běn zuòzhělièbiǎo
chuān jùn tài láng Shuntaro Tanikawa xiè jīng Yosano Akikoshí chuān zhuó Takuboku Ishikawa
dǎo téng cūn Shimazakigāng yuán fèng Yuan Feng Gangchén shùn chén Chin Shunshin
chuān kǒu cháng Kawaguchi Changrushi yuán dēng Noboru Tsujigāo qiáo Takahashi apply
jiāng jiàn sān láng Kenzaburō Ōemào měi Moro Miyashān gāng zhuāng Yamaoka Sohachi
shān běn cháng cháo Chang Korean Yamamotoshí yuán jiēshí Ishihara strongbǎn dōng zhēn Mariko Bando
qiān 1000 叶丽子 tián qiān jīng Fu 田千晶gāo qiáo měi jiā Takahashi Meijia
zhōng liú měi Nakazawa Okinawa U.S. shí yuán Tateishi member sub-jīn tián miào Jin 田妙子
cháo míng Koosōng dǎo · Song Nakajima Asia nài Taiichi Ohno
tōng kǒu tài xíng Yasuyuki Higuchihǎi yīn cháo láng Kaionji Chogorojiá tián guāng xióng A 田光雄
dōng mào yóu Tung Mau by thehēi míng Akira Kurosawatóng shān guì Kiriyama Keiichi
jǐng shàng Inoue Du Fuzhòng xiù Shuichi Shigenojiā téng zhèng xiù Kato Masahide
zàng nuò zūn Izanagi respecttiān zhào shén Amaterasushén tiān huáng Emperor Jimmu
suí jìng tiān huáng Appeasement Emperorān níng tiān huáng Annei Tennō tiān huáng Itoku-tenno
xiào zhāo tiān huáng Kosho-tennoxiào 'ān tiān huáng Koan-tennoxiào líng tiān huáng Emperor Xiao Ling
xiào yuán tiān huáng Kogen-tennokāi huà tiān huáng Civilized Emperorchóng shén tiān huáng Emperor worship God
chuí rén tiān huáng Emperor Suininjǐng xíng tiān huáng Kageyuki Emperorchéng tiān huáng Emperor into service
zhòng 'āi tiān huáng Emperor Chuaishén gōng huáng hòu Jingū Kōgōyìng shén tiān huáng God Emperor should be
rén tiān huáng Emperor Ren zhōng tiān huáng To fulfill the Emperorfǎn zhèng tiān huáng Hanzei-tennō
yǔn gōng tiān huáng Ingō-tennōān kāng tiān huáng Ankō Tennōxióng lüè tiān huáng 雄略 Emperor
qīng níng tiān huáng Qing 宁天皇xiǎn zōng tiān huáng Exoteric Emperorrén xián tiān huáng Renxian Emperor
sōng xià xìng zhī zhù Matsushita Kōnosuke
běn zhāo shí dài  (1894niánshíyīyuè27rì1989niánsìyuè27rì)
Kōnosuke Matsushita
chūshēngdì: běn hègē shān xiàn

Matsushita Kōnosuke
松下幸之助(まつした こうのすけ,1894年11月27日-1989年4月27日),出生于日本和歌山县,是横跨明治大正昭和以及平成四世代的日本企业家,是松下电器松下政经塾PHP研究所的创办者,在日本被称为“经营之神”。













Kōnosuke Matsushita (松下 幸之助Matsushita Kōnosuke, 27 November 1894 – 27 April 1989) was a Japanese industrialist who founded Panasonic, the largest Japanese consumer electronics company.


Matsushita and the wife of a bicycle shop owner. Matsushita worked in the shop. (c. 1904–5)

Kōnosuke Matsushita was born on 27 November 1894 in Wakayama Prefecture. His father was an affluent landlord in the farming village of Wasa (part of present-day Wakayama city) and was one of the wealthiest men of his community.

Teenage years

Shortly after Matsushita left school, he was sent away to Osaka to become an apprentice for a hibachi store. Less than a year into his apprenticeship however, the business failed and Matsushita was left looking for other employment. He then applied for a job with the Osaka Electric Light Company, an electrical utility company. Over the next couple of years, he was promoted several times and his position rose with the company. During this time, Matsushita was introduced to one of his sister's friends, Mumeno Iue, and after a short courtship married her. Matsushita, now head of a new family, was well aware of his new responsibilities.

At the age of 22, he was promoted to the position of electrical inspector. It was during this time that Matsushita attempted to introduce his boss to the invention of a new and improved light socket that he had perfected in his spare time. His boss, however, was not enthusiastic.

Matsushita Electric Industrial Company

Members of Matsushita Electric Housewares Manufacturing Works. Back row from left, Kōnosuke Matsushita, Toshio Iue, Mumeno Matsushita (c. 1918)

In 1917, Matsushita left Osaka Electric Light Company to set up his own company. Without capital, a formal education, or experience in manufacturing, it would appear the company would fail before it even began. He set up his shop in the basement of his tenement. With his wife, his brother-in-law, and several assistants, he began creating several samples of his product. He attempted to peddle the samples to wholesalers but was unsuccessful because he did not offer more than one product.

