美国 人物列表
非马 William Marr爱伦·坡 Edgar Alan Poe爱默生 Ralph Waldo Emerson
惠特曼 Walt Whitman狄更生 Emily Dickinson斯蒂芬·克兰 Stephan Crane
史蒂文斯 Wallace Stevens弗罗斯特 Robert Frost卡尔·桑德堡 Carl Sandberg
威廉斯 William Carlos Williams庞德 Ezra Pound杜丽特尔 Hilda Doolittle
奥登 Wystan Hugh Auden卡明斯 E. E. Cummings哈特·克莱恩 Hart Crane
罗伯特·邓肯 Robert Duncan查尔斯·奥尔森 Charles Olson阿门斯 A. R. Ammons
金斯堡 Allen Ginsberg约翰·阿什伯利 John Ashbery詹姆斯·泰特 James Tate
兰斯敦·休斯 Langston Hughes默温 W. S. Merwin罗伯特·勃莱 Robert Bly
毕肖普 Elizabeth Bishop罗伯特·洛威尔 Robert Lowell普拉斯 Sylvia Plath
约翰·贝里曼 John Berryman安妮·塞克斯顿 Anne Sexton斯诺德格拉斯 W. D. Snodgrass
弗兰克·奥哈拉 Frank O'Hara布洛茨基 L.D. Brodsky艾米·洛威尔 Amy Lowell
埃德娜·圣文森特·米蕾 Edna St. Vincent Millay萨拉·梯斯苔尔 Sara Teasdale马斯特斯 Edgar Lee Masters
威廉·斯塔福德 William Stafford艾德里安娜·里奇 Adrienne Rich大卫·伊格内托 David Ignatow
金内尔 Galway Kinnell西德尼·拉尼尔 Sidney Lanier霍华德·奈莫洛夫 Howard Nemerov
玛丽·奥利弗 Mary Oliver阿奇波德·麦克里许 阿奇波德麦 Kerry Xu杰弗斯诗选 Robinson Jeffers
露易丝·格丽克 Louise Glück凯特·莱特 Kate Light施加彰 Arthur Sze
李立扬 Li Young Lee斯塔夫理阿诺斯 L. S. Stavrianos阿特 Art
费翔 Kris Phillips许慧欣 eVonne杰罗姆·大卫·塞林格 Jerome David Salinger
巴拉克·奥巴马 Barack Hussein Obama朱瑟琳·乔塞尔森 Josselson, R.詹姆斯·泰伯 詹姆斯泰伯
威廉·恩道尔 Frederick William Engdahl马克·佩恩 Mark - Payne拉吉-帕特尔 Raj - Patel
约翰·迪克森·卡尔 John Dickson Carr
美国 现代美国  (1906年11月30日1977年2月27日)

推理侦探 consecution detective《“妖怪林”别墅疑案》

阅读约翰·迪克森·卡尔 John Dickson Carr在小说之家的作品!!!
