Zao Wou-Ki | |
籍贯: | 镇江丹徒大港 |
出生地: | 北京 |
去世地: | 瑞士尼永 |


米勒的《El Ángelus(天使)》(又称《晚祷》)是赵无极儿时最喜欢的画作。
1921年2月,赵无极于北京出生,为 7 个小孩中的长子。在镇江丹徒大港赵氏家族有不少字画收藏,赵无极对米芾的一幅真迹最感兴趣,赵10岁时(约1931年),族中的一位叔叔,从巴黎带回很多明信片,有许多西方的油画,赵尤爱其中米勒的《天使》,他从此便喜欢画画,也获得父亲与长辈的认同。1935年赵无极通过考试进入国立杭州艺术专科学校(简称杭州艺专)就读,学习绘画,师从吴大羽、方干民、林风眠,同年结识了同为杭州艺专学习音乐的谢景兰、吴冠中、朱德群是赵的学长。
1949年,在法国巴黎约克勒兹画廊举办留法后首之个展。在巴黎,妻子和他离婚,嫁给一位法国雕塑家。赵无极开始到世界各地游历,在香港和电影演员朱缨(本名陈美琴)结婚,回到巴黎继续创作 ,将西方的抽象绘画方法和中国画写意画法的空灵意象融合到一起,将油画画成写意画的效果,用稀薄的油彩泼墨,干涩的笔法皴染。赵无极曾参加法国五月沙龙、意大利威尼斯双年展等展览,开始拥有名气。
- 首任妻子谢景兰,两人育有一子赵嘉陵,后离异,1995年因车祸去世。
- 第二任妻子陈美琴,为香港艺人,患有精神病,1972年病发,自杀身亡。
- 第三任妻子弗朗索瓦.马尔凯(Françoise Marquet),法国人。
2012年,镇江《赵氏宗谱》编委会就已发现赵无极的爷爷赵绍甫亲自主修的家谱,其中记载: 镇江大港赵氏始祖赵子禠为宋太祖六世孙,建炎三年(公元1129年)迁居镇江大港。赵无极之父赵汉生为宋太祖30世孙,1894年出生于大港。
- 在佳士得香港秋拍“亚洲二十世纪及当代艺术”夜场,赵无极的油画《29.01.64》以约2.03亿港元成交,刷新了其作品拍卖成交价的世界纪录。
- 在保利香港春拍“现当代艺术专场”,赵无极的油画《大地无形》以1.55亿港元落槌,此作曾在2007年11月香港佳士得上拍,当时2,944万港元成交。。
- 在佳士得香港春拍“亚洲二十世纪及当代艺术”夜场中,赵无极的油画《14.12.59》以1.76亿港元成交,成为史上第三贵赵无极作品。
- 赵无极创作尺幅最大的油画三联作《1985年6月至10月》,于香港苏富比2018年秋拍以5.1亿港元成交,刷新了3个拍卖纪录,包括香港艺术拍卖史上最高成交画作的纪录、亚洲油画世界拍卖纪录、赵无极世界拍卖纪录。
- 王承昊在《传统之根——试论赵无极、 朱德群、 吴冠中的中国艺术精神》一文中写到:“赵无极、朱德群、吴冠中便是林风眠衣钵的传人。他们先后进入杭州国立艺专学习时,正值学校的鼎盛时期。校长林风眠以蔡元培“思想自由,兼容并包”的办学宗旨广纳贤才,这里既有像潘天寿这样传统功力深厚的国画大师,也有像吴大羽、方干民这样深通西方现代绘画艺理的著名画家,这使得他们在校的学习能在一个容纳中西、开阔视野的学术环境下,吸收中西文化的精髓......林风眠、潘天寿、吴大羽、方干民等艺术教育的形式与思想更深深影响了当时的朱德群、 赵无极、吴冠中。探寻西方艺术之源成为三人共同的梦想。”
- 刘钺在《左杭州、右巴黎—西湖画派六人集论》一书中将林风眠、吴大羽、方干民、赵无极、朱德群和吴冠中六人作为一个画派—“西湖画派”。
- 留法三剑客
- 中国油画
- 西湖画派
- 留法中国艺术家
- ^Le peintre franco-chinois Zao Wou-ki est mort [法籍华裔画家赵无极逝世]. Le Monde. 2013-04-09 [2013-04-10] (法语).
- ^王承昊. 传统之根 ——试论赵无极、 朱德群、 吴冠中的中国艺术精神. China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House: 100-102.
- ^跳转至:3.03.1宋代皇族後裔從小愛涂鴉. 星岛日报. 2013-04-10[2013-04-12]. (原始内容存档于2016-04-01).
