清代 人物列表
蒋春霖 Jiang Chunlin(清代)朱彝尊 Zhu Yizun(清代)陈廷敬 Chen Tingjing(清代)
仓央嘉措 Tshangs-dbyangs-rgya-mtsho(清代)普荷 Pu He(清代)郑燮 Zheng Xie(清代)
金农 Jin Nong(清代)恽寿平 Yun Shouping(清代)汪士慎 Wang Shishen(清代)
张大受 Zhang Dashou(清代)宁调元 Ning Diaoyuan(清代)吴淇 Wu Qi(清代)
李方膺 Li Fangying(清代)俞樾内子 Yu Yuenazi(清代)俞樾 Yu Yue(清代)
宋荦 Song Luo(清代)律然 Lv Ran(清代)曹雪芹 Cao Xueqin(清代)
纳兰性德 Na Lanxingde(清代)钱谦益 Qian Qianyi(清代)吴伟业 Wu Weiye(清代)
顾炎武 Gu Yanwu(清代)顾贞观 Gu Zhenguan(清代)陈维崧 Chen Weisong(清代)
王士祯 Wang Shizhen(清代)查慎行 Cha Shenhang(清代)袁枚 Yuan Mei(清代)
黄景仁 Huang Jingren(清代)龚自珍 Gong Zizhen(清代)黄遵宪 Huang Zunxian(清代)
秋瑾 Qiu Jin(清代)何文焕 He Wenhuan(清代)冯班 Feng Ban(清代)
王夫之 Wang Fuzhi(清代)孙涛 Sun Tao(清代)郭麟 Guo Lin(清代)
杨夔生 Yang Kuisheng(清代)万斯同 Mo Sitong(清代)佚名 Yi Ming(清代)
章学诚 Zhang Xuecheng(清代)江诒 Jiang Yi(清代)林则徐 Lin Zexu(清代)
汤鹏 Shang Peng(清代)赵执信 Zhao Zhixin(清代)梁章钜 Liang Zhangju(清代)
叶炜 She Hui(清代)吴庆坻 Wu Qingchi(清代)方浚师 Fang Junshi(清代)
陈裴之 Chen Peizhi(清代)汪辉祖 Wang Huizu(清代)沈祥龙 Shen Xianglong(清代)
孙元衡 Sun Yuanheng(清代)刘家谋 Liu Gumou(清代)王凯泰 Wang Kaitai(清代)
沈德潜 Shen Deqian(清代)王奕清 Wang Yiqing(清代)汪森 Wang Sen(清代)
乾隆 Qian Long(清代)宋湘 Song Xiang(清代)韩崶 Han Feng(清代)
康熙 Kang Xi
清代  (1654年5月4日1722年12月20日)
姓: 爱新觉罗
名: 玄烨
网笔号: 清圣祖

  出生年月:1654年 卒年:1722年
  (1661—1722) 清朝入关后的第二代皇帝即清圣祖(爱新觉罗·玄烨)的年号
  康熙在收复台湾后在开放了海禁但是不久没有继续,后来此政策持续了整个清朝历史(利用“文字狱”这种残酷的方式打击了江南一带的文化学者, 例如康熙五十年发生过戴名世的南山案文字狱事件。
  母亲孝康章皇太后佟佳氏 (佟佳氏为汉军旗人,佟佳氏的弟弟为佟国维,佟佳氏的父亲是佟图赖,佟图赖的父亲是佟养正,佟养正是明末抗倭援朝的副总兵,后来在抗金的时候,战斗失败投降后金。)
  孝昭仁皇后钮祜禄氏 (?——1678),满洲镶黄旗人,辅政大臣一等公遏必隆女。康熙十六年八月册封为皇后,仅半年,于康熙十七年二月二十六日去世,谥号为:孝昭静淑明惠正和安裕端穆钦天顺圣仁皇后。
  温僖贵妃,钮祜禄氏(?——1694), 满洲镶黄旗人,孝昭皇后的妹妹,康熙二十年册为贵妃,三十三年十一月初三去世。一子,允礻我,一女,夭折。
  纯裕勤妃,陈氏(?——1754),满洲镶黄旗人,二等侍卫陈希闵之女。康熙三十六年生皇十七子果毅亲王允礼,康熙五十七年十二月册封为勤嫔。雍正四年二月尊为皇考勤妃。乾隆元年十一月尊为皇祖纯裕勤太妃。乾隆十八年十二月二十日薨,享年当在60 岁以上。乾隆下旨寇摘缨纬,祭酒行礼;十九年四月二十日奉安。
  僖嫔,赫舍里氏 (?——1702),来贝(一个字,上面是来,下面是贝)山之女。康熙十六年八月二十二日册为僖嫔,康熙四十一年九月薨,四十四年二月初九日奉安。享年当在40以上。
  顺治十八年 (1661年 辛丑)
  二月 移顺治帝梓宫于景山寿皇殿。裁撤十三衙门。诛杀内监吴良辅。设立武备院,专门制作收藏宫中所用军械及陈设器物。诏令江宁、苏州、杭州三织造隶内务府。
  三月 为顺治帝上尊谥“章皇帝”,庙号“世祖”。
  四月 以一等阿达哈哈番侍卫傅达理随葬顺治帝,予祭葬,谥忠烈。 郑成功收复台湾。江南苏、松、常、镇四府发生奏销案。
  六月 罢内阁,复内三院。
  十一月 康熙帝亲祀于圜丘。世祖章皇帝升祔太庙。
  十二月 平西王吴三桂率大军入缅,缅甸人执明永历帝朱由榔以献。宗人府进《玉牒》。
  是年 为防内地民众与郑成功抗清势力联系,实行海禁,勒令江南、浙江、福建、广东沿海居民分别内迁三十里至五十里,并尽烧船只,片板不准下海,此即“迁海令”。
  康熙元年(1662年 壬寅)
  二月 郑成功接受荷兰侵略者揆一投降。
  三月 以滇南平,告庙祭陵,大赦天下。尊世祖山陵为孝陵。
  四月 加上太祖、太宗尊谥。吴三桂杀南明永历帝父子于昆明。郑成功逝。
  五月 夏至,康熙帝亲祭地于方泽。
  八月 宗人府、礼部遵谕议王、贝勒、贝子等有愿抚养女者,奏准抚养,随养父母升降。
  十月 尊皇太后为太皇太后,尊皇后为仁宪皇太后,母后为慈和皇太后。
  十一月 吴之荣告发庄廷鑨私修《明史》。
  康熙二年(1663年 癸卯)
  二月 慈和皇太后佟佳氏逝。
  三月 庄廷鑨《明史》案发生。
  五月 诏天下钱粮统归户部,部寺应用,俱向户部领取,著为令。为慈和皇太后上尊谥孝康熙慈和庄懿恭惠崇天育圣皇后。奉移世祖梓宫往孝陵,奉安地宫。
  六月 葬世祖章皇帝于孝陵,孝康皇后、端敬皇后与之合葬。
  十一月 改造福陵、昭陵地宫成,奉安太祖、太宗宝宫。
  康熙三年(1664年 甲辰)
  四月 鳌拜奏内大臣费扬古之子侍卫倭赫擅骑御马,费扬古怨,被籍家弃市。诏令工部织染局归内务府。
  康熙四年(1665年 己巳)
  二月 御史董文骥疏言大臣更易先皇帝制度,非是,宜一切复旧。
  三月 修缮历代帝王庙。辅政大臣议钦天监官德国传教士汤若望罪。
  七月 以太皇太后懿旨,聘辅臣索尼孙女、内大臣噶布喇之女赫舍里氏为皇后,行纳采礼。
  九月 册立辅臣索尼之孙女赫舍里氏为皇后。
  十月 康熙帝首至南苑校射行围。
  康熙五年(1666年 丙午)
  正月 辅臣鳌拜与苏克萨哈因换地相争,自此鳌拜专权。
