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惠特曼 Walt Whitman狄更生 Emily Dickinson斯蒂芬·克兰 Stephan Crane
史蒂文斯 Wallace Stevens弗罗斯特 Robert Frost卡尔·桑德堡 Carl Sandberg
威廉斯 William Carlos Williams庞德 Ezra Pound杜丽特尔 Hilda Doolittle
奥登 Wystan Hugh Auden卡明斯 E. E. Cummings哈特·克莱恩 Hart Crane
罗伯特·邓肯 Robert Duncan查尔斯·奥尔森 Charles Olson阿门斯 A. R. Ammons
金斯堡 Allen Ginsberg约翰·阿什伯利 John Ashbery詹姆斯·泰特 James Tate
兰斯敦·休斯 Langston Hughes默温 W. S. Merwin罗伯特·勃莱 Robert Bly
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弗兰克·奥哈拉 Frank O'Hara布洛茨基 L.D. Brodsky艾米·洛威尔 Amy Lowell
埃德娜·圣文森特·米蕾 Edna St. Vincent Millay萨拉·梯斯苔尔 Sara Teasdale马斯特斯 Edgar Lee Masters
威廉·斯塔福德 William Stafford艾德里安娜·里奇 Adrienne Rich大卫·伊格内托 David Ignatow
金内尔 Galway Kinnell西德尼·拉尼尔 Sidney Lanier霍华德·奈莫洛夫 Howard Nemerov
玛丽·奥利弗 Mary Oliver阿奇波德·麦克里许 阿奇波德麦 Kerry Xu杰弗斯诗选 Robinson Jeffers
露易丝·格丽克 Louise Glück凯特·莱特 Kate Light施加彰 Arthur Sze
李立扬 Li Young Lee斯塔夫理阿诺斯 L. S. Stavrianos阿特 Art
费翔 Kris Phillips许慧欣 eVonne杰罗姆·大卫·塞林格 Jerome David Salinger
巴拉克·奥巴马 Barack Hussein Obama朱瑟琳·乔塞尔森 Josselson, R.詹姆斯·泰伯 詹姆斯泰伯
威廉·恩道尔 Frederick William Engdahl马克·佩恩 Mark - Payne拉吉-帕特尔 Raj - Patel
伊莉·琼森 Iris Johansen
美国 现代美国  (1938年4月7日)

言情 describe loving stories (books)《半月湾的男人》

阅读伊莉·琼森 Iris Johansen在小说之家的作品!!!