  生于 1906 年 11 月 30 日,卒于 1977 年 2 月 27 日,是位多产的美国籍推理小说家,除了“约翰·狄克森·卡尔”之外,也曾使用过“卡特·狄克森”(Carter Dickson)、“卡尔·狄克森”(Carr Dickson)以及“罗杰·费尔拜恩”(Roger Fairbairn)等多个笔名发表作品。卡尔是公认的古典推理黄金时期伟大作家之一,写作上注重谜团的设计,并辅以复杂而紧凑的情节。他大部分的小说及短篇故事中都有一个古怪的侦探,负责解开种种不可思议同时又带有超自然神秘味道的犯罪,这样的风格主要是受到法国作家加斯顿·勒鲁(Gaston Leroux)以及英国文学巨擘 G·K·切斯特顿的布朗神父系列所影响。事实上,卡尔笔下那肥胖、和蔼的字典编纂家基甸·菲尔博士,正是根据切斯特顿的形象而写的。
  卡尔生于美国宾州联合镇(Uniontown, Pennsylvania),父亲曾任民主党议员。高中时课业表现平平,但已经开始热中于推理方面的写作。1931 年他于海外留学时,与英国女子克蕾儿·克利夫斯(Clarice Cleaves)结婚,并定居于英国,两人共育有三子,之后才于 1948 年返回美国。卡尔于 1950 年代所写的大部分作品,场景都是设定在英国或欧洲,由于文笔极富欧洲风味,因此当时有人还一度认为,‘卡尔’其实是英国知名幽默作家伍德霍斯(P. G. Wodehouse)的笔名。
  “密室杀人”(locked room mystery)是推理小说常见的一种类型,通常名探们要解决的,都是些“不可能犯罪”,像是在密闭或内部上锁之房间内发生的谋杀案,或是死者被勒杀或近距离刺杀于雪地或泥地,但尸体旁除了死者自己的脚印外,却没有任何其他痕迹。而说到“密室杀人”,一定会想到有“密室之王”之称的卡尔,特别是菲尔博士系列的名作“三口棺材”(The Three Coffins,1935 年出版,英国版书名为 The Hollow Man),这本谜团离奇诡异但构思严谨的小说,不但经常为许多推理作家或评论家评选为密室杰作首选之外,书中第十七章借菲尔博士之口所发表的密室讲义,更可视为一篇总结“不可能犯罪”手法的精辟论文。
  近年来,推理界是将卡尔的菲尔博士系列,视为其主要成就,不过更早期一点,广受评论欢迎的,则是梅瑞威尔爵士,着名推理小说评论家海克拉夫(Howard Haycraft,重要着作为《Murder for Pleasure: The Life and Times of the Detective Story》)在 1941 年便写道,梅瑞威尔爵士那「老头子」,「在当代各个小说名侦探中,最受当今作家喜爱」。

  John Dickson Carr (November 30, 1906–February 27, 1977) was an American author of detective stories, who also published under the pen names Carter Dickson, Carr Dickson and Roger Fairbairn.
  The son of Wooda Nicholas Carr, a U.S. congressman from Pennsylvania, Carr graduated from The Hill School in Pottstown in 1925 and Haverford College in 1929. Carr lived for a number of years in England beginning around 1930, as his career as a mystery writer began, and he married an English woman. Many of his novels had English settings, his best-known detective characters were English, and he is sometimes loosely grouped among "British-style" mystery writers. He is generally regarded as one of the greatest writers of so-called "Golden Age" mysteries, complex, plot-driven stories in which the puzzle is paramount. He was influenced in this regard by the works of Gaston Leroux and by the Father Brown stories of G. K. Chesterton.
  Carr was a master of the locked room mystery, in which a detective solves apparently impossible crimes. The Dr. Fell mystery The Hollow Man (1935), usually considered Carr's masterpiece, was selected in 1981 as the best locked-room mystery of all time by a panel of 17 mystery authors and reviewers.
  In 1950, his biography of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle brought Carr the first of his two Special Edgar Awards from the Mystery Writers of America; the second came in 1970, in recognition of his 40-year career as a mystery writer. He was also presented the MWA's Grand Master award in 1963.
  In early spring 1963, while living in Mamaroneck, N.Y., Carr suffered a stroke, which paralyzed his left side. He continued to write using one hand, and for several years contributed a regular column of mystery and detective book reviews, "The Jury Box", to Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine. Carr eventually moved to Greenville, South Carolina, and he died there of lung cancer in 1977.
  Dr. Fell and Sir Henry Merrivale
  "Mr. Carr can lead us away from the small, artificial, brightly-lit stage of the ordinary detective plot into the menace of outer darkness. He can create atmosphere with an adjective, alarm with an allusion, or delight with a rollicking absurdity. In short he can write - Dorothy L. Sayers "
  Carr's two major detectives, Dr. Fell and Sir Henry Merrivale, are superficially quite similar. Both are large, blustery, upper-class, eccentric Englishmen somewhere between middle-aged and elderly. Dr. Fell, who is frankly fat and walks only with the aid of two canes, was clearly modelled on the British writer G. K. Chesterton and is at all times a model of civility and geniality. He has a great mop of untidy hair that is often covered by a "shovel hat" and he generally wears a cape. He lives in a modest cottage and has no official connection to any public authorities.
