英國 人物列錶
貝奧武甫 Beowulf喬叟 Geoffrey Chaucer埃德濛·斯賓塞 Edmund Spenser
威廉·莎士比亞 William Shakespeare瓊森 Ben Jonson米爾頓 John Milton
多恩 John Donne馬維爾 Andrew Marvell格雷 Thomas Gray
布萊剋 William Blake華茲華斯 William Wordsworth薩繆爾·柯勒律治 Samuel Coleridge
司各特 Sir Walter Scott拝倫 George Gordon Byron雪萊 Percy Bysshe Shelley
濟慈 John Keats艾米莉·勃朗特 Emily Bronte勃朗寧夫人 Elizabeth Barret Browning
愛德華·菲茨傑拉德 Edward Fitzgerald丁尼生 Alfred Tennyson羅伯特·勃朗寧 Robert Browning
阿諾德 Matthew Arnold哈代 Thomas Hardy艾略特 Thomas Stearns Eliot
勞倫斯 David Herbert Lawrence狄蘭·托馬斯 Dylan Thomas麥凱格 Norman Maccaig
麥剋林 Somhairle Mac Gill-Eain休斯 Ted Hughes拉金 Philip Larkin
彼得·瓊斯 Peter Jones崔瑞德 Denis Twitchett阿諾德·湯因比 Arnold Joseph Toynbee
約翰·勞埃德 John Lloyd約翰·米奇森 约翰米奇森保羅·科利爾 Paul Collier
亞當·斯密 Adam Smith戴維·米勒 D.W.Miller多麗絲·萊辛 Doris Lessing
喬納森·斯威夫特 Jonathan Swift喬納森·普雷西 Jonathan Pryce喬納森 Jonathan
約翰·曼 John Man尼古拉斯·科茲洛夫 Nikolas Kozloff葛瑞姆·漢峠剋 Graham Hancock
韋恩·魯尼 Wayne Rooney戴維-史密斯 David - Smith史蒂芬·貝利 Stephen Bayley
戴斯濛德·莫裏斯 Desmond Morris喬治·奧威爾 George Orwell辛西婭.列儂 Cynthia Lennon
亞歷山大·史迪威 Alexander Stillwell唐納德 A.麥肯齊 Donald Alexander Mackenzie亞倫·峠爾 Allen Carr
瑪麗·傑剋斯 Mary Jaksch亞當·傑剋遜 Adam J. Jackson羅斯瑪麗·戴維森 Rosemary Davidson
薩拉·瓦因 Sarah VineE·凱·崔姆博格 E.Kay Trimberger維多利亞·貝剋漢姆 Victoria Beckham
安德魯·莫頓 Andrew Morton
英國 溫莎王朝  (1953年)

傳記 biography《莫妮峠的故事》

閱讀安德魯·莫頓 Andrew Morton在小说之家的作品!!!
  安德魯・莫頓是世界著名的傳記作傢, 是名人社會的權威。他的頗有爭議的處女作--《戴安娜的眞實故事》改變了英國英國公衆對王室的看法;《莫尼峠的故事》這本關於莫尼峠・萊溫斯基的傳記掲示了隱蔵在對比爾・剋林頓總統責背後的眞實故事。最近,關於披露大衛・貝剋漢姆和維多利亞明星生活的《貝剋漢姆與漂亮辣妹》,作為對當今名人文化的批判之作而大受歡迎,成為目前莫頓最暢銷的傳記。
  多年來,莫頓獲得了多項殊榮:“年度最佳 作傢”、“年度最佳研究記者”、“年度獨傢新聞奬”,還有“新聞界服務特別奬”。
  安德魯・莫頓和 妻子及兩個十多歲的女兒生活在倫敦。

