宋代 人物列錶
賀鑄 He Zhu(宋代)蔡伸 Cai Shen(宋代)歐陽修 Ouyang Xiu(宋代)
楊萬裏 Yang Wanli(宋代)姜夔 Jiang Kui(宋代)晏殊 Yan Shu(宋代)
秦觀 Qin Guan(宋代)朱淑貞 Zhu Shuzhen(宋代)呂本中 Lv Benzhong(宋代)
王觀 Wang Guan(宋代)鬍銓 Hu Quan(宋代)李從週 Li Congzhou(宋代)
劉辰翁 Liu Chenweng(宋代)辛棄疾 Xin Qiji(宋代)王雱 Wang Pang(宋代)
潘閬 Pan Lang(宋代)張林 Zhang Lin(宋代)蔣捷 Jiang Jie(宋代)
張先 Zhang Xian(宋代)宋祁 Song Qi(宋代)栁永 Liu Yong(宋代)
王之望 Wang Zhiwang(宋代)朱藻 Zhu Zao(宋代)晏幾道 Yan Jidao(宋代)
週邦彥 Zhou Bangyan(宋代)賀鑄 He Zhu(宋代)馬莊父 Ma Zhuangfu(宋代)
兪國寶 Yu Guobao(宋代)無名氏 Mo Mingshi(宋代)李元膺 Li Yuanying(宋代)
陳亮 Chen Liang(宋代)髙觀國 Gao Guanguo(宋代)史達祖 Shi Dazu(宋代)
張炎 Zhang Yan(宋代)王安石 Wang Anshi(宋代)王沂孫 Wang Yisun(宋代)
劉剋莊 Liu Kezhuang(宋代)汪元量 Wang Yuanliang(宋代)仇遠 Chou Yuan(宋代)
彭泰翁 Peng Taiweng(宋代)趙彥端 Zhao Yanduan(宋代)艾申 Ai Shen(宋代)
張掄 Zhang Lun(宋代)李曾伯 Li Cengba(宋代)趙功可 Zhao Gongke(宋代)
呂南公 Lv Nagong(宋代)王之道 Wang Zhidao(宋代)方千裏 Fang Qianli(宋代)
盧祖臯 Lu Zugao(宋代)葛立方 Ge Lifang(宋代)徐伸 Xu Shen(宋代)
毛滂 Mao Pang(宋代)孫光憲 Sun Guangxian(宋代)韓縝 Han Zhen(宋代)
楊無咎 Yang Mojiu(宋代)晁補之 Chao Buzhi(宋代)晁端禮 Chao Duanli(宋代)
許棐 Xu Fei(宋代)韓元吉 Han Yuanji(宋代)趙鼑 Zhao Ding(宋代)
宋代  宋

詩詞《安成令以長橋圖來且示王民瞻記喜其有成因短章 An order to become Long bridge Map to show the king and the people looking remember hi their There's the hope of success mourn for Short chapter》   《安眠 sleep peacefully》   《八月道宮聞鶯 Aug Road House Wen Ying》   《寶覺師畫少陵像用筆其簡伯氏稱賞之因戲為長言寫之 Po Kok division as painting shaoling Pen The Jane Bernstein Extol The statement was due to play for the length of》   《闢方丈地供香火 Provision of side For the husband to joss sticks and candles burning at a temple》   《別雙鵝 Do not double goose》   《並寧夏季文以酒 combine Ningxia Quarter of the text to wine》   《病痰有感 Disease sputum Thoughts》   《病眼 Eye disease》   《病眼 Eye disease》   更多詩歌...


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