jiā zuòzhělièbiǎo
bái shuǐ Bai Shui píng dǎo He Pingdao
· ā Margaret Atwoodmài 'ěr · luò Michael Bullock
ài rén Eskimolín lián Sandy Lam
yuē hàn · láo lún · léi nuò 约翰劳伦斯雷 Reynoldstài · ā lán Ted Allan
sài nài · dēng Sydney Gordon · méng Lucy Maud Montgomery
chuān shā Chuan Sha · lún 伊芙萨伦巴
fēn · Stephen Leacockshǐ fēn · 'ěr Stephanie Howard
shān · Susanna Moodie nèi suō · lán Vanessa Grant
duō · Donna Carlisekāng · lāi Conrad Black
fàn wēi Fan Weiāi · tuō Eckhart Tolle
ān · yōu · shí
· luó · léi 'è léi ·S· lāi shè
dīng · duō · xià
'ěr · lāi sēn 'ào · lāi 'ēn
fēn · bǎikǎi · lāi
ā · hēi xiū · luò tíng
jiǎn · gài ·C· fàn hǎi
lán · shǐ wàng ā 'ěr bèi tuō · màn 'āi 'ěr
· méng ài · tuō 'ěr
luó · chá 'ěr · wēi 'ěr sēn lǎng · mài kěn (
mài 'ěr · láo sài 'ěrláo lún ·G· mài lún
suō bèi 'ěr · luò qiē ·· āi 'ěr dùn
tānɡ · wēn 'ěr lán · qín lóng
ā 'ěr wéi tuō · màn 'āi 'ěr 'ài yīng Jean
yuē hàn · shān · mài táng Sir John Alexander Macdonaldyuē hàn · yuē · kǎo wēi 'ěr · ā jué shì Sir John Joseph Caldwell Abbott
yuē hàn · luò · wèi · tānɡ sēn jué shì Sir John Sparrow David Thompsonmài kěn · bào wēi 'ěr jué shì Sir Mackenzie Bowell
chá 'ěr · jué shì Sir Charles Tupperwēi 'ěr · láo léi 'ěr jué shì Sir Wilfrid Laurier
luó · lāi 'ěr · dēng jué shì Sir Robert Laird Bordenā · 'ēn Arthur Meighen
wēi lián · lāi 'áng · mài kěn · jīn William Lyon Mackenzie King chá · bèi · bèi nèi Richard Bedford Bennett
· fēn · shèng luò lǎng Louis Stephen St. Laurentyuē hàn · qiáo zhì · fēn bèi John George Diefenbaker
yuē hàn · yuē · kǎo wēi 'ěr · ā jué shì Sir John Joseph Caldwell Abbott
jiā lián bāng de chéng kuò zhāng  (1821niánsānyuè12rì1893niánshíyuè30rì)
chūshēngdì: jiā kuí běi shěng shèng 'ān dōng( Saint-André-Est)
qùshìdì: jiā méng 'ěr

约翰·约瑟夫·考德威尔·阿伯特爵士 PCQCKCMGBCLDCLSir John Joseph Caldwell Abbott,1821年3月12日-1893年10月30日)曾任加拿大总理,亦是首位在加拿大本土出生的总理。









  • 阿伯特最常作出的政治评论是:“我讨厌政治(I hate politics)”。
  • 位于魁北克省圣安‧迪‧美景Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue)的约翰·阿伯特学院是以他的名字来命名的。阿伯特曾经在当地拥有一间渡假屋。


Sir John Joseph Caldwell AbbottPC, KCMG, QC (March 12, 1821 – October 30, 1893) was a Canadian lawyer and politician, Freemason, who served as the third prime minister of Canada (and its first native-born one – both Macdonald and Mackenzie having been born in Scotland), in office from 1891 to 1892. He held office as the leader of the Conservative Party.

Abbott was born in what is now Saint-André-d'Argenteuil, Quebec. He studied law at McGill University and became one of Montreal's best-known lawyers, later returning to McGill as a professor of law and earning a Doctor of Civil Law degree. He was perhaps best known for his successful defence of the perpetrators of the St. Albans Raid. Abbott involved himself in politics from a young age, signing the Montreal Annexation Manifesto in 1849 – which he later regretted – and winning election to the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada in 1860. In the lead-up to Confederation he was a prominent advocate for the rights of English-speaking Quebecers.

In the 1867 federal election, Abbott was elected to the new House of Commons of Canada as a member of the Conservative Party. A telegram leaked from his office played a key part in the Pacific Scandal of 1873, which led to the downfall of John A. Macdonald's first government. Abbott was appointed to the Senate in 1887, in order to become Leader of the Government in the Senate. He became prime minister in June 1891 following Macdonald's death in office. Abbott was 70 years old at the time, and served only until November 1892 when he retired due to ill health. He died the following year.

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hòuyījūnzhù >>: yuē hàn · luò · wèi · tānɡ sēn jué shì

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