jiā zuòzhělièbiǎo
bái shuǐ Bai Shui píng dǎo He Pingdao
· ā Margaret Atwoodmài 'ěr · luò Michael Bullock
ài rén Eskimolín lián Sandy Lam
yuē hàn · láo lún · léi nuò 约翰劳伦斯雷 Reynoldstài · ā lán Ted Allan
sài nài · dēng Sydney Gordon · méng Lucy Maud Montgomery
chuān shā Chuan Sha · lún 伊芙萨伦巴
fēn · Stephen Leacockshǐ fēn · 'ěr Stephanie Howard
shān · Susanna Moodie nèi suō · lán Vanessa Grant
duō · Donna Carlisekāng · lāi Conrad Black
fàn wēi Fan Weiāi · tuō Eckhart Tolle
ān · yōu · shí
· luó · léi 'è léi ·S· lāi shè
dīng · duō · xià
'ěr · lāi sēn 'ào · lāi 'ēn
fēn · bǎikǎi · lāi
ā · hēi xiū · luò tíng
jiǎn · gài ·C· fàn hǎi
lán · shǐ wàng ā 'ěr bèi tuō · màn 'āi 'ěr
· méng ài · tuō 'ěr
luó · chá 'ěr · wēi 'ěr sēn lǎng · mài kěn (
mài 'ěr · láo sài 'ěrláo lún ·G· mài lún
suō bèi 'ěr · luò qiē ·· āi 'ěr dùn
tānɡ · wēn 'ěr lán · qín lóng
ā 'ěr wéi tuō · màn 'āi 'ěr 'ài yīng Jean
yuē hàn · shān · mài táng Sir John Alexander Macdonaldyuē hàn · yuē · kǎo wēi 'ěr · ā jué shì Sir John Joseph Caldwell Abbott
yuē hàn · luò · wèi · tānɡ sēn jué shì Sir John Sparrow David Thompsonmài kěn · bào wēi 'ěr jué shì Sir Mackenzie Bowell
chá 'ěr · jué shì Sir Charles Tupperwēi 'ěr · láo léi 'ěr jué shì Sir Wilfrid Laurier
luó · lāi 'ěr · dēng jué shì Sir Robert Laird Bordenā · 'ēn Arthur Meighen
wēi lián · lāi 'áng · mài kěn · jīn William Lyon Mackenzie King chá · bèi · bèi nèi Richard Bedford Bennett
· fēn · shèng luò lǎng Louis Stephen St. Laurentyuē hàn · qiáo zhì · fēn bèi John George Diefenbaker
yuē hàn · luò · wèi · tānɡ sēn jué shì Sir John Sparrow David Thompson
jiā lián bāng de chéng kuò zhāng  (1845niánshíyīyuè10rì1894niánshíèryuè12rì)
chūshēngdì: jiā xīn
qùshìdì: yīng guó yīng lán wēn suō chéng bǎo

约翰·斯帕洛·大卫·汤普森爵士Sir John Sparrow David Thompson,1845年11月10日-1894年12月12日),曾任加拿大总理

Sir John Sparrow David Thompson PC KCMG QC (November 10, 1845 – December 12, 1894) was a Canadian lawyer, judge, and politician who served as the fourth prime minister of Canada, in office from 1892 until his death. He had previously been premier of Nova Scotia for a brief period in 1882.

Thompson was born in Halifax, Nova Scotia. He trained as a lawyer and was called to the bar in 1865. Thompson was elected to the Nova Scotia House of Assembly in 1877 as a representative of the Conservative Party. He became the provincial attorney general the following year, in Simon Holmes' government, replaced Holmes as premier in 1882. However, he served for only two months before losing the 1882 general election to the Liberal Party. After losing the premiership, he accepted an appointment to the Nova Scotia Supreme Court.

In 1885, Thompson entered federal politics at the personal request of Sir John A. Macdonald, becoming Minister of Justice. In that role he was the driving force behind the enactment of the Canadian Criminal Code. Thompson became prime minister in 1892, following the retirement of John Abbott. He was the first Roman Catholic to hold the position. On a trip to England in 1894, Thompson unexpectedly suffered a heart attack and died, aged 49. He is the second and most recent Canadian prime minister to have died in office, after Sir John A. Macdonald.

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hòuyījūnzhù >>: mài kěn · bào wēi 'ěr jué shì

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