《答云居西和尚偈 Dayunjuxi Bonze Buddhist hymn》《和芙蓉和尚四句偈颂·解针枯骨吟 and Hibiscus Bonze Siju Hymns Jiezhen Skeleton chant》《和芙蓉和尚四句偈颂·妙唱不干舌 and Hibiscus Bonze Siju Hymns Miaochang Not having any tongue》《和芙蓉和尚四句偈颂·死蛇惊出草 and Hibiscus Bonze Siju Hymns Sishejingchucao》《和芙蓉和尚四句偈颂·铁锯舞三台》《和先师宏智和尚五转位颂·金针去复来 And Confucius Hongzhi Bonze five Displacement eulogy Tiger lily buds To come again》《和先师宏智和尚五转位颂·秦宫照胆寒 And Confucius Hongzhi Bonze five Displacement According to Chung Qingong appall》《和先师宏智和尚五转位颂·深岩藏白额 and Confucius Hongzhi Bonze five Displacement Songshenyancang White-fronted》《和先师宏智和尚五转位颂·五天银烛辉 and Confucius Hongzhi Bonze five Displacement eulogy Pentad Yinzhuhui》《和先师宏智和尚五转位颂·匣里青蛇吼 and Confucius Hongzhi Bonze five Displacement Songxiali Green snake Roar》更多诗歌...