  "H.M.", on the other hand, although stout and with a majestic "corporation", is physically active and is feared for his ill-temper and noisy rages. In a 1949 novel, A Graveyard to Let, for example, he demonstrates an unexpected talent for hitting baseballs improbable distances. A well-heeled descendant of the "oldest baronetcy" in England, he is an Establishment figure (even though he frequently rails against it) and in the earlier novels is the head of the British Secret Service. In The Plague Court Murders he is said to be qualified as both a barrister and a medical doctor. Even in the earliest books the bald, bespectacled, and scowling H.M. is clearly a Churchillian figure and in the later novels this similarity is somewhat more consciously evoked.
  Many of the Fell novels feature two or more different impossible crimes, including He Who Whispers (1946) and The Case of the Constant Suicides (1941). The novel The Crooked Hinge (1938) weaves a seemingly impossible throat-slashing, witchcraft, a survivor of the Titanic, an eerie automaton modelled on Johann Maelzel's chess player, and a case similar to that of the Tichborne claimant into what is often cited as one of the greatest classics of detective fiction. But even Carr's biographer, Douglas G. Greene ), notes that the explanation, like many of Carr's in other books, seriously stretches plausibility and the reader's credulity.
  Dr. Fell's own discourse on locked room mysteries in chapter 17 of The Hollow Man, is critically acclaimed and is sometimes printed as a stand-alone essay in its own right.
  Other work
  Besides Dr. Fell, Carr mysteries feature three other series detectives: Sir Henry Merrivale (H.M.), Henri Bencolin, and Colonel March. Many of the Merrivale novels, written under the Carter Dickson byline, rank with Carr's best work, including the highly praised The Judas Window (1938).
  A few of his novels do not feature a series detective. The most famous of these, The Burning Court (1937), involves witchcraft, poisoning, and a body that disappears from a sealed crypt in suburban Philadelphia; it was the basis for the French film La Chambre ardente (1962).
  Carr wrote in the short story format as well. "Most of Carr's stories are compressed versions of his locked-room novels, and at times they benefit from the compression. Probably the best of them are in the Carter Dickson book, The Department of Queer Complaints (1940), although this does not include the brilliantly clever H.M. story The House in Goblin Wood or a successful pastiche which introduces Edgar Allan Poe as a detective."
  In 1950 Carr wrote a novel called The Bride of Newgate, set in 1815 at the close of the Napoleonic Wars, one of the earliest full-length historical whodunnits. The Devil in Velvet and Fire, Burn! are the two historicals with which he himself was most pleased. With Adrian Conan Doyle, the youngest son of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Carr wrote Sherlock Holmes stories that were published in the 1954 collection The Exploits of Sherlock Holmes. He was also honored by the estate of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle by being asked to write the biography for the legendary author. The book, The Life of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, appeared in 1949 and received generally favorable reviews for its vigor and entertaining style.
  Critical appraisal
  For many years now Dr. Fell has generally been considered to be Carr's major creation. The British novelist Kingsley Amis, for instance, writes in his essay "My Favorite Sleuths" that Dr. Fell is one of the three great successors to Sherlock Holmes (the other two are Father Brown and Nero Wolfe) and that H.M., "according to me is an old bore." This may be in part because in the Merrivale novels written after World War II H.M. frequently became a comic caricature of himself, especially in the physical misadventures in which he found himself at least once in every novel. Humorous as these episodes were intended to be, they also tended to have the unwanted effect of diminishing his overall persona. Earlier, however, H.M. had been regarded more favorably by a number of critics. Howard Haycraft, author of the seminal Murder for Pleasure: The Life and Times of the Detective Story, wrote in 1941 that H.M. or "The Old Man" was "the present writer's admitted favorite among contemporary fictional sleuths". In 1938 the British mystery writer R. Philmore wrote in an article called "Inquest on Detective Stories" that Sir Henry was "the most amusing of detectives". And further: "Of course, H.M. is so much the best detective that, once having invented him, his creator could get away with any plot."
  There is a book-length critical study by S. T. Joshi, John Dickson Carr: A Critical Study (1990) (ISBN 0-87972-477-3).
