yuèdòumǎ · jīn · luó lín sī Marjorie Kinnan Rawlingszài小说之家dezuòpǐn!!! |
yī jiǔ 'èr liù nián tā fǎng wèn měi guó dōng nán bù de fó luó lǐ dá zhōu shí, mí shàng liǎo nà lǐ de jǐng sè。 fó luó lǐ dá shì yī gè bàn dǎo, shǔ dài qì hòu, zhí wù shēngzhǎng qī cháng, sēn lín biàn bù, fēng guāng qǐ lì。
luó lín sī yī jiǔ 'èr bā nián yí jū fó luó lǐ dá, zhuān xīn xiě xiǎo shuō, xiě chū chéng míng zuò《 yī suì de xiǎo lù》 TheYearling, yòu yì《 lù yuàn cháng chūn》。 yī jiǔ sān bā nián chū bǎn, yī jiǔ sān jiǔ nián huò dé pǔ lì cè jiǎng。
《 yī suì de xiǎo lù》 zhè bù shū de zhù rén gōng shì yī gè míng jiào qiú dì de shàonián hé tā de huǒ bàn 'ér héng héng yī zhǐ xiǎo lù。 qiú dì hé fù mǔ shēng huó zài fó luó lǐ dá de lín qū。 tā de fù mǔ dōushì kěn huāng nóng。 tā yǔ fù qīn yī tóng gēng zuò、 dǎ liè, suī rán shēng huó jiān nán, què chōng mǎn kuài lè。 tā xùn yǎng liǎo yī zhǐ yòu lù, gěi tā qǔ míng xiǎo qí。 nà zhǐ xiǎo lù chéng liǎo tā de chǒng wù。 rán 'ér hòu lái què shì qiú dì qīn shǒu qiāng shā liǎo nà zhǐ kěn chī zhuāng jià yòu miáo, wēi xié quán jiā shēng cún de yī suì de xiǎo lù。
hǎo lāi wù hòu lái jiāng《 yī suì de xiǎo lù》 pāi chéng cǎi sè diàn yǐng, nà mí rén de jǐng sè jiā zhī gé lǐ gāo lì · pài kè de chū sè biǎo yǎn xī yǐn liǎo zhòng duō de guān zhòng。
luó lín sī de duǎn piān xiǎo shuō《 yī wèi nián qīng gū niàn》, huò dé yī jiǔ sān sān nián 'ōu . hēng lì jiǎng。
tā de qí tā zuò pǐn yòu《 nán fāng yuè liàng xià》 (1933),《 jīn píng guǒ》 (1935),《 kè luó sī xiǎo xī》 (1942),《 zàn jū zhě》 (1952), hé zhōng piān xiǎo shuō《 yǎ gè bù de tī zǐ》 (1950) děng。
tā chuàng jiàn de fó luó lǐ dá biān yuǎn lín qū de dì fāng wén xué, qǔ cái yú zhōu wéi de zhēn rén zhēn shì, xū gòu chéngfèn hěn shǎo, dà duō xiě pǔ tōng yú mín、 liè hù、 nóng mín děng, xiāng tǔ qì xī nóng hòu, jǐng sè miáo xiě mí rén, yǐ cǐ huò dé guǎng fàn zàn yáng。
Early life
Marjorie Kinnan was born in 1896 in Washington, DC, to Frank, an attorney for the US Patent Office, and Ida Traphagen Kinnan. She grew up in the Brookland neighborhood and was interested in writing as early as age six, and submitted stories to the children's sections of newspapers until she was 16. At age 15, she entered a story titled "The Reincarnation of Miss Hetty," for which she won a prize.
She attended the University of Wisconsin–Madison where she joined Kappa Alpha Theta sorority and received a degree in English in 1918, and met Charles Rawlings while working for the school literary magazine. Kinnan briefly worked for the YWCA editorial board in New York, and married Charles in 1919. The couple moved to Louisville, Kentucky writing for the Louisville Courier-Journal and then Rochester, New York both writing for the Rochester Journal, and Marjorie writing a syndicated column called "Songs of the Housewife."
In 1928, with a small inheritance from her mother, the Rawlingses purchased a 72 acre (290,000 m²) orange grove near Hawthorne, Florida, in a hamlet named Cross Creek for its location between Orange Lake and Lochloosa Lake. She brought the place to international fame through her writing. She was fascinated with the remote wilderness and the lives of Cross Creek residents, her Cracker neighbors, and felt a profound and transforming connection to the region and the land. Wary at first, the local residents soon warmed to her and opened up their lives and experiences to her. Marjorie filled several notebooks with descriptions of the animals, plants, Southern dialect, and recipes and used these descriptions in her writings.
Writing career
In 1926, Scribner's accepted two of her stories, "Cracker Chidlings" and "Jacob's Ladder," both about the poor, backcountry Florida residents who were quite similar to her neighbors at Cross Creek. Local reception to her stories was mixed between puzzlement of whom she was writing about and rage, as apparently one mother recognized her son as a subject in a story and threatened to whip Rawlings until she was dead.