  Andrew David Morton (born 1953 in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire) is a former British Fleet Street tabloid journalist, and a biographer.
  Before moving into a career in journalism, he attended grammar school, then studied history at the University of Sussex.
  Biography of Diana, Princess of Wale
  Andrew Morton wrote a biography of Princess Diana called Diana: Her True Story. Following Diana's death in 1997, Morton issued an edition entitled Diana: Her True Story, Commemorative Edition.
  Biography of Monica Lewinsky
  Morton received public attention after Diana's death, when he revealed the extent of her collaborations with him. He achieved greater prominence in the United States after the publication of Monica's Story.
  Tom Cruise: An Unauthorized Biography
  Main article: Tom Cruise: An Unauthorized Biography
  Tom Cruise: An Unauthorized Biography was published in January 2008, and reprinted with an update in February 2009. In a New York Times review, Janet Maslin wrote "... Mr. Morton has found a number of former Scientologists who are willing to speak freely, and in some cases vengefully, about the group’s purported inner workings. Mr. Morton’s eagerness to include their voices leads him to push the limits of responsible reporting." Maslin added that Morton "provides a credible portrait extrapolated from the actor’s on-the-record remarks and highly visible public behavior." Writing in Entertainment Weekly, Mark Harris gave the book a grade of "C-", and said "Cruise emerges from Morton's takedown moderately scratched but as uncracked as ever." Another review in the New York Times by Ada Calhooun said:
  However shady Scientology may be, Morton’s language in “Tom Cruise: An Unauthorized Biography” is extreme. He and his sources compare the church and its leadership to fascists, the Roman Empire, storm troopers, Machiavelli, Orwell’s “Animal Farm,” Napoleon, Stalinists and North Korea. He also repeatedly invokes Nazism, and quotes without censure the German Protestant Church’s comparison of Cruise to Joseph Goebbels.
  Teresa Budasi of the Chicago Sun-Times described the book as "fascinating", although Budasi also brought up a "question as to what’s true and what isn’t." Budasi summed up her impression of the work, writing "Morton’s book is as much an indictment on Cruise’s chosen faith as it is the life story of one of the world’s biggest movie stars. And by the end you realize that 'Scientologist' is what will end up being the role of his lifetime." In a review in The Buffalo News, Jeff Simon wrote of the author: "To give Morton the credit he’s clearly due: he is one of the best around at constructing a 250-page gossip column."
  Upon its publication, Cruise's lawyer and the Church of Scientology released statements which question the truthfulness of assertions made by Morton in the book. In a 15-page statement released to the press, the Church of Scientology called the book "a bigoted, defamatory assault replete with lies." The book was not published in the UK, Australia, or New Zealand due to strict libel laws in those countries.
  Other publication
  After Monica's Story, he investigated a mining disaster, which became his first non-royal journalistic account, Nine for Nine: The Pennsylvania Mine Rescue Miracle. He also wrote an authorized biography of Kenyan president Daniel arap Moi. The book resulted in a libel case brought against Morton by a Kenyan judge; Morton lost the case and was ordered to pay £45,700 in damages.
  Then Morton moved on to "king and queen of pop culture," as he termed them, David Beckham and his wife Victoria. Posh and Becks, became a No. 1 best-seller in the United Kingdom, but received little attention in the United States.
  Soon after, Morton announced that he would be taking on the "queen of pop", Madonna. Despite a seven figure advance by St. Martin's Press and a 500,000-copy first printing, Madonna failed to make waves in America, where it spent only two weeks on the New York Times best-seller list (peaking at No. 8). By contrast, J. Randy Taraborrelli's Madonna: An Intimate Biography, released at the same time, became a massive best-seller in the United Kingdom (though it only made the extended New York Times best-seller list). Morton subsequently wrote another Diana book entitled In Pursuit of Love, with information that he had left unaddressed. The book made the New York Times best-seller list.
  Morton's next project is a biography on Angelina Jolie, titled Angelina: An Authorized Biography.
  Diana: Her True Story in Her Own Words. New York: Pocket. 1992. ISBN 0-671-02412-4.
  Monica's Story. New York: St. Martin's Press. 1999. ISBN 0-312-97362-4.
  Posh & Becks. Simon Spotlight Entertainment. 2000. ISBN 1-4169-5386-8.
  Madonna. New York: St. Martin's Press. 2001. ISBN 0-312-28786-0.
  Tom Cruise: An Unauthorized Biography. New York: St. Martin's Press. 2008. ISBN 0-312-35986-1.

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