  三月 辅臣索尼请皇帝亲政,留中未发。
  十一月 辅臣鳌拜以改拨圈地,诬告大学士户部尚书苏纳海、直隶总督朱昌祚、巡抚王登连等罪,逮捕下狱。而辅臣中的索尼年老,遏必隆软弱,苏克萨哈望浅,俱不能抗拒鳌拜。
  十二月 鳌拜矫旨杀苏纳海、朱昌祚、王登连。
  康熙六年(1667年 丁未)
  正月 封世祖第二子皇兄福全为裕亲王。
  四月 加索尼一等公。
  六月 内弘文院侍读熊赐履上疏,陈述当朝满汉矛盾尖锐、制度废弛。
  七月 康熙帝亲政,御太和殿受贺,加恩中外,大赦。始御乾清宫听政。命武职官一体引见。鳌拜杀苏克萨哈及其子。赐遏必隆、鳌拜加一等公。
  九月 命修《世祖实录》。康亲王杰书议苏克萨哈罪。
  十一月 冬至,祀天于圜丘,奉世祖章皇帝配享。
  康熙七年(1668年 戊申)
  正月 建孝陵神功圣德碑。加鳌拜、遏必隆太师。
  九月 康熙帝将巡边,侍读学士熊赐履、给事中赵之符疏谏。康熙帝止行,仍令遇事直陈。
  十二月 治历法的比利时传教士南怀仁劾奏钦天监监副吴明烜。
  康熙八年(1669年 己酉)
  正月 修乾清宫,康熙帝移御武英殿。此系太皇太后懿旨:“皇帝现居清宁宫,即保和殿也。以殿为宫,于心不安。可将乾清宫、交泰殿修理,皇帝移居彼处。”
  二月 行南怀仁推算历法。巡视近畿。
  三月 结束清初的历法之争,授南怀仁为钦天监监副。
  四月 幸太学,释奠孔子,讲《周易》、《尚书》。给事中刘如汉请举行经筵,嘉纳之。
  五月 诏逮捕鳌拜交廷鞫。是日,在鳌拜入见时,侍卫以扑击之戏抓捕之。自此,设善扑营,以近臣领之。王大臣议鳌拜三十大罪,当诛族。康熙帝诏令以其屡立战功,免死拘禁,其党班布尔善等伏诛。夺遏必隆太师、一等公。诏永停圈地,今年已圈者给还。
  六月 诏宗人有罪,不忍开除宗籍,自顺治十八年以来被削宗籍者,由宗人府详察以闻。
  七月 诏复被鳌拜诬罪的苏纳海、朱昌祚、王登连原官,并予谥。
  十月 卢沟桥成,上为文勒石。
  十一月 太和殿、乾清宫成,上御太和殿受贺,入居乾清宫。
  康熙九年(1670年 庚戌)
  正月 祈谷于上帝,奉太祖高皇帝、太宗文皇帝、世祖章皇帝配享。起遏必隆公爵,宿卫内廷。
  五月 加上孝康章皇后尊谥,升祔太庙。
  七月 奉祀孝康章皇后于奉先殿。
  八月 诏都察院纠察陪祀王大臣班行不肃者。康熙帝奉太皇太后、皇太后首谒孝陵。
  十月 颁《圣谕》十六条。改内三院为内阁,复设中和殿、保和殿、文华殿大学士。谕礼部举行经筵。
  康熙十年(1671年 辛亥)
  正月 封世祖第五子常宁为恭亲王。
  二月 命编纂《孝经衍义》。
  三月 告诫年幼诸王读书习骑射,勿恃贵纵恣。设置日讲官。
  四月 命续修《太祖圣训》、《太宗圣训》。诏宗人闲散及幼孤者,量予养赡,著为令。始行日讲。
  九月 以寰宇统一,告成于太祖太宗陵。奉太皇太后、皇太后启銮。谒福陵、昭陵。幸盛京,御清宁宫,赐百官宴。遣官祭诸王诸大臣墓。
  康熙十一年(1672年 壬子)
  二月 康熙帝至先农坛首次行耕耤礼。朝日于东郊。
  五月 《世祖实录》编纂完成。
  十一月 康熙帝幸南苑,建行宫。
  十二月 裕亲王福全、庄亲王博果铎、惠郡王博翁果诺、温郡王孟峨疏辞议政,允之。康亲王杰书、安亲王岳乐疏辞议政,不许。
  康熙十二年(1673年 癸丑)
  正月 幸南苑,大阅八旗将士。此后或行大阅于卢沟桥,或玉泉山,或多伦诺尔;地无一定,时间亦不以三年为限。
  二月 上御经筵,命讲官日值。赐八旗官学翻译《大学衍义》。
  三月 平南王尚可喜请老,许之,以其子之信嗣封镇粤,不许,令其撤藩还驻辽东。
  六月 禁止八旗以奴仆殉葬。
  七月 命重修《太宗实录》。吴三桂、耿精忠佯请撤藩,以揆朝旨。
  八月 试汉科道官于保和殿,不称职者罢。遣官分至云南、广东、福建,进行撤藩。谕礼部:祭祀大典,必仪文详备,乃可昭格。命其考察古礼斟酌议定。
  九月 谕总管太监考察各宫太监勤惰情况。
  十一月 吴三桂杀巡抚朱国治,举兵反叛。
  十二月 吴三桂反对撤藩叛乱,讯传京师。执其子额驸吴应熊下狱。诏削吴三桂爵,宣示中外。京师民杨起隆伪称朱三太子以图起事,事发,杨起隆逃逸,其党被诛。此为“朱三太子案”。罢汉官参与祭堂子之礼。
  康熙十三年(1674年 甲寅)
  正月 封世祖第七子隆禧为纯亲王。
  二月 广西将军孙延龄叛。太皇太后颁内库银犒赏平三藩前线将士。钦天监新造仪象成。
  三月 耿精忠叛,执总督范承谟,并邀台湾郑经助攻。
  五月 皇后赫舍氏因难产逝于坤宁宫。康熙帝为此辍朝五日,亲送大行皇后梓宫于北沙河巩华城殡宫。
  六月 定以内务府大臣领三旗包衣护军营负责宫门守卫及扈从、执灯、引导等事。
  十二月 康熙帝拟前往亲征三藩叛乱,王大臣以京师为根本重地,且太皇太后年事已高,力谏乃止。提督王辅臣在陕西策应三藩叛乱,杀经略莫洛。
  康熙十四年(1675年 乙卯)
  四月 以上谕确立经筵的形式为侍臣进讲,然后皇帝复讲,互相讨论以达到对经义有所阐发。
  闰五月 幸玉泉山观禾。
  九月 康熙帝首谒明陵,致奠长陵,遣官分祭诸陵。
  十一月 复设詹事府官。
  十二月 立皇子胤礽为太子,遣官告祭天地太庙社稷,颁诏中外,加恩肆赦。
  康熙十五年(1676年 丙辰)
  正月 以建储上太皇太后、皇太后徽号。因军需浩繁,民力唯艰,暂停仁孝皇后陵寝建造之工。
  十月 康熙帝命讲官进讲《通鉴》。耿精忠势穷而降,三藩叛域浙、闽、陕渐次平定。
  康熙十六年(1677年 丁巳)
  二月 幸南苑行围。大阅于南苑,命内大臣、大学士、学士诸文臣亦俱披甲。
  七月 康熙帝御便殿,召大学士等赐坐,论经史,间及前代朋党之弊端,谕严加警戒。封世祖乳母朴氏为奉圣夫人,顶帽服色照公夫人品级。
  九月 上发京师,谒孝陵,巡近边。
  十月 始设南书房,命侍讲学士张英、中书高士奇入值。
  十一月 封长白山神,遣官望祭。
  康熙二十三年(1684年 甲子) 正月 命整肃朝会礼仪。首次纂修《大清会典》,自崇德元年至康熙二十五年。
  二月 以萨克素兵临雅克萨。
  四月 谕讲官,讲章以精切明晰为尚,毋取繁衍。
  九月 康熙帝初次南巡启銮。
  十月 开放海禁。南巡途径黄河,视察北岸诸险。
  十一月 南巡至江宁,谒明孝陵。回銮时次曲阜,诣孔庙,瞻先圣像,讲《日经》,诣孔林酹酒,书“万世师表”,留曲柄黄盖。是年,用施琅议,于台湾设府、县等,隶福建行省。康熙三十五年(1696年 丙子)
  正月 下诏亲征噶尔丹。于西苑蕉园设内监官学,以敕授太监读书。
  二月 康熙帝亲统六师启行,征噶尔丹。命皇太子留守,凡部院章奏听皇太子处理。妃赫舍里氏逝,追赠平妃。
  七月 以平定朔漠勒石于太学。
  十月 大将军费扬古献俘至。