Her first novel, South Moon Under, was published in 1933. The book captured the richness of Cross Creek and its environs in telling the story of a young man, Lant, who must support himself and his mother by making and selling moonshine, and what he must do when a traitorous cousin threatens to turn him in. Moonshiners were the subject of several of her stories, and Rawlings lived with a moonshiner for several weeks near Ocala to prepare for writing the book. South Moon Under was included in the Book-of-the-Month Club and was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize.
That same year, she and her husband were divorced; living in rural Florida did not appeal to him.
One of her least well received books, Golden Apples, came out in 1935. It tells the stories of several people who suffer from unrequited love from people unsuited for them. Rawlings herself was disappointed in it, and in a 1935 letter to her publisher Max Perkins, she called it "interesting trash instead of literature."
But she found immense success in 1938 with The Yearling, a story about a Florida boy and his pet deer, which he is forced to shoot when the deer grows up and eats the family's crop, and the break he makes with his father as a result of it. It was also selected for the Book-of-the-Month Club, and it won the Pulitzer Prize for 1939. MGM purchased the rights to the film version, which was released in 1946, and it made her very famous.
In 1942, Rawlings published Cross Creek, an autobiographical account of her relationships with her neighbors and her beloved Florida hammocks. Again it was chosen by the Book-of-the-Month Club, and it was even released in a special armed forces edition, sent to servicemen during World War II. She followed that with Cross Creek Cookery, a compilation of recipes that was evidence of her passion for cooking.
Rawlings' final novel, The Sojourner, published in 1953 and set in a northern setting, was about the life of a man and his relationship to his family: a difficult mother who favors her other, first-born son and his relationship to this absent older brother. In order to absorb the natural setting so vital to her writing, she bought an old farmhouse in Van Hornesville, New York and spent part of each year there until her death. Rawlings published 33 short stories from 1912 to 1949. Her editor was the legendary Maxwell Perkins of Scribner’s. Over the years, she built friendships with fellow writers Ernest Hemingway whom she met in 1936 and traded praises with about their writing, Thomas Wolfe, F. Scott Fitzgerald whom she also met in 1936 when Fitzgerald was recuperating in the mountains in North Carolina, Robert Frost, and Margaret Mitchell.
Because many of Rawling's works were centered in the North and Central Florida area, she was often considered a regional writer. Rawlings herself rejected this label saying, "I don't hold any brief for regionalism, and I don't hold with the regional novel as such … don't make a novel about them unless they have a larger meaning than just quaintness."
Libel case
In 1943, Rawlings faced a libel suit for her book Cross Creek by her very good friend Zelma Cason, whom Rawlings met the first day she moved to Florida. Cason, in fact, helped to smooth the angry mother made upset by her son's depiction in "Jacob's Ladder".
Rawlings described Cason in this passage, yet never used her last name in the book:
"Zelma is an ageless spinster resembling an angry and efficient canary. She manages her orange grove and as much of the village a county as needs management or will submit to it. I cannot decide whether she should have been a man or a mother. She combines the more violent characteristics of both and those who ask for or accept her ministrations think nothing at being cursed loudly at the very instant of being tenderly fed, clothed, nursed, or guided through their troubles."
Cason was outraged, and claimed Rawlings made her out to be a "hussy", although Rawlings spoke with her immediately and assumed their friendship was intact. Cason, however, decided to sue Rawlings for $100,000 US for invasion of privacy—a charge that had never been argued in a Florida court—as the courts found libel too ambiguous. Cason was represented by one of the first female lawyers in Florida, Kate Walton. Cason was reportedly profane indeed (one of her neighbors reported her swearing could be heard for a quarter of a mile), wore pants, had a fascination with guns, and was just as extraordinarily independent as Rawlings herself. The toll the case took on Rawlings was great, in both time and emotion. Reportedly, Rawlings was shocked to learn of Cason's reaction to the book, and felt somewhat betrayed. After the case was over, she moved away from Cross Creek and never wrote about it again, despite the fact that Cason and Rawlings eventually mended their friendship.
Rawlings won the case and enjoyed a brief vindication, but the verdict was overturned in appellate court and Rawlings was ordered to pay damages in the amount of $1 US.
Personal life
With money she made from The Yearling, Rawlings bought a beach cottage at Crescent Beach, ten miles south of St. Augustine.
In 1941 Rawlings married Ocala hotelier Norton Baskin (1901-1997), and he remodeled an old mansion into the Castle Warden Hotel in St. Augustine (currently the Ripley's Believe it or Not Museum). After World War II, he sold the hotel and managed the Dolphin Restaurant at Marineland, which was then Florida's number one tourist attraction. Rawlings and Baskin made their primary home at Crescent Beach, and Rawlings and Baskin both continued their respective occupations independently. When a visitor to the Castle Warden Hotel suggested she saw the influence of Rawlings in the decor, Baskin protested, saying, "You do not see Mrs. Rawlings' fine hand in this place. Nor will you see my big foot in her next book. That's our agreement. She writes. I run a hotel." After purchasing her land in New York, Rawlings spent half the year there and half the year with Baskin in St. Augustine.
