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聚斯金德 Patrick Süskind
德国 德意志联邦共和国  (1949年3月26日)

恐怖悬疑 terror cliffhang《香水》

阅读聚斯金德 Patrick Süskind在小说之家的作品!!!
Patrick Süskind
帕特里克·聚斯金德(Patrick Sǖskind)1949年出生在德国巴伐利亚州施塔恩贝格湖畔的阿姆巴赫,早年在慕尼黑和法国的埃克斯昂普罗旺斯攻读与研究中世纪史和近代史,后一度靠写电影分镜头剧本维持生活。他发表的处女作是剧本《低音提琴》。该剧于1981年9月在慕尼黑首次演出,后来许多剧院纷纷上演,其间被译成多种语言,为聚斯金德在文坛上赢得了声誉。1984年,聚斯金德完成了他的第一部小说《香水》,出版后轰动了德语文坛。继《香水》之后,聚斯金德用古典主义的笔调创作了中篇小说《鸽子》。

帕特里克·聚斯金德(Patrick Sǖskind)1949年出生在德国巴伐利亚州施塔恩贝格湖畔的阿姆巴赫,早年在慕尼黑和法国的埃克斯昂普罗旺斯攻读与研究中世纪



Patrick Süskind (born 26 March 1949) is a German writer and screenwriter.

Life and work

The public knows little about Patrick Süskind. He has withdrawn from the literary scene in Germany and never grants interviews or allows photos. He was born in Ambach am Starnberger See, near Munich in Germany. His father was writer and journalist Wilhelm Emanuel Süskind, who worked for the well-established Süddeutsche Zeitung and is famous as the co-author of the well-known "Wörterbuch eines Unmenschen", a critical collection of essays on the language of the Nazi era. Patrick Süskind went to school in Holzhausen, a little Bavarian village. His mother worked as a sports trainer; his older brother Martin E. Süskind is also a journalist. Süskind has many relatives from the aristocracy in Württemberg, making him one of the descendants of the exegete Johann Albrecht Bengel and of the reformer Johannes Brenz. After his Abitur and his Zivildienst, he studied Medieval and Modern History at the University of Munich and in Aix-en-Provence from 1968-1974. Süskind also attended lessons in English, Spanish, Latin, Greek, Politics, Art and Theology but, apparently, never graduated. Financially supported by his parents, he moved to Paris where he wrote "mainly short, unpublished fiction and longer screenplays which were not made into films" as he once said self-deprecatingly.
He had his breakthrough with the play The Double Bass. In the theatre season 1984/85 there were more than 500 performances of the piece, which made it a best-selling play for several seasons. It is still often performed. At the centre of the play stands a tragi-comical orchestral musician, who has so many problems with his instrument and his insignificance that he falls into nagging fatalism. In the 1980s Süskind was also successful as a screenwriter for the TV productions Kir Royal (1987) and Monaco Franze (1983), among others. For his screenplay of Rossini, directed by Helmut Dietl he gained the Screenplay Prize of the German Department for Culture in 1996. He rejected other awards, like the respectable FAZ-Literaturpreis by a conservative German newspaper, the Tukanpreis and the Gutenbergpreis.
His best-known work is the internationally-acclaimed bestseller Perfume: The Story of a Murderer (1985). This was made into a film in 2006 by Tom Tykwer and is the only story of his to have reached the cinema to date. With more than 12 million copies sold and translations into 46 languages, he is probably the most well-known contemporary German writer in the world. His novel was on the bestselling list of the German weekly news magazine "Spiegel" for nine years. He is also the author of a novella, The Pigeon (1988), The Story of Mr. Sommer (1991), Three Stories and a Reflection (1996), and a collection of essays, On Love and Death (2006).
Süskind lives reclusively in Munich, in Seeheim (Lake Starnberg) and in France (probably Paris and Montolieu).
Selected works

The Story of Mr Sommer
The Pigeon
Double Bass (play)
Rossini (film)
Three Stories and a Reflection
On Love and Death (essays)
A movie based on Perfume was released in 2006.

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