现代中国 人物列表
柳亚子 Liu Yazi(现代中国)沈尹默 Shen Yinmo(现代中国)海子 Hai Zi(现代中国)
洛夫 Lo Fu(现代中国)舒婷 Shu Ting(现代中国)徐志摩 Xu Zhimo(现代中国)
席慕容 Ximurong(现代中国)余光中 Yu Guangzhong(现代中国)食指 Si Zhi(现代中国)
刘半农 Liu Bannong(现代中国)北岛 Bei Dao(现代中国)顾城 Gu Cheng(现代中国)
卞之琳 Bian Zhilin(现代中国)戴望舒 Dai Wangshu(现代中国)多多 Duo Duo(现代中国)
昌耀 Chang Yao(现代中国)向明 Xiang Ming(现代中国)孤夜赏雨 Gu Yeshangyu(现代中国)
离离 Chi Chi(现代中国)陈忠坤 Chen Zhongkun(现代中国)熊焱 Xiong Yan(现代中国)
绝壁孤侠 Jue Biguxia(现代中国)迪拜 DiBai(现代中国)祁鸿升 Qi Hongsheng(现代中国)
杯中冲浪 Wang XuSheng(现代中国)鲁绪刚 Lu XuGang(现代中国)余刃 Yu Ren(现代中国)
白琳 Bai Lin(现代中国)太阳岛 Tai Yangdao(现代中国)秋叶 Qiu She(现代中国)
佚名 Yi Ming(现代中国)周梦蝶 Zhou Mengdie(现代中国)郑愁予 Zheng Chouyu(现代中国)
兰语凝嫣 Lan Yuningyan(现代中国)刘华明 Liu Huaming(现代中国)陆华军 Liu Huajun(现代中国)
离开 Chi Kai(现代中国)郭沫若 Guo MoRuo(现代中国)林泠 Lin Ling(现代中国)
商禽 Shang Qin(现代中国)罗门 Luo Men(现代中国)西川 Xi Chuan(现代中国)
欧阳江河 Ouyang Jianghe(现代中国)翟永明 Di Yongming(现代中国)杨炼 Yang Lian(现代中国)
张错 Zhang Cuo(现代中国)田间 Tian Jian(现代中国)阿垅 A Long(现代中国)
纪弦 Ji Xian(现代中国)灰娃 Hui Wa(现代中国)马骅 Ma Hua(现代中国)
覃子豪 Qin Zihao(现代中国)林亨泰 Lin Hengtai(现代中国)蓉子 Rong Zi(现代中国)
痖弦 Ya Xian(现代中国)杨唤 Yang Huan(现代中国)羊令野 Yang Lingye(现代中国)
林徽因 Lin Huiyin(现代中国)白萩 Bai Qiu(现代中国)管管 Guan Guan(现代中国)
顾城 Gu Cheng
现代中国  新诗(1956年1993年10月8日)
籍贯: 北京

言情 describe loving stories (books)《英儿》
诗词《一代人 One Generation》   《远和近 Far and near》   《微微的希望》   《雨行 Rain row》   《泡影 bubble》   《感觉 perception》   《弧线》   《小巷 alley》   《规避 circumvention》   《案件 case》   更多诗歌...

阅读顾城 Gu Cheng在小说之家的作品!!!
阅读顾城 Gu Cheng在诗海的作品!!!
  顾城,1956 年生于北京。
  10 岁左右开始写诗。
  1969 年随父亲下放到山东省潍河岸边的荒滩上。辍学放猪。
  1973 年开始学画。
  1974 年回京在厂桥街道做木工。
  1977 年开始在报刊上发表作品。
  1979 年组诗《无名的小花》在北京一家小报上发表,随即引起诗坛的注意,并成为朦胧诗派的主要代表诗人之一。
  1980 年所在单位解体,失去工作,从此过漂游生活。
  1985 年加入中国作家协会。
  1987 年应邀出访欧美进行文化交流、讲学活动。
  1988 年赴新西兰,讲授中国古典文学,被聘为奥克兰大学亚语系研究 员。后辞职隐居激流岛。
  1992 年重访欧美并创作。获德国 DAAD 创作年金,在德国写作。
  1993 年 10 月 8 日顾城杀妻后自缢于一棵大树之下。其妻谢烨头部被丈夫用斧头砍伤致死。

  Gu Cheng (顾城,1956-1993) was a famous Chinese modern poet, essayist, and novelist. He was a prominent member of the "Misty Poets", a group of Chinese modernist poets.
  Gu Cheng began life in privilege as the son of a prominent party member. His father was the army poet Gu Gong. At the age of twelve, his family was sent down to rural Shandong because of the Cultural Revolution(as means of re-education) where they bred pigs. There, he claimed to have learned poetry directly from nature.
  In the late 1970s, Cheng became associated with the journal "Today"(Jintian) which began a movement in poetry known as "menglong" meaning "hazy, "obscure". He became an international celebrity and travelled around the world accompanied by his wife, Xie Ye. The two settled in Auckland, New Zealand in 1987 where Cheng taught Chinese at the University of Auckland.
  In October 1993, Gu Cheng severely beat his wife before hanging himself. She died later in a hospital.
  Gu Cheng often wore a leg cut off from a pair of jeans as a hat.
  At the age of three, he invented his own language, but no one understood him.
  "Dark nights gave me these dark eyes, but I shall use them to seek the light."

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