  十一月 噶尔丹遣使乞降,其使格垒沽英至,盖微探康熙帝的旨意。康熙帝告之说:“俟尔七十日,过此即进兵。”
  康熙三十六年(1697年 丁丑)
  正月 上谕:“朕观《明史》,一代并无女后预政,以臣凌君之事。我朝事例,因之者多。朕不似前人辄讥亡国也。现修《明史》,其以此谕增入敕书。”
  二月 康熙帝再次亲征噶尔丹于宁夏,命皇太子留守京师。遣官祭黄河之神。
  三月 康熙帝驻跸宁夏,察恤昭莫多、翁金阵亡兵士。祭贺兰山。上阅兵。命侍卫以御用食物均赐战士。
  四月 康熙帝回銮。费扬古疏报闰三月十三日噶尔丹仰药死。康熙帝率百官行拜天礼。敕诸路班师。
  七月 以朔漠平定,遣官告祭郊庙、陵寝、先师。
  十月 始令宗室及满洲诸生应乡试、会试。
  十一月 和硕恪靖公主下嫁喀尔喀郡王敦布多尔济。
  康熙三十七年(1698年 戊寅)
  正月 康熙帝巡幸五台山。命皇长子允禔、大学士伊桑阿祭金太祖、世宗陵。
  三月 封皇长子允禔为直郡王、皇三子胤祉为诚郡王,皇四子允禛、皇五子允祺、皇七子允祐、皇八子允禩俱为贝勒。
  五月 裁上林苑。
  七月 命吏部月选同、通、州、县官引见。霸州新河成,赐名永定河,建河神庙。奉皇太后东巡,取道塞外。
  八月 巡幸塞外,奉皇太后临幸喀拉沁端敬公主府邸,赐金币及其额驸噶尔臧。皇太后望祭父母于发库山。赐端敏公主及其额驸达尔汉亲王班第金币。
  九月 康熙帝次克尔苏,临科尔沁亲王孝庄文皇后之父满珠习礼墓前酹酒行礼。
  十月 康熙帝行围于辉发。驻跸兴京,谒永陵,遣官赐奠武功郡王礼敦墓。谒福陵、昭陵,临奠武勋王扬古利、直义公费英东、弘毅公额宜都墓。
  十二月 谕宗人府:“闲散宗室,才力干济,精于骑射,及贫无生计者,各察实以闻。”
  康熙三十八年(1699年 己卯) 正月 发布南巡诏旨:一切供给,由京备办,勿扰民间。
  二月 第三次南巡启銮。
  三月 康熙帝阅黄河堤。驻杭州,阅兵较射。
  四月 车驾驻江宁,阅兵。
  五月 车驾次仲家闸,书“圣门之哲”额,悬先贤子路祠。
  闰七月 妃张佳氏逝,谥为敏妃。诚郡王胤祉为其所生,不及百日剃发,降为贝勒。
  十月 视永定河工程,命直郡王胤禔率领八旗兵丁协助修永定河堤。
  康熙三十九年(1700年 庚辰)
  正月 阅视永定河工程。
  二月 亲自指示修永定河方略。命费扬古、伊桑阿考试宗室子弟骑射。
  六月 建海神庙。停宗室科举。
  十月 皇太后六旬万寿节,康熙帝制《万寿无疆赋》,亲书围屏进献。巡阅永定河。
  十一月 命卓异官如行取例引见。
  康熙四十年(1701年 辛巳)
  正月 以河伯效灵,封为金龙四大王。
  五月 御史张瑗请毁前明内监魏忠贤墓,从之。
  康熙四十一年(1702年 壬午)
  正月 诏修国子监。
  六月 康熙帝制《训饬士子文》,颁发直省,勒石学宫。
  九月 第四次南巡。
  十月 行至德州,皇太子病,中途回銮。
  十一月 命修禹陵。
  是年 限制外官随带家口人数。
  康熙四十二年(1703年 癸未)
  正月 大学士诸臣祝贺康熙帝五旬万寿,进“万寿无疆”屏风,却之,仅收其写册。南巡,阅视黄河。
  三月 万寿节,朝皇太后宫,免廷臣朝贺,颁恩诏、蠲额赋、察孝义、恤贫穷、举遗逸,颁赐亲王、郡王以下文武百官有差。赐内廷修书举人汪灏、何焯、蒋廷锡进士,一体殿试。
  五月 裕亲王福全有疾,康熙帝连日视之。内大臣索额图挑唆皇太子,被宣布为“天下第一罪人”,拘禁于宗人府。
  六月 巡幸塞外。
  十月 西巡山陕诸省,命皇三子胤祉勘察三门砥柱。
  十一月 次洪桐,遣官祭女娲陵。遣官祭西岳。驻西安,阅驻防官兵较射。
  十二月 次磁州,御书“贤哲遗休”额悬先贤子贡墓。
  康熙四十三年(1704年 甲申)
  二月 封淮神为长源佑顺大淮之神,御书“灵渎安澜”额悬之。
  四月 命侍卫拉锡察视黄河河源。
  六月 赐四品典仪凌柱女钮祜禄氏于皇四子胤禛于藩邸。于武英殿开局修《佩文韵府》
  十月 颁内制铜斗铜升于户部,命以铁制颁行。
  十一月 告诫修《明史》史臣核公论,明是非,以成信史。
  十二月 以御制诗集赐廷臣。
  康熙四十四年(1705年 乙酉)
  正月 《古文渊鉴》成,颁赐廷臣,及于学宫。
  二月 康熙帝第五次南巡阅河。严禁太监与各宫女子认亲戚、叔伯、姐妹,违者置于重典。
  三月 驻跸苏州,命选江南、浙江举、贡、生、监善书者入京修书。江宁织造曹寅校刊《全唐诗》成。赐大学士马齐等《皇舆表》。
  十月 重修华阴西岳庙成,上制碑文。
  十一月 国子监落成,御书“彝伦堂”额。
  是年 康熙帝与罗马教廷发生冲突,倾向禁教。
  康熙四十五年(1706年 丙戌)
  五月 巡幸塞外。建避暑山庄于热河,为每年秋狝驻跸行宫。
  六月 诏修《功臣传》。
  七月 上驻跸热河。
  十月 行武殿试。
  十一月 达赖喇嘛圆寂,其下第巴隐匿,又立假达赖,拉藏汗杀第巴而献伪达赖。
  康熙四十六年(1707年 丁亥)
  正月 康熙帝第六次南巡。
  六月 巡幸塞外。皇三子胤祉迎康熙帝于自己邸园,侍宴,嗣是岁以为常。南书房翰林陈邦彦辑唐宋元明题画诸诗成,康熙帝亲为阅定成《历代题画诗类》一部。
  七月 驻跸热河。巡幸诸蒙古部落。
  康熙四十七年(1708年 戊子)
  正月 重修南岳庙成,御制碑文。
  四月 捕获明崇祯帝后裔,年已七旬的朱三及其子,斩于市。重修北镇庙成,御制碑文。
  六月 驻跸热河。《清文鉴》成,上制序文。
  七月 《平定朔漠方略》成,上制序文。
  九月 召集廷臣于行宫,宣示皇太子胤礽罪状,命拘执之,送京幽禁。还京。废皇太子胤礽,颁示天下。
  十月 议政大臣会议,议皇八子胤禩谋求储位罪,削其贝勒爵。
  十一月 皇三子胤祉告皇长子胤禔咒魇皇太子,削其直郡王爵,幽之。副都御史劳之辨奏保废太子,夺职杖之。召廷臣议建储之事,阿灵阿、鄂伦岱、王鸿绪及诸大臣以皇八子胤禩请,康熙帝不允。释废太子胤礽。王大臣请复立胤礽为太子。复胤禩贝勒。
  十二月 设局校刊《平定朔漠方略》,自是每次大战后均修方略。
  康熙四十八年(1709年 己丑)
  正月 召集廷臣,审问谁为首倡立胤禩者,群臣惶恐。乃问张廷玉,对曰“闻之马齐”,次日,列马齐罪状,宥死拘禁。后察其有诬,释放马齐。
  三月 复立胤礽为太子,昭告宗庙,颁诏天下。
  四月 移禁胤禔于公所,遣官率兵监守。
  十月 册封皇三子胤祉诚亲王,皇四子胤禛雍亲王,皇五子胤祺恒亲王,皇七子胤祐淳郡王,皇十子胤(示我)敦郡王,皇九子胤禟、皇十二子胤祹、皇十四子胤禵俱为贝勒。于京西畅春园之北建圆明园,赐予皇四子胤禛居住。
  康熙四十九年(1710年 庚寅)
  正月 皇太后七旬万寿,谕礼部:“玛克式舞,乃满洲筵宴大礼,典至隆重。今岁皇太后七旬大庆,朕亦五十有七,欲亲舞称觞。”命刊刻《渊鉴类函》四十四部。命修《满汉合壁清文鉴》。
