《水调歌头(贺人新娶,集曲名) Shuidiaogetou He married man _set_ a new Commissioned Work》《齐天乐(贺人入赘) Monkey music He who hang up one's hat》《朝中措(贺生第三子)》《西江月(贺人生日生孙) The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the moon's reflection on a river congratulate Life Sun Day Health》《瑞鹤仙(寿南康钱守·正月初六) Rui xian birthday Nam Qian Shou The first month of the lunar year Sixth day》《瑞鹤仙(寿萧通判·十月初一日) Rui xian birthday desolate An official under county magistrate who administers lawsuit,etc. October beginning, initial, primary day》《瑞鹤仙 Rui Xian》《瑞鹤仙 Rui Xian》