guó zuòzhělièbiǎo
Goethe 'ěr lín Friedrich Hölderlinhǎi niè Heinrich Heine
héng Else Lasker-Schülerài xīng duō 'ěr Joseph Freiherr von Eichendorff · wēi lián · cǎi Friedrich Nietzsche
jūn · Günter Grasspéng huò fèi 'ěr Dietrich Bonhoeffer ruì Dieter M. Gräf
'ěr màn · hēi sài Hermann Hessemàn léi · Manfred Mai 'ěr · wēi Carl Weter
kāng · sài Konrad Seitzlāi nèi 'ěr · āi 'ěr lín 莱内尔埃尔林 grid 'ěr · lǎng 哥尔特朗古特
huò 'ěr · lāi Holger Reiners · ài 'ěr Ute Ehrhardtdài · ào téng Dieter Otten
yuē 'ěr · ài màn Jorge Ikmann 'ěr màn · yuē · zuǒ Hermann-Josef Zocheluò 'ěr · sài wéi Lothar J. Seiwert
· dīng Bidemading nuò · huò 'ěr 布鲁诺霍尔 Naghuā yìng hóng Flowers Yinghong
hǎdé · shī luó Gerhard Schroeder · shī luó Christa Schroderluó · shī Rochus Misch
ān · 'ěr Angela Merkel · - Hugo Muller-Voggwéi 'ěr · 'ěr màn Werner Bierman
pèi · 'ěr Petra Nagel láo 'ěr · róng Telaodeer Jungméi suō · 梅丽莎米勒
āi 'ěr · wéi Emil Ludwigxiǎng · āi Enjoy 利克埃伯利 · 'ěr Matthias Uhl
āi · shā 埃里希沙克mài 'ěr · shū Michael Schumachermài 'ěr · shū Michael Schumacher
hǎi 'ěr Heideggershū běn huá Arthur Schopenhauerhēi 'ěr Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
bèi tuō 'ěr · lāi Bertolt Brecht lāi · tuō Bram Stoker Friedrich von Schiller
· lín Jacob Grimmwēi lián · lín Wilhelm Grimm 'ěr · Karl Marx
láo · màn Klaus Mannāi · · léi Erich Maria Remarque 'ào duō · shī tuō Theodor Storm
tuō · màn Thomas Mannān · lán Anne Frankwēi lián · háo Wilhelm Hauff
shī Theodor Stormhàn · bào Hansilibaokǒng Heinz G. Konsalik
· lín Hera Lindwēi 'ěr · āi péng duō Wade Acres Peng Dorf 'ěr · mài Karl May
gāo · wèi · luó Gregory David Roberts
guó liǎng tǒng   (1952niánliùyuè21rì)
Gregory John Peter Smith
chūshēngdì: ào 'ěr běn
yuèdòu gāo · wèi · luó Gregory David Robertszài小说之家dezuòpǐn!!!
( Gregory David Roberts), chū shēng 'ào 'ěr běn de zhēn shí jīng rèn xiǎo shuō gèng chuán cǎicóng xué shēng shí dài jiù shì jìn de yùn dòng fènzǐhuó yuè zhǒng fǎn zhànfǎn fǎn zhèng zhìshēn xìn gǎi biàn shì jièyōu de tiān shǐ chéng wéi xué zhōng zuì nián qīng de zhé xué wén xué jiǎng shīquè zài 25 suì hūn yīn lièshī gèng shī 5 suì 'ài de jiān quán xuǎn yòng hǎi luò yīn lái tián shēng mìng zhōng zhà rán dào lái de kōng dòngcóng xiǎng zhù zhě duò luò wéi chóng
shàng yǐn de qiú shǐ zhe fǎng zào shǒu qiāng quán tào zhuāng bànwēn de tán mào de zhǐ qiǎng jié yínhángyīn 'ér huò shēn shì dào” (TheGentlemanBandit) de fēng hàobèi hòu24 de qiǎng jié huàn lái 19 nián xíngliǎng nián bàn hòuluó guāng tiān huà xià táo chū 'ào zuì jiè bèi sēn yán de zhòng xíng jiān duǎn zàn tíng liú xīn lánrán hòu liú wáng yìn
zhè duàn cháng nián de yìn liú wáng suì yuèbiàn chéng liǎoxiàng lánzuì zhēn shí de lán běn。 1991 nián zài guó bèi jué xīn tǎn rán miàn duì guò xíng。 1997 nián huò shì chū hòu zhuóshǒu xiě xiàxiàng lánzhè hòu qiān de zìzhuàn shì xiǎo shuō

 Gregory David Roberts (born Gregory John Peter Smith; 21 June 1952) is an Australian author best known for his novel Shantaram. He is a former heroin addict and convicted bank robber who escaped from Pentridge Prison in 1980 and fled to India, where he lived for ten years.


Roberts reportedly became addicted to heroin after his marriage ended, and he lost custody of his young daughter. In his efforts to finance his drug habit, Roberts became known as the "Building Society Bandit" and the "Gentleman Bandit", because he had chosen to rob only institutions with adequate insurance, he would wear a three-piece suit, and he always said "please" and "thank you" to the people he robbed.

Roberts believed at the time that in this way he was lessening the brutality of his acts, but later in his life he admitted that people only gave him money because he had made them afraid. He escaped from Pentridge Prison in 1980.

In 1990, Roberts was captured in Frankfurt after being caught smuggling himself into the country. He was extradited to Australia and served a further six years in prison, two of which were spent in solitary confinement. According to Roberts, he escaped prison again during that time, but relented and smuggled himself back into jail. His intention was to serve the rest of his sentence to give himself the chance to be reunited with his family. During his second stay in Australian prison, he began writing Shantaram. The manuscript was destroyed by prison wardens, twice, while Roberts was writing it.

Writing career

After leaving prison, Roberts was able to finally finish and publish his novel, Shantaram. The book's name comes from the name his best friend's mother gave him, which means "Man of Peace", or "Man of God's Peace".

There is debate as to how much of Shantaram is based on true events or is a conflation of real life and fantasy. On that aspect of Shantaram and of the follow-up novel, The Mountain Shadow, Roberts has stated:

Some experiences from my life are described pretty much as they happened, and others are created narratives, informed by my experience. I wanted to write two or three novels on some bare elements from my life, allowing me to explore the themes that interested me, while keeping the narrative immediate by anchoring it to some of my real experiences. They’re novels, not autobiographies, and all of the characters and dialogue is created. It doesn’t matter how much of it is true or not to me, it’s how true they are to all of us, and to our common humanity.

— Roberts interview

Roberts lived in Melbourne, Germany, and France and finally returned to Mumbai (Bombay), where he set up charitable foundations to assist the city's poor with health care coverage. He was finally reunited with his daughter. He got engaged to Françoise Sturdza, who is the president of the Heart for India Foundation. Roberts also wrote the original screenplay for the movie adaptation of Shantaram.

In 2009, Roberts was named a Zeitz Foundation Ambassador for Community. Ambassadors help raise awareness and shape activities in their areas. In 2011, Roberts stepped aside as an Ambassador due to the pressure of other commitments but continues to assist the Zeitz Foundation as a Friend.

The follow-up novel The Mountain Shadow was released on 13 October 2015 by Little Brown.


In September 2020, the author released his debut single "Drive All Night." This was followed by the single "Lisa Run Away."  His debut album "Love and Faith" is set to be released in December 2020,and is set to have 16 tracks. 


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