  二月 巡幸五台山。
  三月 命编纂《字典》,即后来所称的《康熙字典》。
  十月 下诏,自康熙五十年开始,普免天下钱粮,三年而遍。直隶、奉天、浙江、福建、广东、广西、四川、云南、贵州九省地丁钱粮,察明全免。
  康熙五十年(1711年 辛卯)
  正月 视察通州河堤。
  二月 阅筐儿港,命建挑水坝,次河西务,康熙帝登岸行两里许,亲置仪器,定方向,鼎椿木,以纪丈量之处。
  三月 尚书耿额等数名大臣以“为太子结党会饮”罪受罚。
  七月 秋狝木兰
  八月 皇四子胤禛第四子弘历(即后来的乾隆皇帝)出生,母为四品典仪凌柱女钮祜禄氏;第五子弘昼生,母为管领耿德之女格格耿氏。
  十月 命张鹏翮置狱扬州,处置江南科场案。
  康熙五十一年(1712年 壬辰)
  正月 命内外大臣具折陈事。奏折自此始。
  二月 命卓异武官照文官引见。诏曰:“承平日久,生齿日繁。嗣后滋生户口,毋庸更出丁钱,即以本年丁数为定额,著为令。”此为“滋生人丁永不加赋”政策。
  四月 诏明年六旬万寿,二月特行乡试,八月会试。
  九月 皇太子胤礽复以罪废,禁锢于咸安宫。
  十一月 以复废太子告庙,宣示天下。
  康熙五十二年(1713年 癸巳)
  二月 大臣赵申乔疏言太子国本,应行册立。上以建储大事,未可轻定,宣谕廷臣,以原疏还之予以否决。
  三月 六旬万寿节,举行千叟宴,此为千叟宴之创始。皇二十二子胤祜生,母为庶妃赫图氏。
  七月 诏宗人削属籍者,子孙分别系红带、紫带,载名《玉牒》。
  是年 诏修《律吕》诸书,于畅春园蒙养斋立馆,求海内畅晓乐律者。
  康熙五十三年(1714年 甲午)
  正月 命修坛庙殿廷乐器。
  二月 前尚书王鸿绪进《明史列传》二百八十卷,命付史馆。
  十月 命大学士、南书房翰林考定乐章。
  十一月 诚亲王胤祉等以御制《律吕正义》进呈,得旨:“律吕、历法、算法三书共为一部,名《律历渊源》。”冬至,祀天于圜丘,奏新乐。
  康熙五十四年(1715年 乙未)
  正月 诏贝勒胤禩、延寿溺职,停食俸。
  十月 谕大学士:“朕右手病不能写字,用左手执笔批答奏折,期于不泄漏也。”
  十一月 废太子胤礽以矾水作书,嘱大臣普奇举己为大将军,事发,普奇获罪。
  是年 停给皇八子胤禩爵俸。于京畿小汤山建汤山行宫。
  康熙五十五年(1716年 丙申)
  十一月 准噶尔部策旺阿拉布坦祸乱西藏。
  是年 校刊《康熙字典》,康熙帝自为序。
  康熙五十六年(1717年 丁酉)
  正月 修《周易折中》成,颁行学宫。
  五月 九卿议王贝勒差人出外,查无勘合,即行参究。
  七月 策旺阿拉布坦遣将侵扰西藏,杀拉藏汗,囚其所立达赖。
  十一月 皇太后不豫,上省疾慈宁宫。发布诏书,回顾一生,阐述为君之难;并言自今春开始有头晕之症,形渐消瘦;特召诸子诸卿详议立储大事。
  十二月 皇太后逝。康熙帝亦病七十余日,脚面浮肿。
  是年 禁赴南洋贸易,赴东洋者照旧。
  康熙五十七年(1718年 戊戌)
  二月 翰林院检讨朱天保上疏请复立胤礽为皇太子,康熙帝于行宫训斥之,以其知而违旨上奏,实乃不忠不孝之人,命诛之。
  三月 上大行皇后谥号为孝惠仁宪端懿纯德顺天翊圣章皇后。裁起居注官。
  四月 葬孝惠章皇后于孝东陵。
  七月 修《省方盛典》。
  十月 命皇十四子胤禵为抚远大将军,进军青海。命翰林、科道官入值。命皇七子胤祐、皇十子胤、皇十二子胤祹分理正黄、正白、正蓝满蒙汉三旗事务。
  十二月 孝惠章皇后升祔太庙,位于孝康章皇后之左,颁诏天下。晋和嫔为和妃,册封庶妃王氏为密嫔,陈氏为勤嫔,封世祖悼妃之侄女博尔济吉特氏为宣妃,册封戴佳氏为成妃,哈琉哈氏为定嫔。
  康熙五十八年(1719年 己亥)
  正月 诏立功之臣退闲,世职准子弟承袭,若无承袭之人,给俸终其身。
  二月 学士蒋廷锡表进《皇舆全览图》,颁赐廷臣。
  四月 命抚远大将军胤禵驻师西宁。
  十月 命蒙养斋举人王阑生修《正音韵图》
  康熙五十九年(1720年 庚子)
  二月 册封新胡毕勒罕为六世达赖喇嘛,结束了五世达赖喇嘛之后的西藏宗教领袖不定的局面。
  十月 诏抚远大将军胤禵会议明年师期。皇三子胤祉之子弘晟被封为世子,皇五子胤祺之子弘升为世子,班俸均视贝子。定外藩朝觐年例。
  康熙六十年(1721年 辛丑)
  正月 康熙帝以御极六十年,遣皇四子胤禛、皇十二子胤祹、世子弘晟祭永陵、福陵、昭陵。
  三月 大学士王掞先密疏复储,后御史陶彝等十三人疏请建储,康熙帝不许,王掞、陶彝等被治罪,遣往军前效力。
  四月 诏厘定历代帝王庙崇祀祀典。
  九月 上制平定西藏碑文。
  十月 召抚远大将军胤禵来京。
  康熙六十一年(1722年 壬寅)
  正月 举行千叟宴,康熙帝赋诗,诸臣属和,题曰《千叟宴诗》。
  三月 至皇四子胤禛邸园饮酒赏花,命将其子弘历养育宫中。
  十月 命雍亲王胤禛等视察仓储。
  另外,梁启超、邵力子等人认为,康熙在位时对西方科技很感兴趣并且还掌握了很多,但他却严禁自己之外的人学习,因为他担心先进的西方科技一旦传开,将会极大的动摇以骑射起家的满清的统治,据传教士张诚(J. F. Gerbillon)的日记,康熙不准传教士在有汉人和蒙人的衙门里翻译任何科学文献。而此举也一定程度上造成了以汉族为代表的中华文明的衰落。梁启超说,康熙的科学是用来打击他人的一个工具,“就算他不是有心窒塞民智,也不能不算他失策”。
  1^ 史景迁,《康熙自画像》(Emperor of China: Self-Portrait of K'ang Hsi)
  2^ 汪荣祖,〈史景迁论〉
  3^ 席泽宗: “论康熙科学政策的失误”,《古新星新表和科学史探索》,2002

  The Kangxi Emperor (Chinese: 康熙帝; pinyin: Kāngxīdì; Wade–Giles: K'ang-hsi-ti; temple name: Qīng Shèngzǔ (清聖祖); Manchu: ᡝᠯᡥᡝ ᡨᠠᡳᡶᡳᠨ elhe taifin hūwangdi; Mongolian: Enkh Amgalan Khaan; 4 May 1654 –20 December 1722) was the fourth emperor of the Qing Dynasty, the first to be born on Chinese soil south of the Pass (Beijing) and the second Qing emperor to rule over China proper, from 1661 to 1722.
