běn zuòzhělièbiǎo
chuān jùn tài láng Shuntaro Tanikawa xiè jīng Yosano Akikoshí chuān zhuó Takuboku Ishikawa
dǎo téng cūn Shimazakigāng yuán fèng Yuan Feng Gangchén shùn chén Chin Shunshin
chuān kǒu cháng Kawaguchi Changrushi yuán dēng Noboru Tsujigāo qiáo Takahashi apply
jiāng jiàn sān láng Kenzaburō Ōemào měi Moro Miyashān gāng zhuāng Yamaoka Sohachi
shān běn cháng cháo Chang Korean Yamamotoshí yuán jiēshí Ishihara strongbǎn dōng zhēn Mariko Bando
qiān 1000 叶丽子 tián qiān jīng Fu 田千晶gāo qiáo měi jiā Takahashi Meijia
zhōng liú měi Nakazawa Okinawa U.S. shí yuán Tateishi member sub-jīn tián miào Jin 田妙子
cháo míng Koosōng dǎo · Song Nakajima Asia nài Taiichi Ohno
tōng kǒu tài xíng Yasuyuki Higuchihǎi yīn cháo láng Kaionji Chogorojiá tián guāng xióng A 田光雄
dōng mào yóu Tung Mau by thehēi míng Akira Kurosawatóng shān guì Kiriyama Keiichi
jǐng shàng Inoue Du Fuzhòng xiù Shuichi Shigenojiā téng zhèng xiù Kato Masahide
zàng nuò zūn Izanagi respecttiān zhào shén Amaterasushén tiān huáng Emperor Jimmu
suí jìng tiān huáng Appeasement Emperorān níng tiān huáng Annei Tennō tiān huáng Itoku-tenno
xiào zhāo tiān huáng Kosho-tennoxiào 'ān tiān huáng Koan-tennoxiào líng tiān huáng Emperor Xiao Ling
xiào yuán tiān huáng Kogen-tennokāi huà tiān huáng Civilized Emperorchóng shén tiān huáng Emperor worship God
chuí rén tiān huáng Emperor Suininjǐng xíng tiān huáng Kageyuki Emperorchéng tiān huáng Emperor into service
zhòng 'āi tiān huáng Emperor Chuaishén gōng huáng hòu Jingū Kōgōyìng shén tiān huáng God Emperor should be
rén tiān huáng Emperor Ren zhōng tiān huáng To fulfill the Emperorfǎn zhèng tiān huáng Hanzei-tennō
yǔn gōng tiān huáng Ingō-tennōān kāng tiān huáng Ankō Tennōxióng lüè tiān huáng 雄略 Emperor
qīng níng tiān huáng Qing 宁天皇xiǎn zōng tiān huáng Exoteric Emperorrén xián tiān huáng Renxian Emperor
bǎn xìng tài láng Kōtarō Isaka
běn lìng   (1971niánwǔyuè25rì)
Isaka Kōtarō
gōng bǎn háng
chūshēngdì: qiān xiàn

伊坂幸太郎,原名宫坂航也,1971年生于日本千叶县,已婚。1995年于东北大学法学部毕业。热爱电影,深受柯恩兄弟(Coen Brother)、尚-积葵·贝力斯(Jean-Jacques Beineix)、艾米尔·库斯杜力卡(Emir Kusturica)等电影导演的影响。1996年 以《碍眼的坏蛋们》(悪党たちが目にしみる,唯一没有出过单行本的作品)获得日本山多利推理大赏佳作。2000年以《奥杜邦的祈祷》(オーデュボンの祈り,新潮社)荣获第五届新潮推理俱乐部奖,跻身文坛。2000年《海海人生》(ラッシュライフ,新潮社)出版上市,各大报章杂志争相报导,广受各界好评。2003年《重力小丑》(重力ピエロ,新潮社)、2004年《孩子们》(チルドレン,讲谈社)、《蚱蜢》(グラスホッパー,角川书店)、2005年《死神的精确度》(死神の精度,文艺春秋)、2006年《沙漠》(砂漠,実业之日本社)五度入围直木赏,2000以后得奖呼声很高的文坛才子。作者知识广博,内容取材范围涵盖生物、艺术、历史,可谓上通天文下知地理;文笔风格豪迈诙谐而具透明感,内容环环相扣,读者阅毕不禁大呼过瘾,是2000年以来日本文坛少见的文学新秀,备受瞩目。其重要作品尚有《天才抢匪盗转地球》、《家鸭与野鸭的自动投币式储物柜》(アヒルと鸭のコインロッカー,东京创元社、2003年)、《魔王》(讲谈社、2005)、《最后的愚者(世纪末的愚者)》(终末のフール,集英社、2006年3月)、《Fish Story》(フィッシュストーリー,新潮社、2007年1月)等。2011年3月11日日本发生9.0级强震及海啸,仙台市灾情严重。这引发大家对居住在仙台市的伊坂幸太郎安危的关注,事后伊坂已被出版社联系上,他与家人在一起,确认安然无恙。

