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Qiaoengedeng created the famous "positive energy project", the project aims to develop and fund those committed to developing a healthy, positive children's various programs. Gordon and his energy solutions have been around the world hundreds of TV stations, magazines and newspapers widely reported, including CNN's "Good Morning America" (American Morning), NBC's "Today Show" (Today Show ), "Men's Health" (Men's Health), "Forbes" (Forbes) and "positive thinking" (Positive Thinking). He has published "10-minute positive energy solutions," (The 10-Minute Energy Solution), "energy addiction: 101 from the body, mind and spiritual energy into your life the way" (Ehergy Addict: 101 Physical, Mental, and spiritual Ways to Energize Your Life). Gordon graduated from Cornell University, a master's degree at Emory University. Currently he and his wife and two children live in northeast Florida.