  Kangxi's reign of 61 years makes him the longest-reigning Chinese emperor in history (although his grandson, the Qianlong Emperor, had the longest period of de facto power) and one of the longest-reigning rulers in the world. However, having ascended the throne at the age of seven, he was not the effective ruler until later, with that role temporarily fulfilled for six years by four regents and his grandmother, the Grand Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang.
  Kangxi is considered one of China's greatest emperors. He suppressed the Revolt of the Three Feudatories, forced the Kingdom of Tungning in Taiwan to submit to Qing rule, blocked Tzarist Russia on the Amur River and expanded the empire in the northwest. He also accomplished such literary feats as the compilation of the Kangxi Dictionary.
  Kangxi's reign brought about long-term stability and relative wealth after years of war and chaos. He initiated the period known as the "Prosperous Era of Kangxi and Qianlong", which lasted for generations after his own lifetime. By the end of his reign, the Qing Empire controlled all of China proper, Taiwan, Manchuria, part of the Russian Far East (Outer Manchuria), both Inner and Outer Mongolia, Tibet proper, and Joseon Korea as a protectorate.
  Early reign
  Portrait of Young Kangxi Emperor in Court DressBorn on 4 May 1654 to the Shunzhi Emperor and Empress Xiaokangzhang, Kangxi was originally given the personal name Xuanye (Chinese: 玄燁; Manchu language: ᡥᡳᠣᠸᠠᠨ ᠶᡝᡳ; Möllendorff transliteration: hiowan yei). He was enthroned at the age of seven (or eight by East Asian age reckoning), on 7 February 1661, 12 days after his father's death, although his reign formally began on 18 February 1662, the first day of the following lunar year.
  According to some accounts, Shunzhi gave up the throne to Kangxi and became a monk. Several alternative explanations are given for this: one is that it was due to the death of his favorite concubine; another is that he was under the influence of a Buddhist monk. The story goes that Shunzhi did indeed became a monk, but the empress dowager ordered the deletion of the incident from official history records, and replacement with the claim that he died from smallpox.
  Before Kangxi came to the throne, Grand Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang (in the name of Shunzhi Emperor) had appointed the powerful men Sonin, Suksaha, Ebilun, and Oboi as regents. Sonin died after his granddaughter became Empress Xiaochengren, leaving Suksaha at odds with Oboi in politics. In a fierce power struggle, Oboi had Suksaha put to death and seized absolute power as sole regent. Kangxi and the rest of the imperial court acquiesced in this arrangement.
  In 1669, Kangxi had Oboi arrested with the help of Grand Dowager Empress Xiaozhuang, who had raised him and began taking personal control of the empire. He listed three issues of concern: flood control of the Yellow River; repair of the Grand Canal; the Revolt of the Three Feudatories in south China. The Grand Empress Dowager influenced him greatly and he took care of her himself in the months leading up to her death in 1688.
   Military achievement
  The Emperor mounted on his horse and guarded by his bodyguards.The main army of the Qing Empire, the Eight Banners Army, was in decline under Kangxi. It was smaller than it had been at its peak under Hong Taiji and in the early reign of the Shunzhi Emperor; however, it was larger than in the Yongzheng and Qianlong emperors' reigns. In addition, the Green Standard Army was still powerful with generals such as Tuhai, Fei Yanggu, Zhang Yong, Zhou Peigong, Shi Lang, Mu Zhan, Shun Shike and Wang Jingbao.
  The Kangxi Emperor in ceremonial armor, armed with bow and arrows, and surrounded by bodyguardsThe main reason for this decline was a change in system between Kangxi and Qianlong's reigns. Kangxi continued using the traditional military system implemented by his predecessors, which was more efficient and stricter. According to the system, a commander who returned from a battle alone (with all his men dead) would be put to death, and likewise for a foot soldier. This was meant to motivate both commanders and soldiers alike to fight valiantly in war because there was no benefit for the sole survivor in a battle.
  By Qianlong's reign, military commanders had become lax and the training of the army was deemed less important as compared to during the previous emperors' reigns. This was because commanders' statuses had become hereditary; a general gained his position based on the contributions of his forefathers.
   Revolt of the Three FeudatoriesFurther information: Revolt of the Three Feudatorie
  In the spring of 1662, the regents ordered a Great Clearance in southern China to counter a resistance movement started by Ming loyalists under the leadership of Koxinga. This involved the forced migration of entire populations in the coastal regions of inland southern China.
  In 1673, the Revolt of the Three Feudatories broke out. Wu Sangui's forces overran most of southwest China and he tried to ally himself with local generals such as Wang Fuchen. Kangxi employed generals such as Zhou Peigong and Tuhai to suppress the rebellion, and also granted clemency to the common people who were caught up in the war. He intended to personally lead the armies to crush the rebels but his subjects advised him against it. The revolt ended with victory for Qing forces in 1681.
   Kingdom of TungningIn 1683, the Kingdom of Tungning was defeated by Qing naval forces under the command of admiral Shi Lang at the Battle of Penghu. Zheng Keshuang, ruler of Tungning, surrendered a few days later, and Taiwan was annexed by the Qing Empire. Soon afterwards, the coastal regions of southern China were ordered to be repopulated. In addition, to encourage settlers, the Qing government granted financial incentives to families that settled there.
   VietnamIn 1673, Kangxi's government helped to mediate a truce in the Trịnh–Nguyễn War in Vietnam, which had been ongoing for 45 years since 1627. The peace treaty that was signed between the conflicting parties lasted for 101 years until 1774.
   RussiaMain article: Russian–Manchu border conflict
  European couple, Kangxi periodIn the 1650s, the Qing Empire engaged the Russian Empire in a series of border conflicts along the Amur River region, which concluded with victory for the Qing side. After the Siege of Albazin, he gained control of the area.
  The Russians invaded the northern frontier again in the 1680s. After a series of battles and negotiations, both sides signed the Treaty of Nerchinsk in 1689, in which a border was fixed, and the Amur River valley given to the Qing Empire.
   MongolsIn 1675, Burni of the Chahar Mongols started a rebellion against the Qing Empire. The revolt was crushed within two months and the Chahars were incorporated in the Manchu Eight Banners.
  The Khalkha Mongols had preserved their independence, and only paid tribute to the Qing Empire. However, a conflict between the houses of Tümen Jasagtu Khan and Tösheetü Khan led to a dispute between the Khalkha and the Dzungars over the influence of Tibetan Buddhism. In 1688, as the Khalkhas were fighting wars with Russian Cossacks in the north of their territory, the Dzungar chief, Galdan Boshugtu Khan, attacked the Khalkha from the west and invaded their territory. The Khalkha royal families and the first Jebtsundamba Khutuktu crossed the Gobi Desert and sought help from the Qing Empire in return for submission to Qing authority. In 1690, the Dzungars and Qing forces clashed at the Battle of Ulaan Butun in Inner Mongolia, in which the Qing eventually emerged as the victor.
  The Kangxi Emperor at the age of 45, painted in 1699In 1696, Kangxi personally led three armies, totaling 80,000 in strength, in a campaign against the Dzungars. The western section of the Qing army defeated Galdan's forces at the Battle of Jao Modo and Galdan died in the following year.
  The Dzungars continued to threaten the Qing Empire and invaded Tibet in 1717. In response to the deposition of the Dalai Lama and his replacement with Lha-bzang Khan in 1706, they took control of Lhasa with a 6,000 strong army and removed Lha-bzang from power. They held on to the city for two years and defeated a Qing army sent to the region in 1718. The Qing did not take control of Lhasa until 1720, when Kangxi sent a larger force there to defeat the Dzungars.
   Economic achievement
  The contents of the national treasury during Kangxi's reign were:
  1668 (7th year of Kangxi): 14,930,000 tael
  1692: 27,385,631 tael
  1702–1709: approximately 50,000,000 taels with little variation during this period
  1710: 45,880,000 tael
  1718: 44,319,033 tael
  1720: 39,317,103 tael
  1721 (60th year of Kangxi, second last of his reign): 32,622,421 tael
  The reasons for the declining trend in the later years of Kangxi's reign were a huge expenditure on military campaigns and an increase in corruption.
