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崔佛·杜普伊 Trevor N. Dupuy
美国 现代美国  (1916年5月3日1995年6月5日)

阅读崔佛·杜普伊 Trevor N. Dupuy在小说之家的作品!!!
  崔佛·杜普伊(Trevor N. Dupuy),美国西点军校毕业,二次大战缅甸战役退伍上校。曾任哈佛大学军事科学及俄亥俄州立大学军事史教授,「杜普伊协会」创办人及董事。著作计有《哈泼军事史百科》等九十余册。 大卫.邦格德(David L. Bongard),美国俄亥俄大学毕业,马里兰大学硕士。从事专题研究及著作达十余年,著有《哈泼军事传记百科》等书。 理查.安德逊(Richard C. Anderson JR.),美国军事评论家,乔治马松大学历史系毕业。

  Trevor Nevitt Dupuy (May 3, 1916 – June 5, 1995) was a Colonel, United States Army, retired, soldier and noted military historian.
  Born in New York, the son of noted military historian, R. Ernest Dupuy, Trevor very much followed in his father's footsteps. Trevor Dupuy attended West Point, graduating in the class of 1938. During World War II he commanded a U.S. Army artillery battalion, a Chinese artillery group, and an artillery detachment from the British 36th Infantry Division. He was always proud of the fact that he had more combat time in Burma than any other American, and received decorations for service or valor from the U.S., British, and Chinese governments. After the war Dupuy served in the United States Department of Defense Operations Division from 1945 to 1947, and as military assistant to the Under Secretary of the Army from 1947 to 1948. He was a member of the original Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) staff in Paris under Generals Dwight D. Eisenhower and Matthew Ridgway from 1950 to 1952.
  It is as a military historian and a theorist that Trevor Dupuy would make a lasting mark on the world. He is perhaps best known for his massive book The Encyclopedia Of Military History (co-written, like many of his books, with his father R. Ernest Dupuy). Starting from the beginning of history and going up the present day the book tries to cover all the major (and minor) military conflicts in world history. Usually each entry (arranged chronologically and by region) gives little more than the names of the commanders and (often) very rough estimates for the size of the forces involved in the campaigns. Dupuy was not afraid of expressing an opinion and he classified some of his subjects as Great Captains (such as Alexander the Great, Hanibal, Julius Caesar, Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden and Napoleon). Like most Western reference works it spends far more time dealing with wars in Europe and the United States than the rest of the world, but it does at least try to cover the entire world. The Encyclopedia Of Military History has been revised (and updated) several times, most recently in 1993. It can be found in the reference section of most American libraries.
  After Dupuy left active service in the Army in 1952, Harvard University appointed him as a Professor of Military Science and Tactics, where he helped found the Harvard Defense Studies Program (directed from 1958 to 1971 by Henry Kissinger). He left Harvard in 1956 to become director of the program in military studies at The Ohio State University. After retiring from active military duty in 1958, he served as a visiting professor in the International Relations Program at Rangoon University (now Yangon University) in Burma. From 1960 to 1962 Dupuy worked for the Institute for Defense Analyses, a government-funded think tank.
  In 1962 he formed the first of his research companies dedicated to the study and analysis of armed conflict, the Historical Evaluation and Research Organization (HERO), and served as President and Executive Director until 1983. From 1967 to 1983 he was also President of T. N. Dupuy Associates Inc. (TNDA), which became the parent organization for HERO. In 1983, TNDA sold its assets (including HERO) to a new corporation he formed called Data Memory Systems, Inc. (DMSI). Trevor was the president and largest stockholder in DMSI. In 1990, Dupuy resigned from DMSI, sold his stock and reactivated TNDA. In 1992 TNDA was closed out, and he established the non-profit The Dupuy Institute (TDI).
  Dupuy committed suicide by gunshot at his home in Vienna, Virginia on June 5, 1995. He had learned three weeks earlier that he had terminal pancreatic cancer. He was buried in Arlington National Cemetery. During his lifetime he wrote or co-wrote more than 50 books.
  "My personal feeling is that if I have done anything worthwhile, it is in military theory and the relationship of the elements of historical experience to theory."
  “I was brought up by my father to be both a soldier and a military historian. To him the two were inseparable, and that is the way it has always been for me.”
  Books and Publication
  To the Colors: The Way of Life of an Army Officer (with R.E. Dupuy), Chicago, 1942
  Faithful and True: History of the 5th Field Artillery, Schwabisch-Hall, Germany, 1949
  Campaigns of the French Revolution and of Napoleon, Cambridge, Ma, 1956
  Brave Men and Great Captains (With R. E. Dupuy), New York, 1960, 1984, 1993
  Compact History of the Civil War (with R.E. Dupuy), New York, 1960, 1991
  Civil War Land Battles, New York, 1960
  Civil War Naval Actions, New York, 1961
  Military History Of World War II, New York, 1962-65 (in 18 fairly short books):
