'
- Bollingen Foundation Collection From the Rare Book and Special Collections Division, Library of Congress
- Carl Gustav Jung: Arquetipos, Mística e Inconsciente Colectivo (Jung Society - Dublin)

Carl Gustav Jung (/jʊŋ/ YUUNG, German: [kaʁl ˈjʊŋ]; 26 July 1875 – 6 June 1961) was a Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who founded analytical psychology. Jung's work was influential in the fields of psychiatry, anthropology, archaeology, literature, philosophy, and religious studies. Jung worked as a research scientist at the famous Burghölzli hospital, under Eugen Bleuler. During this time, he came to the attention of Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis. The two men conducted a lengthy correspondence and collaborated, for a while, on a joint vision of human psychology.
Freud saw the younger Jung as the heir he had been seeking to take forward his "new science" of psychoanalysis and to this end secured his appointment as President of his newly founded International Psychoanalytical Association. Jung's research and personal vision, however, made it impossible for him to follow his older colleague's doctrine, and a schism became inevitable. This division was personally painful for Jung and resulted in the establishment of Jung's analytical psychology as a comprehensive system separate from psychoanalysis.
Among the central concepts of analytical psychology is individuation—the lifelong psychological process of differentiation of the self out of each individual's conscious and unconscious elements. Jung considered it to be the main task of human development. He created some of the best known psychological concepts, including synchronicity, archetypal phenomena, the collective unconscious, the psychological complex, and extraversion and introversion.
Jung was also an artist, craftsman and builder as well as a prolific writer. Many of his works were not published until after his death and some are still awaiting publication.