   To fix the problem, Kangxi gave Prince Yong (the future Yongzheng Emperor) advice on how to make the economy more efficient.
   Cultural achievements
  A vase from the early Kangxi period (Musée Guimet)During his reign, Kangxi ordered the compilation of a dictionary of Chinese characters, which became known as the Kangxi Dictionary. This was seen as an attempt by Kangxi to gain support from the Han Chinese scholar-bureaucrats, as many of them initially refused to serve him and remained loyal to the Ming Dynasty. However, by persuading the scholars to work on the dictionary without asking them to formally serve the Qing imperial court, Kangxi led them to gradually taking on greater responsibilities until they were assuming the duties of state officials.
  In 1705, on Kangxi's order, a compilation of Tang poetry, the Quantangshi, was produced.
  Kangxi also was interested in Western technology and wanted to import them to China. This was done through Jesuit missionaries, such as Ferdinand Verbiest, whom Kangxi frequently summoned for meetings, or Karel Slavíček, who made the first precise map of Beijing on Kangxi's order.
  From 1711 to 1723, Matteo Ripa, an Italian priest sent to China by the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, worked as a painter and copper-engraver at the Qing court. In 1723, he returned to Naples from China with four young Chinese Christians, in order to groom them to become priests and send them back to China as missionaries. This marked the beginning of the Collegio dei Cinesi, sanctioned by Pope Clement XII to help the propagation of Christianity in China. This Chinese Institute was the first school of Sinology in Europe, which would later develop to become the Instituto Orientale and the present day Naples Eastern University.
  Kangxi was also the first Chinese emperor to play a western musical instrument. He employed Karel Slavíček as court musician. Slavíček was playing Spinet; later Kangxi would play on it himself. He also invented a Chinese calendar.
   ChristianityMain article: Chinese Rites controversy
  Jesuit astronomers of the Jesuit China missions, with the Kangxi Emperor (Beauvais, 1690–1705)In the early decades of Kangxi's reign, Jesuits played a large role in the imperial court. With their knowledge of astronomy, they ran the imperial observatory. Jean-François Gerbillon and Thomas Pereira served as translators for the negotiations of the Treaty of Nerchinsk. Kangxi was grateful to the Jesuits for their contributions, the many languages they could interpret, and the innovations they offered his military in gun manufacturing and artillery, the latter of which enabled the Qing Empire to conquer the Kingdom of Tungning.
  Kangxi was also fond of the Jesuits' respectful and unobtrusive manner; they spoke the Chinese language well, and wore the silk robes of the elite. In 1692, when Fr. Thomas Pereira requested tolerance for Christianity, Kangxi was willing to oblige, and issued the Edict of Toleration, which recognized Catholicism, barred attacks on their churches, and legalized their missions and the practice of Christianity by the Chinese people.
  However, controversy arose over whether Chinese Christians could still take part in traditional Confucian ceremonies and ancestor worship, with the Jesuits arguing for tolerance and the Dominicans taking a hard-line against foreign "idolatry". The Dominican position won the support of Pope Clement XI, who in 1705 sent Charles-Thomas Maillard De Tournon as his representative to Kangxi, to communicate the ban on Chinese rites. On 19 March 1715, Pope Clement XI issued the papal bull Ex illa die, which officially condemned Chinese rites.
  In response, Kangxi officially forbade Christian missions in China, as they were "causing trouble".
   Disputed succession
  The Kangxi Emperor on a tour, seated prominently on the deck of a junkThe matter of Kangxi's will is one of the "Four Greatest Mysteries of the Qing Dynasty". To this day, whom Kangxi chose as his successor is still a topic of debate amongst historians: on the face of things, he chose Yinzhen, the fourth prince, who later became the Yongzheng Emperor, and indeed there is strong evidence that this is correct.
   However many have claimed that Yinzhen forged the will, and that in reality the 14th prince Yinti, had been chosen as the successor.
  Kangxi's first spouse, Empress Xiaochengren, gave birth to his second surviving son Yinreng, who at the age of two was named crown prince, a Han Chinese custom, to ensure stability during a time of chaos in the south. Although Kangxi left the education of several of his sons to others, he personally oversaw the upbringing of Yinreng, intending to groom him into a perfect heir. Yinreng was tutored by the mandarin Wang Shan, who remained devoted to him, and spent the later years of his life trying to persuade Kangxi to restore Yinreng as the crown prince.
  Yinreng did not prove himself to be worthy of the succession despite his father showing favoritism towards him. He was said to have beaten and killed his subordinates, and was alleged to have had sexual relations with one of his father's concubines, which was deemed as incest and a capital offence. Yinreng also purchased young children from Jiangsu to satisfy his pedophiliac pleasure. In addition, Yinreng's supporters, led by Songgotu, gradually formed a "Crown Prince Party" (太子黨), that aimed to help Yinreng get the throne as soon as possible, even if it meant using unlawful methods.
  The seated Kangxi EmperorOver the years, Kangxi kept constant watch over Yinreng and became aware of his son's many flaws, while their relationship gradually deteriorated. In 1707, Kangxi decided that he could no longer tolerate Yinreng's behavior, which he partially mentioned in the imperial edict as "too embarrassing to be spoken of",
   and decided to strip Yinreng off his position as crown prince. Kangxi placed his oldest surviving son, Yinzhi, in charge of overseeing Yinreng's house arrest. However, Yinzhi attempted to sabotage Yinreng numerous times and requested for his father to order Yinreng's execution. Kangxi was enraged and stripped Yinzhi of his titles. Kangxi advised his subjects to stop debating about the succession issue, and despite attempts to reduce rumours and speculation as to who the new crown prince might be, the imperial court's daily activities were disrupted. Apart from that, Yinzhi's actions also caused Kangxi to suspect that Yinreng might have been framed, hence Kangxi restored Yinreng as crown prince in 1709, with the support of the 4th and 13th princes, and on the excuse that Yinreng had previously acted under the influence of mental illness.
  A turtle-based stele with the Kangxi Emperor's inscription, erected in 1699 at the Nanjing mausoleum of the Hongwu Emperor, honouring the founder of the preceding Ming Dynasty as surpassing the founders of the Tang and Song dynasties.In 1712, during Kangxi's last inspection tour to the south, Yinreng, who was put in charge of state affairs during his father's absence, tried to vie for power again with his supporters. He allowed an attempt at forcing Kangxi to abdicate when his father returned to Beijing. However, Kangxi received news of the planned coup d'etat, and was so angry that he deposed Yinreng and placed him under house arrest again. After the incident, Kangxi announced that he would not appoint any of his sons as crown prince for the remainder of his reign. He stated that he would place his Imperial Valedictory Will inside a box in the Palace of Heavenly Purity, which will only be opened after his death.
   Death and successionFollowing the deposition of the crown prince, Kangxi implemented groundbreaking changes in the political landscape. The 13th prince, Yinxiang, was placed under house arrest as well for cooperating with Yinreng. The eighth prince Yinsi was stripped off all his titles and only had them restored years later. The 14th prince Yinti, whom many considered to be the most likely candidate to succeed Kangxi, was sent on a military campaign during the political conflict. Yinsi, along with the ninth and tenth princes, Yintang and Yin'e, pledged their support to Yinti.
  In the evening of 20 December 1722 before his death, Kangxi called seven of his sons to assemble at his bedside. They were the third, fourth, eight, ninth, tenth, 16th and 17th princes. After Kangxi died, Longkodo announced that Kangxi had selected the fourth prince, Yinzhen, as the new emperor. Yinzhen ascended to the throne and became known as the Yongzheng Emperor. Kangxi was entombed at the Eastern Tombs in Zunhua, Hebei.
   Personality and achievementsKangxi was the great consolidator of the Qing Dynasty. The transition from the Ming Dynasty to the Qing was a cataclysm whose central event was the fall of the capital Beijing to the invading Manchus in 1644, and the installation of the five-year-old Shunzhi Emperor on their throne. By 1661, when Shunzhi died and was succeeded by Kangxi, the Qing conquest was almost complete and the leading Manchus were already adopting Chinese ways including Confucian ideology. Kangxi completed the conquest, suppressed all significant military threats and revived the ancient central government system with important modifications.
