《一剪梅 Yi Jianmei》《八月初四日谢雨采石中元祠》《八月初一夜闻雨》《八月间对月独酌 Aug Rooms of the month Drinking Alone by Moonlight》《八月来大浊暑小屋真甑斧士人谓自是以往虽穷冬亦然既而十二日得秋分之气窗牖凉生与东南无异固知造物之妙人岂能尽识这赋此四韵》《白居易有望阙云遮眼思乡雨滴心之句用其韵为秋思十首 Bai juyi Look bright deficiency Obnubilation aperture Longing for home Raindrop Heart of the sentence with its rhyme for the Autumn Thoughts 10》《白居易有望阙云遮眼思乡雨滴心之句用其韵为秋思十首 Bai juyi Look bright deficiency Obnubilation aperture Longing for home Raindrop Heart of the sentence with its rhyme for the Autumn Thoughts 10》《白居易有望阙云遮眼思乡雨滴心之句用其韵为秋思十首 Bai juyi Look bright deficiency Obnubilation aperture Longing for home Raindrop Heart of the sentence with its rhyme for the Autumn Thoughts 10》《白居易有望阙云遮眼思乡雨滴心之句用其韵为秋思十首 Bai juyi Look bright deficiency Obnubilation aperture Longing for home Raindrop Heart of the sentence with its rhyme for the Autumn Thoughts 10》《白居易有望阙云遮眼思乡雨滴心之句用其韵为秋思十首 Bai juyi Look bright deficiency Obnubilation aperture Longing for home Raindrop Heart of the sentence with its rhyme for the Autumn Thoughts 10》更多诗歌...