  The definitive biography of Carr is by Douglas G Greene, John Dickson Carr: The Man Who Explained Miracles (1995) (ISBN 1-883402-47-6). From an obituary published in Greenville, South Carolina, Carr would appear to have written under the name of Fenton Carter but no works by anyone of this name have yet been identified.
  Radio Play
  Carr also wrote many radio scripts, particularly for the Suspense (radio program) series in America and for its UK equivalent Appointment With Fear introduced by Valentine Dyall, as well as many other dramas for the BBC, and some screenplays. His 1943 half-hour radio play Cabin B-13 was expanded into a series on CBS in 1948-49 for which Carr wrote all 25 scripts, basing some on earlier works or re-presenting devices that Chesterton had used. The 1943 play Cabin B-13 was also expanded into the script for the 1953 film Dangerous Crossing, directed by Joseph M. Newman and starring Michael Rennie and Jeanne Crain. Carr worked extensively for BBC Radio during World War II, writing both mystery stories and propaganda scripts.
  Film and television
  Carr's works were the basis for a number of films, including 1951's The Man with a Cloak, and Dangerous Crossing in 1953. The Emperor's Snuffbox was filmed as That Woman Opposite in 1957; La chambre ardente, from 1962, was a loose adaptation of The Burning Court.
  Various Carr stories formed the basis for episodes of television series, particularly those without recurring characters such as General Motors Presents. In 1956, the television series Colonel March of Scotland Yard, starring Boris Karloff as Colonel March and based on Carr's character and his stories, ran for 26 episodes.
  Novels as John Dickson Carr
  It Walks By Night (detective Henri Bencolin) - 1930
  Castle Skull (Bencolin) - 1931
  The Lost Gallows (Bencolin) - 1931
  Poison In Jest - 1932
  The Waxworks Murder (Bencolin) - 1932 (US title: The Corpse In The Waxworks)
  Hag's Nook (detective Dr. Gideon Fell) - 1933
  The Mad Hatter Mystery (Fell) - 1933
  The Blind Barber (Fell) - 1934
  The Eight of Swords (Fell) - 1934
  Death-Watch (Fell) - 1935
  The Hollow Man (Fell) - 1935 (US title: The Three Coffins)
  The Arabian Nights Murder (Fell) - 1936
  The Burning Court - 1937
  The Four False Weapons, Being the Return of Bencolin (Bencolin) - 1938
  To Wake the Dead (Fell) - 1938
  The Crooked Hinge (Fell) - 1938
  The Black Spectacles (Fell) - 1939 (US title: The Problem Of The Green Capsule)
  The Problem of the Wire Cage (Fell) - 1939
  The Man Who Could Not Shudder (Fell) - 1940
  The Case of the Constant Suicides (Fell) - 1941
  Death Turns the Tables (Fell) - 1941 (UK title: The Seat of the Scornful, 1942)
  The Emperor's Snuff-Box - 1942
  Till Death Do Us Part (Fell) - 1944
  He Who Whispers (Fell) - 1946
  The Sleeping Sphinx (Fell) - 1947
  Below Suspicion (Fell) - 1949 (also features Patrick Butler)
  The Bride of Newgate - 1950, historical mystery
  The Devil in Velvet - 1951, historical mystery
  The Nine Wrong Answers - 1952
  Captain Cut-Throat - 1955, historical mystery
  Patrick Butler for the Defense (detective Patrick Butler) - 1956
  Fire, Burn! - 1957, historical mystery
  The Dead Man's Knock (Fell) - 1958
  Scandal at High Chimneys: A Victorian Melodrama - 1959, historical mystery
  In Spite of Thunder (Fell) - 1960
  The Witch of the Low Tide: An Edwardian Melodrama - 1961, historical mystery
  The Demoniacs - 1962, historical mystery
  Most Secret - 1964 (This was a revision of a novel by Carr that was published in 1934 as Devil Kinsmere under the pseudonym "Roger Fairbairn")
  The House at Satan's Elbow (Fell) - 1965
  Panic in Box C (Fell) - 1966
  Dark of the Moon (Fell) - 1968
  Papa La-Bas - 1968, historical mystery
  The Ghosts' High Noon - 1970, historical mystery
  Deadly Hall - 1971, historical mystery
  The Hungry Goblin: A Victorian Detective Novel - 1972 (Wilkie Collins is the detective)
  Novels as Carter Dickson
  1987 paperback edition
  The Bowstring Murders - 1934 (Originally published as by Carr Dickson, but Carr's publishers complained that the name was too similar to Carr's real name, so Carter Dickson was substituted.)