  Kangxi was an inveterate workaholic, rising early and retiring late, reading and responding to numerous memorials every day, conferring with his councillors and giving audiences – and this was in normal times; in wartime, he might be reading memorials from the warfront until after midnight or even, as with the Dzungar conflict, away on campaign in person.
  Kangxi devised a system of communication that circumvented the scholar-bureaucrats, who had a tendency to usurp the power of the emperor. This Palace Memorial System involved the transfer of secret messages between him and trusted officials in the provinces, where the messages were contained in locked boxes that only he and the official had access to. This started as a system for receiving uncensored extreme-weather reports, which the emperor regarded as divine comments on his rule. However, it soon evolved into a general-purpose secret "news channel". Out of this emerged a Grand Council, which dealt with extraordinary, especially military, events. The council was chaired by the emperor and manned by his more elevated Han Chinese household staff. From this council, the mandarin civil servants were excluded – they were left only with routine administration.
  Kangxi managed to seduce the Confucian intelligentsia into co-operating with the Qing government, despite their deep reservations about Manchu rule, by encouraging them to sit the traditional civil service examinations, become mandarins and subsequently to compose lavishly conceived works of literature such the History of Ming, the Kangxi Dictionary, a phrase-dictionary, a vast encyclopedia and an even vaster compilation of Chinese literature. On a personal level, Kangxi was a cultivated man, steeped in Confucian learning.
  In the one military campaign in which he actively participated, against the Dzungar Mongols, Kangxi showed himself an effective military commander. According to Finer, Kangxi's own written reflections allow one to experience "how intimate and caring was his communion with the rank-and-file, how discriminating and yet masterful his relationship with his generals".
  As a result of the scaling down of hostilities as peace returned to China after the Manchu conquest, and also as a result of the ensuing rapid increase of population, land cultivation and therefore tax revenues based on agriculture, Kangxi was able first to make tax remissions, then in 1712 to freeze the land tax and corvée altogether, without embarrassing the state treasury.
   FamilyFather: Shunzhi Emperor
  Mother: Empress Xiaokangzhang (1640–1663). Her family was of Jurchen origin but had lived among the Chinese for generations. It had a Chinese family name, Tong (佟), but converted to the Manchu clan name Tongiya later. She was instated as the Empress Dowager Cihe (慈和皇太后) in 1661 when Kangxi became emperor. She is known posthumously as Empress Xiaokangzhang (Chinese: 孝康章皇后; Manchu: Hiyoošungga Nesuken Eldembuhe Hūwanghu).
   ConsortsThe total number is approximately 64.
  1.Empress Xiaochengren (died 1674) from the Heseri clan – married in 1665.
  2.Empress Xiaozhaoren (Manchu: Hiyoošungga Genggiyen Gosin Hūwanghu) from the Niohuru clan.
  3.Empress Xiaoyiren (Manchu: Hiyoošungga Fujurangga Gosin Hūwanghu) from the Tunggiya clan.
  4.Empress Xiaogongren (Manchu: Hiyoošungga Gungnecuke Gosin Hūwanghu) from the Wuya clan.
  5.Imperial Noble Consort Que Hui (1668–1743) from the Tunggiya clan, Empress Xiaoyiren's younger sister.
  6.Imperial Noble Consort Dun Yi (1683–1768) from the Guwalgiya clan
  7.Honored Imperial Noble Consort Jing Min (died 1699) from the Janggiya clan
  8.Noble Consort Wen Xi (died 1695) from the Niuhuru clan, Empress Xiaozhaoren's younger sister.
  9.Consort Shun Yi Mi (1668–1744) from the Wang clan was Han Chinese from origin.
  10.Consort Chun Yu Qin (died 1754) from the Han Chinese Chen clan.
  11.Consort Rong (died 1727) from the Magiya clan.
  12.Consort Yi (died 1733) from the Gobulo clan.
  13.Consort Hui (died 1732) from the Nala clan.
  14.Consort Liang (died 1711) from the Wei clan.
  15.Consort Cheng (died 1740) from the Daigiya clan.
  16.Consort Xuan (died 1736) from the Mongol Borjigit clan.
  17.Consort Ding (1661–1757) from the Wanliuha clan.
  18.Consort Ping (died 1696) from the Heseri clan, Empress Xiaochengren's younger sister.
  19.Consort Hui (died 1670) from the Borjigit clan.
   SonsHaving the longest reign in Chinese history, Kangxi also has the most children of all Qing emperors. He had officially 24 sons and 12 daughters. The actual number is higher, as most of his children died from illness.
  #1 Name2 Born Died Mother Notes
  承瑞 5 November 1667 10 July 1670 Consort Rong Died young
  承祜 4 January 1670 3 March 1672 Empress Xiaochengren Died young
  承慶 21 March 1670 26 May 1671 Consort Hui Died young
  賽音察渾 24 January 1672 6 March 1674 Consort Rong Died young
  1 Yinzhi
  胤禔 12 March 1672 7 January 1735 Consort Hui Created Prince Zhi of the Second Rank (直郡王) in 1698;
  Stripped of his title in 1708;
  Buried with honors due a Beizi
  長華 11 May 1674 12 May 1674 Consort Rong Died young
  2 Yinreng
  胤礽 6 June 1674 27 January 1725 Empress Xiaochengren Original name Baocheng (保成);
  Created Crown Prince in 1675;
  Stripped of his position in 1708;
  Re-created Crown Prince in 1709;
  Stripped of his position in 1712;
  Posthumously created Prince Li of the First Rank
  長生 12 August 1675 27 April 1677 Consort Rong Died young
  萬黼 4 December 1675 11 March 1679 Imperial Concubine Tong Died young
  3 Yinzhi
  胤祉 23 March 1677 10 July 1732 Imperial Consort Rong Created Prince Cheng of the Second Rank (誠郡王) in 1698;
  Demoted to a Beizi in 1730;
  Original title posthumously restored;
  Granted the posthumous name Yin (隱)
  4 Yinzhen
  胤禛 13 December 1678 8 October 1735 Empress Xiaogongren Created Prince Yong of the First Rank (雍親王) in 1709;
  Ascended the throne as the Yongzheng Emperor on 27 December 1722
  胤禶 10 April 1679 30 April 1680 Imperial Concubine Tong Died young
  5 Yinqi
  胤祺 5 January 1680 10 July 1732 Consort Yi Created Prince Heng of the First Rank (恆親王) in 1698;
  Granted the posthumous name Wen (溫)
  6 Yinzuo
  胤祚 5 March 1680 15 June 1685 Empress Xiaogongren Died young
  7 Yinyou
  胤祐 19 August 1680 18 May 1730 Consort Cheng Created a Beile in 1698;
  Elevated to Prince Chun of the Second Rank (淳郡王) in 1709;
  Elevated further to Prince Chun of the First Rank (淳親王) in May 1723;
  Granted the posthumous name Du (度)
  8 Yinsi
  胤禩 29 March 1681 5 October 1726 Consort Liang Created Prince Lian of the First Rank (廉親王) in 1723;
  Stripped of his title and expelled from the imperial house in 1726;
  Forced to rename himself Akina (阿其那) ("pig")
  Posthumously restored in 1778
  胤䄔 13 September 1683 17 July 1684 Honored Lady Gorolo Died young
  9 Yintang
  胤禟 17 October 1683 22 September 1726 Consort Yi Created a Beizi in 1709;
  Stripped of his title and expelled from the imperial house in 1725;
  Forced to rename himself Sesihei (塞思黑) ("dog")
  Posthumously restored in 1778
  10 Yin’e
  胤䄉 28 November 1683 18 October 1741 Noble Consort Wen Xi Created Prince Dun of the Second Rank (敦郡王) in 1709;
  Stripped of his title in 1724;
  Granted the title “Duke Who Assists the State" (輔國公) in 1737
  11 Yinzi
  胤禌 8 June 1685 22 August 1696 Consort Yi Died young