Her singular admitted vanity was cooking. She said, "I get as much satisfaction from preparing a perfect dinner for a few good friends as from turning out a perfect paragraph in my writing."
Rawlings befriended and corresponded with Mary McLeod Bethune and Zora Neale Hurston. Zora Neale Hurston visited her at Cross Creek. But in keeping with race relations of the time, she was made to sleep with Idella, the black maid, in the "tenant house", not in Marjorie's house. Her views on race relations were much different than her neighbors, castigating white Southerners for infantalizing African Americans and labeling their economic differences with whites "a scandal", but simultaneously considered whites superior. She described her African-American employee Idella as "the perfect maid". Their relationship is described in the book Idella: Marjorie Rawlings' "Perfect Maid", by Idella Parker and Mary Keating.
Rawlings' home at Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings Historic State Park in Cross Creek, Florida
Biographers have noted her longing for a male child through her writings, as far back as her first story as a teenage girl in, "The Reincarnation of Miss Hetty", and repeated throughout several works, letters, and characters, most notably in The Yearling. In fact, she stated that as a child she had a gift for telling stories, but that she demanded all her audiences be boys.
Her hatred of cities was intense: she wrote a sonnet titled, "Having Left Cities Behind Me" published in Scribner's in 1938 to illustrate it (excerpt):
"Now, having left cities behind me, turned
Away forever from the strange, gregarious
Huddling of men by stones, I find those various
Great towns I knew fused into one, burned
Together in the fire of my despising..."
She was criticized throughout her career for being uneven with her talent in writing, something she recognized in herself, and that reflected periods of depression and artistic frustration. She has been described as having unique sensibilities; she wrote of feeling "vibrations" from the land, and often preferred long periods of solitude at Cross Creek. She was known for being remarkably strong-willed, but after her death, Norton Baskin wrote of her, "Marjorie was the shyest person I have ever known. This was always strange to me as she could stand up to anybody in any department of endeavor but time after time when she was asked to go some place or to do something she would accept -'if I would go with her.'"
Rawlings died in 1953 in St. Augustine of a cerebral hemorrhage. She bequeathed most of her property to the University of Florida in Gainesville, where she taught creative writing in Anderson Hall. In return, her name was given to a new dormitory dedicated in 1958 as Rawlings Hall which occupies prime real estate in the heart of the campus. Her land at Cross Creek is now the Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings Historic State Park. Norton Baskin survived her by 44 years, passing away in 1997. They are buried side-by-side at Antioch Cemetery near Island Grove, Florida. Rawlings' tombstone, with Baskin's inscription, reads "Through her writing she endeared herself to the people of the world." Rawlings' reputation has managed to outlive those of many of her contemporaries. A posthumously-published children's book, The Secret River, won a Newbery Honor in 1956, and movies were made, long after her death, of her story "Gal Young 'Un", and her semi-fictionalized memoir Cross Creek (Norton Baskin, then in his eighties, made a cameo appearance in the latter movie).
In 2008, the United States Postal Service unveiled a stamp bearing Rawlings' image, in her honor.
Short Stories
* 1912 "The Reincarnation of Miss Hetty"
* 1931 "Cracker Chidlins"
* 1931 "Jacob's Ladder"
* 1931 "Plumb Care Conscience"
* 1932 "A Crop of Beans"
* 1932 "Gal Young Un" (O. Henry Award First Prize for 1932)
* 1933 "Hyacinth Drift"
* 1933 "Alligators"
* 1933 "Benny and the Bird Dogs"
* 1934 "The Pardon"
* 1936 "A Mother in Mannville"
* 1936 "Varmints"
* 1938 "Mountain Rain"
* 1939 "I Sing While I Cook" (nonfiction)
* 1939 "Cocks Must Crow"
* 1940 "The Pelican's Shadow"
* 1940 "The Enemy"
* 1941 "Jessamine Springs"
* 1941 "The Provider"
* 1942 "Fanny, You Fool!"
* 1944 "Shell"
* 1945 "Black Secret"
* 1945 "Miriam's Houses"
* 1947 "Mountain Prelude" (6-part series based on "A Mother In Mannville")
* 1949 "The Friendship"
* 1940 "In The Heart"
* 1933 South Moon Under
* 1935 Golden Apples
* 1938 The Yearling
* 1940 When the Whippoorwill
* 1942 Cross Creek
* 1942 Cross Creek Cookery
* 1953 The Sojourner
* 1955 The Secret River
* 2002 Blood of My Blood (lost first novel originally written in 1928)