yīng guó zuòzhělièbiǎo
bèi 'ào Beowulfqiáo sǒu Geoffrey Chaucerāi méng · bīn sài Edmund Spenser
wēi lián · suō shì William Shakespeareqióng sēn Ben Jonson 'ěr dùn John Milton
duō 'ēn John Donne wéi 'ěr Andrew Marvell léi Thomas Gray
lāi William Blakehuá huá William Wordsworth miù 'ěr · zhì Samuel Coleridge
Sir Walter Scottbài lún George Gordon Byronxuě lāi Percy Bysshe Shelley
John Keatsài · lǎng Emily Bronte lǎng níng rén Elizabeth Barret Browning
ài huá · fěi jié Edward Fitzgeralddīng shēng Alfred Tennysonluó · lǎng níng Robert Browning
ā nuò Matthew Arnold dài Thomas Hardyài lüè Thomas Stearns Eliot
láo lún David Herbert Lawrence lán · tuō Dylan Thomasmài kǎi Norman Maccaig
mài lín Somhairle Mac Gill-Eainxiū Ted Hughes jīn Philip Larkin
· qióng Peter Jonescuī ruì Denis Twitchettā nuò · tānɡ yīn Arnold Joseph Toynbee
yuē hàn · láo 'āi John Lloydyuē hàn · sēn 约翰米奇森bǎo luó · 'ěr Paul Collier
dāng · Adam Smithdài wéi · D.W.Millerduō · lāi xīn Doris Lessing
qiáo sēn · wēi Jonathan Swiftqiáo sēn · léi Jonathan Pryceqiáo sēn Jonathan
yuē hàn · màn John Man · luò Nikolas Kozloff ruì · hàn Graham Hancock
wéi 'ēn · Wayne Rooneydài wéi - shǐ David - Smithshǐ fēn · bèi Stephen Bayley
dài méng · Desmond Morrisqiáo zhì · ào wēi 'ěr George Orwellxīn . liè nóng Cynthia Lennon
shān · shǐ wēi Alexander Stillwelltáng A. mài kěn Donald Alexander Mackenzie lún · 'ěr Allen Carr
· jié Mary Jaksch dāng · jié xùn Adam J. Jacksonluó · dài wéi sēn Rosemary Davidson
· yīn Sarah Vinekǎi · cuī E.Kay Trimbergerwéi duō · bèi hàn Victoria Beckham
mài 'ěr · Michael Cordy
yīng guó wēn suō wáng cháo 

zōng jiào xiǎo shuō Religious novel yīn chuán

yuèdòumài 'ěr · Michael Cordyzài小说之家dezuòpǐn!!!
  mài 'ěr · (Michael Cordy), yīng guó zuò jiā

  Michael Cordy is a British novelist. He was born in Ghana and spent much of his childhood abroad. He was educated in Britain at The King's School, Canterbury, Leicester University and the University of Durham. After ten years in marketing and advertising he gave up a lucrative career to write novels. His first, The Miracle Strain was published in 1997. Disney bought the film rights for $1.6 million and the novel reached no. 5 in The Sunday Times Bestseller list. it has since been published in more than twenty-five languages and over forty countries.
  He is the author of four books, all of which have since been republished with new titles: The Messiah Code (originally The Miracle Strain), The Lucifer Code (originally Lucifer), the Crime Code (originally Crime Zero), and The Venus Conspiracy (originally True).
  His latest book, "The Source" was published in the UK in August 2008. Warner Bros. have optioned the film rights.
  He lives in London with his wife and daughter.

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