现代中国 List of Authors
Liu YaziShen YinmoHai ZiLo FuShu Ting
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Chang YaoXiang MingGu YeshangyuChi ChiChen Zhongkun
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Zhang CuoTian JianA LongJi XianHui Wa
Ma HuaQin ZihaoLin HengtaiRong ZiYa Xian
Yang HuanYang LingyeLin HuiyinBai QiuGuan Guan
Can Xue
现代中国  (May 30, 1953 AD)
First Name: 邓小华
Township: 长沙

Read works of Can Xue at 小说之家
  Xue, formerly known as Deng Xiaohua, 1953 was born in Changsha. Snow out of school after primary school, worked as "barefoot doctors", the workers, substitute teachers, held a tailor. 1985, snow began to publish works of fiction based, has been 300 million words. Pioneer in her novel: "mountain hut", "Wong Nai Street", "old in the clouds." "Mark", "Spiced Street" and so on, have some influence at home and abroad.
  Monoid snow experience, forward thinking, wildly imaginative writing has always been known to the subconscious, in the Chinese literary world is a very special writer in recent years, snow in order to better explore the depth of human nature, to enhance exchanges with readers in the novels and high yield Meanwhile, the artist's perception pure, inventive, creative writing and integration with the style in the form of Kafka, Borges, Goethe, Shakespeare, Dante and other classical writers made a new, oriental interpretation and description.
  Link: Thoughts on the snow works
  First, read the snow "beautiful south of the summer." Read complete surprise, as author or hidden thoughts or are the amazing, bizarre as the article's purpose is magnificent and Feith. Also read the author of "writing a novel of revenge," a book, savor slowly, slowly in-depth, and finally taste it to read out the points.
  Not read the works of snow, with her words: authors and readers share a soul, and she should be asked readers what kind of a higher level.
  Snow does not seem to the pursuit of writing skills, but also exclusion techniques. Just my thoughts term unrestrained flow of ocean, with a rational thing would be unconscious "forcing" them. There are some works of a large number of landscape description, but a closer look, in real life is not such a "landscape"; carefully think about, but this kind of scenery description reveals the true terror, so that you can not deny its existence.
  Snow crown of such descriptions as "mind image."
  Snow unconscious writing that I also amazing.
  Without directing ideas, inspired by the actors start term mysterious atmosphere as the medium, dance actually had a shocking effect of harmony! Art itself is incredible, you can abandon the traditional way of thinking, can be reality and the spirit of division, not too close, the more distant the better, so that the soul of true freedom of access to that realm of pure fantasy. In this sense, have escaped far more better in real life, so that the soul really into that fantasy realm of pure freedom. Have escaped the inner soul of real life has become a very ethereal spirit of the dance! A long article in the duplication of those sentences, those perverse thinking a space-time all the law embodies a strange play.
  Weird hard to understand but the introduction of meditation, so you never stop thinking about reading, or I will get lost in the middle of reading.
  Kafka's work is really like, no wonder there is snow is called "China's women Kafka." Just makes me ashamed that their capacity is also shallow, less than a literary background. The territory also in literature, absorbed enough nutrients in order to read the works of snow. Can Xue's work shows a real magical charm, but her work is to reject the general reader. Unfortunately, I can not really be called the current work on the understanding snow.
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