法国 人物列表
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斯特芳·马拉美 Stephane Mallarme魏尔伦 Paul-Marie Veriaine洛特雷阿蒙 Comte de Lautréamont
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弗朗西斯·雅姆 Francis Jammes法尔格 Léon-Paul Fargue克洛岱尔 Paul Claudel
保尔·瓦雷里 Paul Valery夏尔·佩吉 Charles Peguy苏佩维埃尔 Jules Supervielle
布洛东 André Breton艾吕雅 Paul Eluard阿波里奈尔 Guillaume Apollinaire
雅克·普莱维尔 Jacques Prévert阿拉贡 Louis Aragon保尔·福尔 Paul Fort
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勒韦迪 Pierre Reverdy拜斯 Saint-John Perse普吕多姆 Sully Prudhomme
勒内·夏尔 René Char伊凡·哥尔 Yvan Goll博斯凯 Alain Bosquet
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若泽·弗雷什 José Frèches米歇尔-施奈德 Michelle - Schneider尼古拉·萨科齐 Nicolas Sarkozy
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米歇尔·孔达 Michel Contat埃莱娜·格里莫 Hélène Grimaud塔丽塔·特里帕亚 Tarita Teriipaia
让·菲利普 To Philip尼玛·扎玛尔 尼玛扎玛尔克洛维一世 Clovis I
克洛泰尔一世 Clothaire Ier希尔德里克三世 Childeric III丕平 Pepin III
查理大帝 Charlemagne路易一世 Louis the Pious查理二世 Charles II (le Chauve)
路易二世 Louis II路易三世 Louis III卡洛曼二世 Carloman II
夏尔·佩吉 Charles Peguy
法国 二战时期的法国  (1873年1月7日1914年9月5日)

诗词《诗选 anthology》   

阅读夏尔·佩吉 Charles Peguy在诗海的作品!!!

Charles Péguy (January 7, 1873-September 5, 1914) was a noted French poet, essayist and editor. His two main inspirations were socialism and nationalism, but by 1908 at the latest, he had become a devout but non-practicing Roman Catholic From then on, Catholicism had a major influence on his works.

Péguy was born in Orléans to a father who died as a result of injuries suffered as a soldier during the Franco-Prussian war and a mother who supported him by working as a chair-stuffer. In 1894, benefitting from republican school reform, he was received in the École Normale Supérieure, and attended notably the lectures of Henri Bergson and Romain Rolland, whom he befriended. He formally left the École Normale, without graduating, in 1897, even though he carried on attending at some lectures in 1898. Under the influence of Lucien Herr (librarian of the École Normale), he became an ardent Dreyfusard.

From his earliest years, he was attracted by socialism. From 1900 to his death in 1914, he was the main contributor and the editor of the literary magazine Les Cahiers de la Quinzaine, which first supported the Socialist Party-leader Jean Jaurès, but ultimately withdrew support after Péguy began viewing Jaurès a traitor to the nation and to socialism. In the Cahiers, Péguy published not only his own essays and poetry, but also works by important contemporary authors such as Romain Rolland.

His free verse poem, "Portico of the Mystery of the Second Virtue", has gone through more than 60 editions in France. It was a favorite book of Charles de Gaulle.

He died in battle, shot in the forehead, in Villeroy, Seine-et-Marne during World War I, on the day before the beginning of the Battle of the Marne.

Benito Mussolini referred to Péguy as a "source" for Fascism. But, according to sources such as the The Virginia Quarterly, Péguy would have likely been horrified by this appropriation.

In 1983 Geoffrey Hill published a long poem with the title The Mystery of the Charity of Charles Péguy.

Famous quotations
"The sinner is at the very heart of Christianity. Nobody is so competent as the sinner in matters of Christianity. Nobody, except the saint."

"It will never be known what acts of cowardice have been committed for fear of not looking sufficiently progressive." (Notre Patrie, 1905).

"Tyranny is always better organised than freedom".

"Homer is new and fresh this morning, and nothing, perhaps, is so old and tired as today's newspaper."

"Surrender is essentially an operation by means of which we set out explaining instead of acting."

"He who does not bellow the truth when he knows the truth makes himself the accomplice of liars and forgers."

"A word is not the same with one writer as with another. One tears it from his guts. The other pulls it out of his overcoat pocket."

"How maddening, says God, it will be when there are no longer any Frenchmen;

There will be things that I do that no one will be left to understand." (Le Mystère des saints Innocents)

Jeanne d' Arc (1897)
Notre Patrie (1905)
Situations (1907–1908)
Notre Jeunesse (1909) - Defense of Alfred Dreyfus.
Clio, dialogue de l'histoire et de l'âme païenne (1909–1912)
Le Mystère de la charité de Jeanne d'Arc (1910)
Victor-Marie, comte Hugo (1911)
L'Argent (1912)
Le Porche du mystère de la deuxième vertu (1912)
(translated into English as The Portal of the Mystery of Hope)

Le Mystère des saints Innocents (1912)
La Tapisserie de sainte Geneviève et de Jeanne d'Arc (1913)
La Tapisserie de Notre-Dame (1913)
Ève (1913)
Note sur M. Bergson (1914)

^ "In France the classic type of the fervent but non-practising Catholic was probably best represented by Charles Péguy" (von Kuehnelt-Leddihn, p.194)

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