霍达 女,北京人,回族。1945年11月26日出生。国家一级作家,第七届和第八届全国政协委员、全国政协民族委员会委员,第九届全国人民代表大会代表,全国人大教科文卫委员会委员,中国文联委员会委员,中国少数民族作家学会副会长,北京市文联理事。
F, Hui, 1945 students. CPPCC Standing Committee member and a writer, the Central Literature and History Institute librarian. With a variety of genres of literary works about 600 million characters, of which, the novel "Muslim funeral" by China's highest literary award - the third Literature Award, and the Third National Minority outstanding literary award, the fortieth anniversary of the founding Beijing Outstanding Literary Award; novel "split the Sky" by the Seventh National Project Award, and was the Central Propaganda Department, Ministry of Culture, SARFT, GAPP, recommendation of the Chinese Writers Association as Founding 50 Anniversary of one of 10 outstanding novels, and was the sixth national minority outstanding literary Horse Award, Outstanding Book Award in Beijing; novella, "Red Dust" won the Fourth National Award for outstanding novella; Reportage "10 thousand worries Music" Excellent reportage by the Fourth National Award, Fourth National Horse Award for outstanding literary minority, Yan Huang Cup Contemporary Literature Prize, the first national consumer protection the highest individual award and the Cup, "3.15" gold Medal; Reportage "War" was the first wave of Chinese Reportage Award, first prize for literature was the first National Health; drama script, "Red Dust" won the second annual National Fine Stage Arts Project Award for best screenplay; TV series "Magpie Fairies" by First National TV Flying Award, the episode "Hard to Tell Love" Skylark Award by the Pacific Media Corporation; screenplay, "I am not a hunter" won the Second National Award for outstanding children's books; film script, "Lucky" was the fortieth anniversary of the founding of National Excellent film screenplay; prose "graves monument", "Misty Rain Man Mo Temple," was the country celebrate the first prize essay; essay "The Holy Land in order that piece of Heaven" won the CPPCC National Committee celebrate the tenth anniversary of the best essay award. In addition, with a novel, "not to wear red wedding dress," Reportage "pump wave End of the World" screenplay "Qinhuang father and son", "sword sheath", TV series of the "floating in the air Bai", "Jiangzhou Sima, "" The Lost Pearl "and" ring "," heaven Hallowed Ground "and so on. Works in English, French, Japanese, Russian, Arabic, Urdu and other language translation and publication in traditional Chinese version of Hong Kong and Taiwan more than in 1999, six volumes published by Beijing, "Hoda Collection."