- ^跳转至:趙無極:不在學習西方藝術與傳承中國傳統問題上糾結. 新华网. 2013-04-12 [2013-04-12]. (原始内容存档于2014-04-30).
- ^Claude Roy; Zao, Wou-ki. Zao WOU-KI (Les Grands peintres). Editions Cercle D'Art. 1988-09-20: 202.ISBN 2702202225(法语).
- ^跳转至:érard de Cortanze, Yves Bonnefoy; Wou-Ki Zao. ZAO WOU-KI. Editions de La Différence. 1998: 381.ISBN 2729112103(法语).
- ^蔡筱颖.畫家趙無極過世 享壽93歲. 中央通讯社. 2013-04-10[2013-04-11].
- ^跳转至:趙無極執畫筆去天堂. 中国评论新闻网. 2013-04-12 [2013-04-12].
- ^跳转至:9.09.1大陆新闻组/整理.趙無極的愛與痛. 世界新闻网. 2012-08-13 [2013-04-11].
- ^跳转至:11.011.1民国国立杭州艺术专科学校. 浙江档案网.[2013-04-12]. (原始内容存档于2016年3月4日).
- ^跳转至:懷念趙無極:一個時代的結束. 文汇报. 2013-04-11 [2013-03-12].
- ^工商晚报, 1958-06-08 第8页
- ^華人藝術瑰寶 趙無極逝世. 苹果日报. 2013年4月11日.
- ^专访贝礼中:父亲贝聿铭与赵无极的艺术往事,The Value,2019-11-4
- ^赵无极绘画融合创新60年. 中国青年报. 1999年2月19日 [2007年10月31日]. (原始内容存档于2005年5月2日).
- ^ZAO Wou-Ki [赵无极]. 法兰西艺术院. [2013-04-10]. (原始内容存档于2007-10-21) (法语).
- ^著名华裔画家赵无极辞世. 亚太日报. 2013-04-10[2013-04-10].[永久失效链接]
- ^3367.赵无极生平史料遭揭--艺术收藏--人民网. [2018-10-03].
- ^趙無極《29.01.64》逾2億拍出 刷畫作紀錄. on.cc东网.[2018-07-08] (中文(香港)).
- ^赵无极破纪录,The Value,2017-5-27
- ^赵无极《大地无形》HK$1.55亿落槌,The Value,2018-3-29
- ^6幅大作佳士得HK$4亿成交,The Value, 2018-5-26
- ^趙無極最大油畫售5.1億 破香港藝術拍賣紀錄. on.cc东网.[2018-10-03] (中文(香港)).
- ^王承昊. 传统之根 ——试论赵无极、 朱德群、 吴冠中的中国艺术精神. China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House: 100-102.
- 赵无极原是镇江大港人 镇江发现大师生平及艺术渊源新史料 金柏 绍龙
- [永久失效链接]
- 融合文化的王子﹣赵无极 | 巴黎彩之华
- 睿芙奥艺术集团艺术家简历 - 赵无极
- 赵无极石版画 北京-巴黎 Paris-Beijing 画廊
- 法兰西艺术院过去和现在院士名单
- 2011年列名世界拍卖收入记录前30名的中国画家名单已公布 - 第14名为赵无极 Zao Wou-ki 赵无极
- 华人艺术瑰宝 赵无极逝世《苹果日报》2013年4月11日
Early years
Zao was born in Beijing with family roots in Dantu, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu province. In his childhood he was brought back to his hometown Dantu where he studied calligraphy and gained acceptance to the Hangzhou School of Fine Arts. From 1935 to 1941, he studied painting at the China Academy of Art in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, where he was taught by Lin Fengmian, Fang Ganmin and Wu Dayu. In 1948, he went with his wife Lan-lan, a composer, to Paris to live on the same block in Montparnasse where the classes of Émile Othon Friesz took place. His earliest exhibitions in France were met with praise from Joan Miró and Picasso.
Personal life
Zao and his wife pursued their own careers, their son having stayed in China with Zao's parents. In the mid-1950s, they were divorced. In 1957, Zao decided to visit the United States where his younger brother Chao Wu-Wai was living in Montclair, New Jersey, close to the art scene of New York City. He wanted to learn more about "pop art". While in the US, he painted seven canvases at his brother's house. There are relatively few items dating from that year (1957). Years later, the largest canvas was given by his brother, Chao Wu-Wai, to the Detroit Institute of Arts.