  Iris Johansen (born April 7, 1938) is an American author of crime fiction and romance novels.
  Johansen began writing after her children left home for college. She first achieved success in the early 1980s writing category romances. In 1991, Johansen began writing suspense historical romance novels, starting with the publication of The Wind Dancer. In 1996 Johansen switched genres, turning to crime fiction, with which she has had great success. She had seventeen consecutive New York Times bestsellers as of November 2006.
  Johansen lives in Georgia and is married. Her son, Roy Johansen, is an Edgar Award-winning screenwriter and novelist. Her daughter, Tamara, serves as her research assistant.
  [edit]Romance Novels
  [edit]Contemporary romance
  Touch the Horizon (1984)
  Capture the Rainbow (1984)
  The Trustworthy Redhead (Louis Benoit) (1984)
  The Golden Valkyrie (1984)
  Til the End of Time (1986)
  Everlasting (1986)
  Always (1986)
  The Spellbinder (Louis Benoit) (1987)
  Last Bridge Home (1987)
  Strong, Hot Winds (1988)
  Blue Skies and Shining Promises (1988)
  Man From Half Moon Bay (1988)
  An Unexpected Song (1990)
  Tender Savage (Spin Off of One Touch of Topaz) (1990)
  Notorious (1990)
  A Tough Man to Tame (1991)
  Winter Bride (1992)
  Star Spangled Bride (1993)
  No One to Trust (2002)
  Dead Aim (2003)
  Fatal Tide (2003)
  Blind Alley (2004)
  Count Down (2005)
  [edit]The Delaneys: The Shamrock Trinity
  02. York, the Renegade (1986)
  [edit]The Delaneys of Killaroo
  02. Matilda, the Adventuress (1987)
  04. This Fierce Splendor (1989)
  [edit]The Delaneys; The untamed years I
  02. Wild Silver (1988)
  [edit]The Delaneys; The untamed years II
  02. Satin Ice (1988)
  [edit]Historical romance
  The Forever Dream (1985)
  The Wind Dancer (1991)
  Storm Winds (1991)
  Reap the Wind (1991; revised edition, 2002)
  The Golden Barbarian (1992)
  Last Bridge Home (1992)
  The Tiger Prince (1993)
  The Magnificent Rogue (1993)
  The Beloved Scoundrel (1994)
  Midnight Warrior (1994)
  Dark Rider (1995)
  Lion's Bride (1996)
  The Treasure (2008)
  [edit]Crime fiction novels
  [edit]Recurring Characters
  Reap the Wind (October 1991 – revised August 2002)
  Featured characters:
  Caitlin Vasaro
  Alex Karazov
  Jonathan Andreas
  Chelsea Benedict
  Kemal Nemid
  Melis Nemid
  Marisa Benedict
  The Face of Deception (October 1998)
  Principal characters
  First appearance of forensic sculptor Eve Duncan
  First appearance of police detective Joe Quinn
  First appearance of billionaire industrialist John Logan
  The Killing Game (September 1999)
  Second appearance of Eve Duncan
  Second appearance of Joe Quinn
  Second appearance of John Logan
  First appearance of canine search & rescue specialist Sarah Patrick
  First appearance of Jane Macguire
  First appearance of Sean Galen
  The Search (June 2000)
  Second appearance of Sarah Patrick
  Third appearance of John Logan
  Third appearance by Eve Duncan
  Third appearance by Joe Quinn
  Second appearance by Sean Galen
  Second appearance by Jane Macguire
  Body of Lies (March 2002)
  Fourth appearance by Eve Duncan
  Fourth appearance by Joe Quinn
  Third appearance by Sean Galen (featured character).
  Third appearance by Jane Macguire (featured character).
  Final Target (May 2001)
  Jessica Riley
  Melissa Riley
  Michael Travis
  Fourth appearance by Sean Galen
  Second appearance by Jonathan Andreas
  Second appearance by Chelsea Benedict
  No One to Trust (October 2002)
  Elena Kyler
  Fifth appearance by Sean Galen
  First appearance by Judd Morgan
  Dead Aim (April 2003)
  Alex Graham
  Second appearance by Judd Morgan
  Third appearance by Sarah Patrick
  Third appearance by Jonathan Andreas
  Third appearance by Chelsea Benedict
  Second appearance by Melis Nemid
  Fourth appearance by John Logan
  Fatal Tide (September 2003)
  Third appearance by Melis Nemid
  First appearance by Jed Kelby
  Second appearance by Kemal Nemid
  Blind Alley (September 2004)
  Fifth appearance by Eve Duncan
  Fifth appearance by Joe Quinn
  Fourth appearance by Jane Macguire
  First appearance by Mark Trevor
  Countdown (May 2005)
  Sixth appearance by Eve Duncan
  Fifth appearance by Jane Macguire
  Second appearance by Mark Trevor
  Sixth appearance by Joe Quinn
  Killer Dreams (May 2006)
  Second appearance by Jock Gavin
  Second appearance by MacDuff
  Sixth appearance by Jane Maguire
  Stalemate (December 2006)
  Seventh appearance by Eve Duncan
  Seventh appearance by Joe Quinn
  Seventh appearance by Jane Macguire
  First appearance by Luis Montalvo
  Sixth appearance by Sean Galen
  Pandora's Daughter (October 2007)
  First appearance by Megan Blair
  First appearance by Renata
  Quicksand (April 2008)
  Eighth appearance by Eve Duncan
  Eighth appearance by Joe Quinn
  Second appearance by Megan Blair
  Second appearance by Luis Montalvo
  Eighth appearance by Jane Maguire
  Dark Summer (October 2008)
  Fourth appearance by Sarah Patrick
  Blood Game (2009)
  Ninth appearance by Eve Duncan
  Ninth appearance by Joe Quinn
  Third appearance by Megan Blair
  Third appearance by Luis Montalvo
  Ninth appearance by Jane Maguire
  Second appearance by Renata
  First appearance by Seth Caleb
  Eight Days to Live (2010)
  Tenth appearance by Eve Duncan
  Tenth appearance by Joe Quinn
  Tenth appearance by Jane Maguire
  Second appearance by Seth Caleb
  Third appearance by Jock Gavin
  Third appearance by MacDuff
  Long After Midnight (1997)
  And Then You Die (1998)
  Firestorm (2004)
  On The Run (2005)
  Deadlock (2009)
  [edit]With Roy Johansen
  Silent Thunder (July 8, 2008)
  Storm Cycle (July 21, 2009)

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