Kōtarō Isaka (伊坂 幸太郎Isaka Kōtarō, born 25 May 1971) is a Japanese author of mystery fiction.

Life and career

Isaka was born in Matsudo City, Chiba Prefecture, Japan. After graduating from the law school of Tohoku University he went on to work as a systems engineer. He wrote short stories in his free time which he submitted to literary competitions. In 2000 he won the Shincho Mystery Club Prize with debut work Audubon’s prayer, after which he became a professional author.

In 2002 Isaka's novel Lush Life began to garner critical attention, but it was his Naoki Prize nominated 2003 work Gravity Clown (Juryoku Piero, filmed in 2009 starring Ryō Kase) which led to him becoming widely known amongst regular readers. His following work The Foreign Duck, the Native Duck and God in a Coin Locker went on to win the 25th Yoshikawa Eiji Prize for New Writers.

Isaka is often referred to as a mystery writer, however he does not allow himself to be constrained by this definition, attracting many fans amongst the younger generation.

2003's Gravity Clown, 2004's Children and Grasshopper, 2005's The Precision of the Agent of Death and 2006's Desert were all nominated for the Naoki Prize. In addition Isaka is the only author to have been nominated for the first 4 years of the Honya Taisho, finally winning the 5th in 2008 with Remote Control (original title: Golden Slumber). The same work also won the 21st Yamamoto Shūgorō Prize and led to Isaka being selected for the Naoki Prize. Isaka turned down the nomination citing his desire to focus on writing his novel Maoh has turned manga.

Works available in English

Short story


Japanese awards
French awards
  • 2012 - Prix Masterton (fr): Ōdyubon no Inori (French title: La Prière d'Audubon)
  • 2012 - Prix Zoom JaponŌdyubon no Inori (French title: La Prière d'Audubon)



  • Ōdyubon no Inori (オーデュボンの祈り), 2000 (French translation: La Prière d'AudubonPhilippe Picquier Publishing, 2011)
  • Rasshu Raifu (Lush Life) (ラッシュライフ), 2002
  • Yōkina Gyangu ga Chikyū o Mawasu (陽気なギャングが地球を回す), 2003
  • Jūryoku Piero (重力ピエロ), 2003 (French translation: Pierrot-la-gravité, Philippe Picquier Publishing, 2012)
  • Ahiru to Kamo no Koin Rokkā (アヒルと鴨のコインロッカー), 2003
  • Gurasuhoppā (Grasshopper) (グラスホッパー), 2004
  • Sabaku (砂漠), 2005
  • Yōkina Gyangu no Nichijō to Shūgeki (陽気なギャングの日常と襲撃), 2006
  • Gōruden Surambā (Golden Slumber) (ゴールデンスランバー), 2007 (English translation: Remote Control, Kodansha USA, 2011)
  • Modan Taimusu (Modern Times) (モダンタイムス), 2008
  • Aru Kingu (あるキング), 2009
  • Esu Ō Esu no Saru (SOSの猿), 2009
  • Ō! Fāzā (Oh! Father) (オー! ファーザー), 2010
  • Baibai, Burakkubādo (Bye Bye, Blackbird) (バイバイ、ブラックバード), 2010
  • Mariabītoru (Mariabeetle) (マリアビートル), 2010
  • Yoru no Kuni no Kūpā (夜の国のクーパー), 2012
  • Gasorin Seikatsu (ガソリン生活), 2013
  • Shinigami no Furyoku (死神の浮力), 2013

Short story collections

  • Chirudoren (Children) (チルドレン), 2004
  • Shinigami no Seido (死神の精度), 2005
  • Maō (魔王), 2005
  • Shūmatsu no Fūru (終末のフール), 2006
  • Fisshu Sutōrī (Fish Story) (フィッシュストーリー), 2007
  • Pīkē (PK), 2012
  • Nokori Zembu Bakēshon (残り全部バケーション), 2012

Film adaptations

Manga adaptations


External links


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