  12 Yintao
  胤祹 8 June 1685 2 September 1763 Consort Ding Created Prince Lü of the First Rank (履親王) in 1709;
  Granted the posthumous name Yi (懿)
  13 Yinxiang
  胤祥 16 November 1686 18 June 1730 Imperial Noble Consort Jing Min Created Prince Yi of the First Rank (怡親王) in 1722;
  Was one of the Qing Dynasty’s 12 iron-cap princes
  14 Yinti
  胤禵 16 January 1688 13 January 1756 Empress Xiaogongren Born Yinzhen (胤禎);
  Created Prince Xun of the Second Rank (恂郡王) in 1723;
  Granted the posthumous name Qin (勤)
  胤禨 23 February 1691 30 March 1691 Consort Ping Died young
  15 Yinwu
  胤禑 24 December 1693 8 March 1731 Consort Shun Yi Mi Created Prince Yu of the Second Rank (愉郡王) in 1726;
  Granted the posthumous name Ke (恪)
  16 Yinlu
  胤祿 28 July 1695 20 March 1767 Consort Shun Yi Mi Adopted by Boguoduo, Prince Zhuang;
  Inherited the title Prince Zhuang of the First Rank (莊親王) in 1723;
  Granted the posthumous name Ke (恪)
  17 Yinli
  胤禮 24 March 1697 21 March 1738 Consort Chun Yu Qin Created Prince Guo of the Second Rank (果郡王) in 1723;
  Granted the posthumous name Yi (毅)
  18 Yinxie
  胤祄 15 May 1701 17 October 1708 Consort Shun Yi Mi Died at the Chengde Mountain Resort from the mumps
  19 Yinji
  胤禝 25 October 1702 28 March 1704 Imperial Concubine Xiang Died young
  20 Yinyi
  胤禕 1 September 1706 30 June 1755 Imperial Concubine Xiang Created a Beile (貝勒) in 1726
  21 Yinxi
  胤禧 27 February 1711 26 June 1758 Imperial Concubine Xi Created Prince Shen of the Second Rank (慎郡王) in December 1735
  22 Yinhu
  胤祜 10 January 1712 12 February 1744 Imperial Concubine Jin Created a Beile in 1730;
  Granted the posthumous name Gongqin (恭勤)
  23 Yinqi
  胤祁 14 January 1714 31 August 1785 Imperial Concubine Jing Created a Beile in 1730;
  Granted the posthumous name Cheng (誠)
  24 Yinmi
  胤祕 5 July 1716 3 December 1773 Imperial Concubine Mu Created Prince Xian of the First Rank (諴親王) in 1733;
  Granted the posthumous name Ke (恪)
  胤禐 2 March 1718 2/3 March 1718 Honored Lady Chen Died soon after birth
  Notes: (1) The order by which the princes were referred to and recorded on official documents were dictated by the number they were assigned by the order of birth. This order was unofficial until 1677, when Kangxi decreed that all of his male descendants must adhere to a "generation code" as their middle character (see Chinese name). As a result of the new system, the former order was abolished, with Yinzhi, Prince Zhi becoming the First Prince, thus the current numerical order. (2) All of Kangxi's sons changed their names upon Yongzheng's accession in 1722 by modifying the first character from "胤" (yin) to "允" (yun) to avoid the nominal taboo of the emperor. Yinxiang was posthumously allowed to change his name back to Yinxiang. Yongzheng forced his two brothers to rename themselves, but his successor restored their names. There have been many studies on their meanings.
   Daughters# Title Born Died Married Spouse Issue Mother
  1 unnamed 23 December 1668 November 1671 Ordinary Consort Zhang
  2 unnamed 17 April 1671 8 January 1674 Ordinary Consort Dong
  3 State Princess Rongxian
  固倫榮憲公主 20 June 1673 29 May 1728 July 1691 Borjigit Urgun, Prince of Baarin
  博爾濟吉特烏爾袞 Consort Rong
  4 unnamed 16 March 1674 1678 Ordinary Consort Zhang
  5 Princess Duanjing of the Second Rank
  和碩端靜公主 9 June 1674 April 1710 November or December 1692 Ulanghan Garzang
  烏梁罕噶爾臧 Honored Lady Bu
  6 State Princess Kejing
  固倫恪靖公主 4 July 1679 1735 1697 Borjigit Dunduobudorji, Prince of the Khalkha Mongols Honored Lady Gorolo
  7 unnamed 5 July 1682 September 1682 Empress Xiaogongren
  8 unnamed 13 July 1683 late July or August 1683 Empress Xiaoyiren
  9 State Princess Wenxian
  固倫溫憲公主 10 November 1683 August or September 1702 October or November 1700 Tunggiya Shun’anyan
  佟佳舜安顏 Empress Xiaogongren
  10 State Princess Chunque
  固倫純愨公主 20 March 1685 1710 1706 Borjigit Celeng
  博爾濟吉特策棱 Borjigit Chenggunzhabu
  博爾濟吉特成袞札布 Imperial Concubine Tong
  11 unnamed 24 October 1685 June or July 1686 Noble Consort Wen Xi
  12 unnamed 14 June 1686 late February or March 1697 Empress Xiaogongren
  13 Princess Wenke of the Second Rank
  和碩溫恪公主 1 January 1688 July or August 1709 1706 Borjigit Cangjin
  博爾濟吉特倉津 Imperial Noble Consort Jing Min
  14 Princess Quejing of the Second Rank
  和碩愨靖公主 16 January 1690 1736 1706 Sun Chengyun, Baron of the First Rank
  一等男孫承運 Honored Lady Yuan
  15 Princess Dunke of the Second Rank
  和碩敦恪公主 3 February 1691 January 1710 January or February 1709 ‘’Taiji’’ Borjigit Dorji
  博爾濟吉特台吉多爾濟 Imperial Noble Consort Jing Min
  16 unnamed 27 November 1695 October or November 1707 Ordinary Consort Wang
  17 unnamed 12 January 1699 December 1700 Ordinary Consort Liu
  18 unnamed 17 November 1701 Imperial Noble Consort Dun Yi
  19 unnamed 30 March 1703 late February or March 1705 Imperial Concubine Xiang
  20 unnamed 20 November 1708 January or early February 1709 Ordinary Consort Niuhuru
   Popular culture
   FictionKangxi Dadi (康熙大帝; literally: The Great Kangxi Emperor): a historical fiction novel by Er Yuehe, featuring a romanticized version of Kangxi's biography
  The Deer and the Cauldron (鹿鼎記): a wuxia novel by Louis Cha. In the story, by coincidence, Kangxi and the protagonist, Wei Xiaobao, become close friends since childhood. Wei helps the emperor consolidate power and strengthen his rule over the empire, playing an important role in affecting how the historical events during Kangxi's reign unfold.
  Qijian Xia Tianshan (七劍下天山; literally: Seven Swords Descend from Mount Heaven): a wuxia novel by Liang Yusheng. In the story, Kangxi discovers that his father, the Shunzhi Emperor, has become a monk in a monastery on Mount Wutai. He orders a close aide to kill his father in order to consolidate power, and attempts to erase evidence of the murder later.
   Film and televisionKangxi Dynasty (康熙王朝): a 2001 television series adaption of the above mentioned novel by Er Yuehe. Chen Daoming starred as Kangxi.
  Secret History of Kangxi (康熙秘史): fourth installment in a series of four television dramas about the early history of the Qing Dynasty. Xia Yu starred as Kangxi.
  Kangxi Weifu Sifang Ji (康熙微服私訪記; literally: Kangxi's Inspection Tours in Civilian Attire): a long-running television drama about Kangxi's inspection tours. During some of his tours, Kangxi dressed like an ordinary civilian to conceal his identity so that he can blend in with the commoners and understand their daily lives better. Zhang Guoli starred as Kangxi.
  The Life and Times of a Sentinel (紫禁驚雷): TVB series about Kangxi's brother's attempt to overthrow him.
  Palace (宫): a 2011 television drama set during Kangxi's rule. A girl from the 21st century accidentally travels through time and ends up in the 1700s, in the Forbidden City, shortly before Kangxi strips the crown prince Yinreng of his position.
  Scarlet Heart (步步惊心): another 2011 television drama set during Kangxi's rule. A girl from the 21st century accidentally travels through time and ends up in the 1700s, in the Forbidden City, way before Kangxi strips the crown prince Yinreng of his position. Damian Lau starred as Kangxi.
   Video gamesAge of Empires III: The Asian Dynasties: Kangxi is featured as the Chinese leader in this real-time strategy game.
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