  The Plague Court Murders (detective: Sir Henry Merrivale) - 1934
  The White Priory Murders (Merrivale) - 1934
  The Red Widow Murders (Merrivale) - 1935
  The Unicorn Murders (Merrivale) - 1935
  The Punch and Judy Murders (Merrivale) -1936 (US title: The Magic Lantern Murders)
  The Ten Teacups (Merrivale) - 1937 (US title: The Peacock Feather Murders)
  The Judas Window (Merrivale) - 1938 (US title: The Crossbow Murder)
  Death in Five Boxes (Merrivale) - 1938
  Drop to His Death (in collaboration with John Rhode) - 1939 (US title: Fatal Descent)
  The Reader is Warned (Merrivale) - 1939
  And So To Murder (Merrivale) - 1940
  Murder in The Submarine Zone (Merrivale) - 1940 (US title: Nine - And Death Makes Ten, also published as Murder in the Atlantic)
  Seeing is Believing (Merrivale) - 1941 (also published as Cross of Murder)
  The Gilded Man (Merrivale) - 1942 (also published as Death and The Gilded Man)
  She Died A Lady (Merrivale) - 1943
  He Wouldn't Kill Patience (Merrivale) - 1944
  The Curse of the Bronze Lamp (Merrivale) - 1945 (UK title: Lord of the Sorcerers, 1946)
  My Late Wives (Merrivale) - 1946
  The Skeleton in the Clock (Merrivale) - 1948
  A Graveyard To Let (Merrivale) - 1949
  Night at the Mocking Widow (Merrivale) - 1950
  Behind the Crimson Blind (Merrivale) - 1952
  The Cavalier's Cup (Merrivale) - 1953
  Fear Is the Same - 1956, historical mystery
  Short story collection
  The Department of Queer Complaints (as Carter Dickson) (detective: Colonel March) - 1940 (The 1940 volume contains 7 stories about Colonel March and 4 non-series stories. The 7 March stories were reprinted as Scotland Yard: Department of Queer Complaints, Dell mapback edition, 1944.)
  Dr. Fell, Detective, and Other Stories - 1947 (Fell)
  The Third Bullet and Other Stories of Detection - 1954
  The Exploits of Sherlock Holmes, with Adrian Conan Doyle - 1954 (Sherlock Holmes)
  The Men Who Explained Miracles - 1963 (Fell, Merrivale, and others)
  The Door to Doom and Other Detections - 1980 (includes radio plays)
  The Dead Sleep Lightly - 1983 (radio plays)
  Fell and Foul Play - 1991 (includes the full version of The Third Bullet)
  Merrivale, March and Murder - 1991 (includes all the stories from The Department of Queer Complaints + one, that is: all Colonel March stories)
  Speak of the Devil - Crippen & Landru, 1994 (a radio play in 8 parts). First publication of Carr's radio script. Written in 1941.
  13 to the Gallows - 2008. A collection of 4 stage plays, written during the early 1940s—2 by Carr alone, and 2 in collaboration with the BBC's Val Gielgud (Crippen & Landru)
  The Old Time Radio Series "Suspense" contains 22 plays by Carr, many of them not available in printed form. The radio plays can be downloaded from this site in MP3 format: http://www.archive.org/index.php]
  BBC has issued a set of two 90 minute cassettes containing radio versions of The Hollow Man and Till Death us Do Part.
  The Murder of Sir Edmund Godfrey - 1936, historical analysis of a noted murder of 1678
  The Life of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - 1949, the authorized biography
  Biographical material
  John Dickson Carr: The Man Who Explained Miracles - Douglas G Greene

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