  Vol. 1 - European Land Battles: 1939–1943 Vol. 2 - European Land Battles: 1944–1945
  Vol. 3 - Land Battles: North Africa, Sicily, And Italy Vol. 4 - The Naval War In The West: The Raider
  Vol. 5 - The Naval War In The West: The Wolf Packs Vol. 6 - The Air War In The West: September 1939-May 1941
  Vol. 7 - The Air War In The West: June 1941-April 1945 Vol. 8 - Asiatic Land Battles: Expansion Of Japan In Asia
  Vol. 9 - Asiatic Land Battles: Japanese Ambitions In The Pacific Vol. 10 - Asiatic Land Battles: Allied Victories In China And Burma
  Vol. 11 - The Naval War In The Pacific: Rising Sun Of Nippon Vol. 12 - The Naval War In The Pacific: On To Tokyo
  Vol. 13 - The Air War In The Pacific: Air Power Leads The Way Vol. 14 - The Air War In The Pacific: Victory In The Air
  Vol. 15 - European Resistance Movements Vol. 16 - Asian And Axis Resistance Movement
  Vol. 17 - Leaders Of World War II Vol. 18 - Chronological Survey Of World War II
  Compact History of the Revolutionary War (With R. E. Dupuy), New York, 1963
  Holidays, Editor, Contributor., New York, 1965
  Military Heritage Of America (With R. E. Dupuy, Paul Braim), 2 Vols., New York, 1966, 1986, 1992
  Military History Of World War I, New York, 1967 (in 12 fairly short books):
  Vol. 1 - 1914: The Battles In The West Vol. 2 - 1914: The Battles In The East
  Vol. 3 - Stalemate In The Trenches, November 1914-March 1918 Vol. 4 - Triumphs And Tragedies In The East: 1915-17
  Vol. 5 - The Campaigns On The Turkish Fronts Vol. 6 - Campaigns In Southern Europe
  Vol. 7 - 1918: The German Offensives Vol. 8 - 1918: Decision In The West
  Vol. 9 - Naval And Overseas War: 1914-15 Vol. 10 - Naval And Overseas War: 1916- 18
  Vol. 11 - The War In The Air Vol. 12 - Summary Of World War I
  The Battle Of Austerlitz, New York, 1968
  Modern Libraries For Modern Colleges: Research Strategies For Design And Development, Washington, D.C., 1968
  Ferment In College Libraries: The Impact Of Information Technology, Washington, D.C., 1968
  Mediapower: A College Plans For An Integrated Media Service System, Washington, D.C., 1968
  Military History Of The Chinese Civil War, New York, 1969
  The Military Lives Series (published in 1969 and 1970) :
  The Military Life Of Alexander The Great The Military Life Of Hannibal
  The Military Life Of Julius Caesar The Military Life Of Genghis Khan
  The Military Life Of Gustavus Adolphus The Military Life Of Frederick The Great
  The Military Life Of George Washington The Military Life Of Napoleon
  The Military Life Of Abraham Lincoln The Military Life Of Hindenburg And Ludendorff
  The Military Life Of Adolph Hitler The Military Life Of Winston Churchill
  Revolutionary War Naval Battles (With Grace P. Hayes), New York, 1970
  Revolutionary War Land Battles (With Gay M. Hammerman), New York, 1970
  Mongolia, Foreign Area Studies Handbook, Washington, D.C., 1970
  Almanac Of World Military Power 1970 (With John A. Andrews, Grace P. Hayes), New York, 1970
  Almanac Of World Military Power 1972 (With John A. Andrews, Grace P. Hayes), New York, 1972
  Documentary History Of Arms Control And Disarmament (With Gay M. Hammerman), New York, 1974
  World Military Leaders (With Grace P. Hayes, Paul Martell), 1974
  Almanac Of World Military Power 1974 (With John A. Andrews, Grace P. Hayes), New York, 1974
  People And Events Of The American Revolution (With Gay M. Hammerman), New York, 1974
  An Outline History Of The American Revolution (With R.E. Dupuy), New York, 1975
  Encyclopedia Of Military History (With R.E. Dupuy), New York, 1975, 1986, 1993
  A Genius For War: The German Army And General Staff, 1807–1945, New Jersey, 1977, 1984, 1989, 1993
  Numbers, Predictions and War, New York, 1978, 1985
  Elusive Victory: The Arab-Israeli Wars, 1947–1974, New York, 1978, 1984, 1989, 1992
  Almanac Of World Military Power 1980 (With John A. Andrews, Grace P. Hayes), New York, 1980
  The Evolution Of Weapons And Warfare, New York, 1980, 1984, 1986
  Great Battles Of The Eastern Front (With Paul Martell), New York, 1982
  Options Of Command, New York, 1984
  Flawed Victory: The Arab-Israeli Conflict And The 1982 War In Lebanon (With Paul Martell), Virginia, 1986
  Understanding War: Military History And The Theory Of Combat, New York, 1986
  Dictionary Of Military Terms (With Curt Johnson, Grace P. Hayes), New York, 1987
  Understanding Defeat, New York, 1990
  Attrition: Forecasting Battle Casualties And Equipment Losses In Modern War, Virginia, 1990
  If War Comes, How To Defeat Saddam Hussein, Virginia, 1991
  Future Wars: The World'S Most Dangerous Flashpoints, New York, 1992
  Encyclopedia Of Military Biography (With Curt Johnson, David L. Bongard), New York, 1992
  International Military And Defense Encyclopedia, (Brassey'S) 6 Vols., Editor In Chief, New York, 1992
  Hitler's Last Gamble (With David L. Bongard, Richard C. Anderson), New York, 1994
  Unpublished Manuscripts By Trevor N. Dupuy
  Great Captains And Modern War
  Military Myths (Unfinished)
  Documentary History Of The U.S. Armed Forces (Unfinished)

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