阅读萨拉·梯斯苔尔 Sara Teasdale在诗海的作品!!! |
悌丝黛尔(Sara Teasdale,1884-1933),美国女诗人。悌丝黛尔出生于密苏里州的圣路易城,自小成长于传统保守家庭,受到父母过度的保护。她先后进入洛克伍德夫人学校(Mrs. Lockwood’s School)和玛丽大学(Mary Institute)就读,1903年,毕业于Hosmer Hall女子学院。她在大学时期开始写诗,于1907年发表首篇诗作。1904到1907年间,悌丝黛尔曾和一群朋友创办了一份颇获好评的文学月刊《陶匠的转轮》(The Potter’s Wheel)。她游踪广阔,并多次前往芝加哥,后来成为哈丽叶.孟若(Harriet Monroe)所办《诗刊》的成员,结识不少诗人。诗人林赛(Vachel Lindsay,1879-1931)对她展开热烈追求,但因他作风行径过于狂野大胆,悌丝黛尔最后拒绝了他的求爱。1914年,悌丝黛尔嫁给商人菲尔辛格(Ernst Filsinger)。丈夫对她呵护倍至,可是她个性孤僻,情绪不稳,再加上体弱多病,和丈夫关系渐行渐远;1929年,她与丈夫离婚。之后,她离群索居,健康状况日益恶化,并患有精神衰弱症。1933年,她服用过量的安眠药,死于纽约寓所的浴缸里。
悌丝黛尔的第一本诗集《给杜斯的十四行诗及其它》(Sonnets to Duse and Other Poems)于1907年出版,之后陆续出版了《奔流入海的河流》(Rivers to the Sea,1915),《恋歌》(Love Songs,1917),《火焰与阴影》(Flame and Shadow,1920),《月亮的黑暗面》(Dark of the Moon,1926),和《奇异的胜利》(Strange Victory,1933)等诗集。1918年,《恋歌》为她赢得美国诗协会年度诗人奖,以及哥伦比亚大学诗协会奖(这是普立兹诗奖的前身)。
In 1918, she won the Columbia University Poetry Society prize and the annual prize of the Poetry Society of America for her volume, Love Songs. Throughout her life, Teasdale suffered poor health and it was at age 9 that she was well enough to begin school In 1898 she went to Mary Institute and to Hosmer Hall in 1899 where she finished in 1903. In 1913 Teasdale fell in love with a poet Vachel Lindsay. He wrote her daily love letters, but nevertheless she married Ernst Filsinger in 1914 when she was 30. Teasdale and Lindsay remained friends throughout their lives. Teasdale was a product of her upbringing, and was never able to experience the passion that she expressed in her poetry. She was not happy in her marriage, and she divorced in 1929. On the morning of January 29, 1933, she overdosed on sleeping pills in her apartment, lay down in a warm bath, fell asleep, and never woke up again. In 1931 Lindsay,her friend, had also committed suicide.
In 1994, Sara Teasdale was inducted into the St. Louis Walk of Fame.
She is interred in the Bellefontaine Cemetery in St. Louis.
Teasdale's suicide and "I Shall Not Care"
A common urban legend surrounds Teasdale's 1933 suicide. The legend claims that her poem "I Shall Not Care" (which features themes of abandonment, bitterness, and contemplation of death) was penned as a suicide note to a former lover. However, the poem was actually first published in her 1915 collection Rivers to the Sea, a full 18 years before her suicide: [1]
When I am dead and over me bright April
Shakes out her rain-drenched hair,
Though you should lean above me broken-hearted,
I shall not care.
I shall have peace, as leafy trees are peaceful
When rain bends down the bough,
And I shall be more silent and cold-hearted
Than you are now.
Sara Teasdale (1915)
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