Matsushita's assistants left his company and he was left with only his wife and brother-in-law, Toshio Iue, who proved to be a capable salesman and manager. Matsushita would have eventually become bankrupt but he was "saved by an unexpected order for a thousand insulator plates for electric fans." From there, Matsushita was able to continue producing his light sockets. They became popular as wholesalers realized the product was better in quality and less expensive than comparable products in the market. The early years of the company were difficult: He once had to pawn his wife's kimono when he found himself short on money. Matsushita's products were originally marketed under the name brand of "National" and later moved on to the more recognizable names of Panasonic, Quasar and Technics.[citation needed]

One of Matsushita's best products was his invention of a more efficient battery-powered bicycle lamp. During the 1920s, bicycle lamps were candles or oil-burning lamps. They were highly inefficient as they usually only lasted for three hours. He created an oval lamp that used a battery for power and a lightbulb for illumination. He had to personally market his products to retail bicycle shops.


Matsushita learned a very important lesson in terms of growing a company while he was trying to introduce his bicycle lamp to wholesalers. He realized that even if he had a product that was superior to anything out in the market it would not matter if he could not sell the product. As a result, Matsushita began devising ways to create sales channels for his products by concentrating less on manufacturing and more on building a sales force, which led to a retail store network and finally placed Matsushita's company on the map in Japan's electrical manufacturing and retail industry.

In 1929, he began setting up a new structure for his company. The company was structured as a parent company and branches of divisions that specialized in a particular product were created. There were three specific products that were being created in Matsushita's company at this time: the bicycle lamp and battery division, the electrical socket division, and the radio division. For each of these products, a national sales department was formed with regional offices established in strategic locations. These regional offices were responsible for the coordination of sales and manufacturing. Products were manufactured based upon the demand for the products. As a result, manufacturing was dependent on sales.

Post-war period

During the US occupation of Japan after World War II, General Douglas MacArthur decided to break up the zaibatsu business conglomerates of Japan. Matsushita was in danger of being removed as president but was saved by a favorable petition signed by 15,000 employees. In 1947, Kōnosuke lent his brother-in-law Toshio an under-utilized manufacturing plant to manufacture bicycle lamps, a business that eventually became Sanyo Electric.

From 1950 to 1973, Matsushita's company became one of the world's largest manufacturers of electrical goods, sold under well-known trademarks including Panasonic and Technics. Matsushita stepped down as President of Panasonic in 1961 and was succeeded as president by his son-in-law, Masaharu Matsushita. Konosuke Matsushita's two grandsons are Masayuki Matsushita, who is the current Vice-Chairman of Panasonic, and Hiro Matsushita, who is a former driver in the Champ Car series and owns Swift Engineering, an aerospace firm and race car constructing company which he bought in 1991. Hiro Matsushita is also the chairman of Swift Xi, which located in Kobe, Japan.

Konosuke Matsushita remained active in Panasonic's operations until his complete retirement in 1973. Since 1954, Matsushita also gained a significant shareholding in manufacturer JVC by forming an alliance. It still retains a 50% share today. In retirement, Matsushita focused on developing and explaining his social and commercial philosophies and wrote 44 published books. One of his books, entitled “Developing A Road To Peace And Happiness Through Prosperity”, sold over four million copies. In 1979, at the age of 84, he founded the Matsushita School of Government and Management to train the future politicians and businessmen of Japan.

In 1987, he was awarded the Grand Cordon of the Order of the Paulownia Flowers.


Chronic lung problems led to his death from pneumonia on 27 April 1989, at the age of 94. He died with personal assets worth US$3 billion, and left a company with US$42 billion in revenue business.[citation needed]

Awards and honours

Los Angeles Mayor Sam Yorty presenting a certificate proclaiming July 15th as Matsushita Day to Kōnosuke and Mumeno at Los Angeles City Hall. Kōnosuke is holding a nine-inch Panasonic television, a gift to Los Angeles. (1963)

Foreign honour

Further reading

  • Matsushita Leadership by John Paul KotterSimon & Schuster (1998)
  • Matsushita Konosuke (1894-1989) His Life & His Legacy: A Collection of Essays in Honor of the Centenary of His Birth by Kōnosuke Matsushita, PHP Research Institute (1994)
  • The Matsushita Perspective, A Business Philosophy Handbook, Published by PHP Institute, Inc. (1st ed., 1997).
  • Jinsei mondō, dialogue with Daisaku Ikeda published in Chinese (traditional), Chinese (simplified), Korean, and Japanese; Published by Ushio Shuppansha, Tōkyō (1st ed., 1975).
  • The Matsushita Phenomenon by Rowland Gould published by the Diamond Publishing Company, Japan (1st edition, 1970).
  • The Path, by Konosuke Matsushita, Published by McGraw-Hill (2010)

Matsushita family tree

Matsushita Uemon
Yasuda KoichiroTokue MatsushitaMasakusu MatsushitaHirata TosukeMaeda Toshiaki
Mitsui Takamine10th head of the Mitsui family
Tetsujiro NakaoYasueJun IueYurou IueToshio IueMumenoKonosuke MatsushitaShodo HirataShizukoMaeda ToshisadaKeikoMitsui Takakimi11th head of the Mitsui family
Satoshi IueMatsushita SachikoMasaharu MatsushitaHirata KatsumiNobuko
Iue ToshimasaHiro MatsushitaMasayuki Matsushita

See also


  1. ^ "Panasonic History: Setting up his own company)". 2009. Archived from the original on 1 June 2009. Retrieved 17 August 2009.
  2. ^ Kageyama, Yuri (17 July 2012). "Former Panasonic president Matsushita dies"Associated Press. Retrieved 18 July 2012.
  3. ^ Matsushita Memorial Library.
  4. ^ "Semakan Penerima Darjah Kebesaran, Bintang dan Pingat".


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