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艾默里·洛文斯 Amory Lovins
美国 现代美国  (1947年11月13日)
Amory Bloch Lovins
阅读艾默里·洛文斯 Amory Lovins在百家争鸣的作品!!!
Amory Lovins
艾默里布洛赫洛文斯 (生於1947年11月13日) 是美國物理學家, 環境科學家,作家,以及董事長/首席科學家落基. 

Amory Bloch Lovins (born 13 November 1947) is an American writer, physicist, and Chairman/Chief Scientist of the Rocky Mountain Institute. He has written on energy policy and related areas for four decades, and served on the National Petroleum Council, an oil industry lobbying group, from 2011–2018. In 1983, Lovins was awarded the Right Livelihood Award for "pioneering soft energy paths for global security." He was named by TIME magazine one of the World's 100 most influential people in 2009.

Lovins has promoted energy efficiency, the use of renewable energy sources, and the generation of energy at or near the site where the energy is actually used. Lovins has also advocated a "negawatt revolution" arguing that utility customers don't want kilowatt-hours of electricity; they want energy services. In the 1990s, his work with Rocky Mountain Institute included the design of an ultra-efficient automobile, the Hypercar.

Lovins does not see his energy ideas as green or left-wing, and he is an advocate of private enterprise and free market economics, the source of his multi-million dollar net worth. He notes that Rupert Murdoch has made News Corporation carbon-neutral, with savings of millions of dollars. But, says Lovins, large institutions are becoming more "gridlocked and moribund", and he supports the rise of "citizen organizations" around the world.

Lovins has received ten honorary doctorates and won many awards. He has provided expert testimony in eight countries, briefed 19 heads of state, and published 31 books. These books include Reinventing FireWinning the Oil EndgameSmall is ProfitableBrittle Power, and Natural Capitalism.


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