He left the U.S. after a six-week stay, traveling to Tokyo and then to Hong Kong, where he met his second wife Chan May-Kan (陈美琴, May Zao), a film actress who had two children from her first marriage. Under the influence of Zao, she became a successful sculptor. In 1972, she committed suicide at age 41 due to mental illness. In 1972, he also visited his family in China who he had not seen since 1948.
In 1997, he married his third wife Françoise Marquet, who now serves as president of the Zao Wou-Ki Foundation.
Zao's works, influenced by Paul Klee, are orientated to abstraction. He names them with the date in which he finishes them, and in them, masses of colours appear to materialise a creating world, like a Big Bang, where light structures the canvas. He worked formats in triptychs and diptychs. While his work was stylistically similar to the Abstract Expressionists whom he met while travelling in New York, he was influenced by Impressionism. Zao Wou-Ki stated that he had been influenced by the works of Matisse, Picasso and Cézanne.
His meetings with Henri Michaux pushed him to review his Indian ink techniques, always based in Chinese traditional drawings. Zao was a member of the Académie des beaux-arts, and was considered to have been one of the most successful Chinese painters during his lifetime.
In 1982, he was invited to paint for the Fragrant Hills Hotel in Beijing, designed by I. M. Pei. I. M. Pei had a fellowship to Europe in the early 1950s and he met Wou-Ki at Galerie Claude Bernard, the gallery that represented Wou-Ki. In 1983, he returned to his alma mater, the China Academy of Art in Hangzhou to give lectures.
Former French President Jacques Chirac was offered a painting by Zao Wou-Ki by his ministers during their last meeting.
By the end of his life Zao had stopped producing new paintings due to health problems. He died on 9 April 2013 at his home in Switzerland.
Art Auction Results
Between 2009 and 2014, the value of his work tripled, leading to a scarcity of paintings and to prices rising even higher.
- Zao Wou-ki’s 29.01.64 (1964) was sold for HK$202.6m (US$26m) at Christie's in Hong Kong, setting a new auction record for the artist and the world record for an oil painting by any Asian artist.The record for the artist was previously held by 29.09.64, another large painting that was sold for HK$153m (US$19.6m) at Christie’s Hong Kong in May this year.
- Juin-Octobre 1985, the largest size that Zao Wou-ki ever worked on, was sold for HK$510m after premium, setting the record for the most valuable painting sold in Hong Kong auctions, as well as the auction record for an oil painting by an Asian artist.
- ^ ab "Le peintre franco-chinois Zao Wou-ki est mort" [The Franco-Chinese painter Zao Wou-ki is dead]. Le (in French). Le Monde. 9 April 2013. Retrieved 9 April 2013.
- ^ Biographie Zao Wou-ki (1921 - 2013) at Applicat-Prazan - Paris
- ^ ab c Holland, Oscar. "Zao Wou-Ki, the Chinese abstract painter who sells for millions". CNN. Retrieved 1 April 2020.
- ^ "Untitled, 1957 (oil on canvas) by Zao Wou-Ki". Bridgeman Art Library. Retrieved 9 April 2013.
- ^ Gu, Mei (26 April 2013). "赵无极的第二任妻子陈美琴". Sina. Retrieved 9 April 2014.
- ^ Molcard, Eva Sarah (17 September 2018). "21 Facts About Zao Wou-Ki". Archived from the original on 1 April 2020. Retrieved 19 November 2019.
- ^ Leymarie, Jean; Marquet, Françoise (1979). Zao Wou-ki. Rizzoli. p. 309. ISBN 0847801802.
- ^ Studio International. 154: 152. 1957.
- ^ "Li Chung Pei Recounts Friendship Between I.M. Pei and Zao Wou-Ki | Feature Series | THE VALUE | Art News". Retrieved 15 June 2020.
- ^ "Franco-Chinese painter Zao Wou-Ki dies aged 93: lawyers". France 24. Retrieved 9 April 2013.
- ^ "Zao Wou-ki 's 29.01.64 Sold for US$26m, New World Auction Record for Oil Painting by Asian Artist | Auctions News | THE VALUE | Art News". Retrieved 15 June 2020.
- ^ "Sold for HK$510m, Zao Wou-ki's Largest Work Becomes Most Expensive Oil Painting by Asian Artist | Auctions News | THE VALUE | Art News". Retrieved 15 June 2020.
External links
- Zao Wou-Ki: Ink and Watercolor at de Sarthe Gallery, Hong Kong
- Zao Wou-Ki: Paintings 1950's - 1960's at de Sarthe Gallery, Hong Kong
- Zhao Wuji at Gallery Heede & Moestrup - Copenhagen
- (in Chinese) 赵无极:在巴黎重新发现中国