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紀堯姆·米索 Guillaume Musso
法國 法蘭西第五共和國  (1974年六月6日)

紀堯姆·米索(Guillaume Musso),1974年出生於法國阿爾卑斯-馬裏蒂姆省(Alpes-Maritimes)的安提布(Antibes)。在他10歲那年第一次接觸到文學,從那時起,他立志成為一名小說傢。主要作品有《救救我》。

 Guillaume Musso (French pronunciation: ​[ɡijom myso]; born 6 June 1974) is a French novelist.


Musso was born in 1974 in Antibes (Alpes-Maritimes), France. After finishing high school, he left for the United States at the age of 19. He spent several months in New York City, living with other young foreigners and earning money by selling ice-cream. Then he came back to France, earned a degree in economics, and taught in high schools. His first published novel, Skidamarink, a thriller that opens with the theft of the Mona Lisa from the Musée du Louvre, was published in 2001.

After a car accident he became interested in near-death experiences and imagined a story about a man who returns to life after touching death. This became the novel Afterwards... published in 2004 by XO Editions, which sold more than 1 million copies in France and has been translated into 23 languages. Afterwards, the film directed by Gilles Bourdos starring John Malkovich and Evangeline Lilly was released in France in January 2009 and then internationally.

Musso wrote A mix up in Heaven in 2005, Will you be there in 2006, Lost and Found in 2007, One Day, Perhaps in 2008, Where Would I Be Without You? in 2009,Girl on Paper in 2010  and Call from an Angel in 2011. In 2009, Musso was the #2 bestselling author in France, and according to a 2011 Edistat study he holds third place on the list of authors who have sold the most books in France since 2008, just after Stephenie Meyer and before Harlan Coben. Some 11 million copies of his novels have been sold worldwide and they have been translated into 34 languages.


  • Skidamarink, Éditions Anne Carrière, 2001
  • Afterwards... (original title: Et après) XO Editions, 2004
  • A Mix-Up in Heaven (original title: Sauve-moi) XO Editions, 2005
  • Will You Be There? (original title: Seras-tu là?) XO Editions, 2006
  • Lost and Found (original title: Parce que je t'aime) XO Editions, 2007
  • One Day, Perhaps (original title: Je reviens te chercher) XO Editions, 2008
  • Where Would I Be Without You? (original title: Que serais-je sans toi ?) XO Editions, 2009
  • Girl on Paper (original title: La Fille de papier) XO Editions, 2010
  • Call from an Angel (original title: L'Appel de l'ange) XO Editions, 2011
  • Seven years later (original title: 7 ans après) XO Editions, 2013
  • Tomorrow (original title: Demain) XO Editions, 2013
  • Central Park XO Editions, 2014
  • This very instant (original title: L'instant présent) XO Edition, 2015
  • Brooklyn Girl (original title: La Fille de Brooklyn) XO Edition, 2016
  • Un appartement à Paris, XO Edition, 2017
  • La Jeune Fille et la NuitCalmann-Levy, 2018
  • La vie secrète des écrivainsCalmann-Lévy, 2019
  • The Reunion, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2019
  • La vie est un roman, Calmann-Lévy, 2020


  •  Italy, Award for the love novel Scrivere per Amore, Verone, 2005
  •  France, Best adaptable novel for the cinema Prix du meilleur roman adaptable au cinéma, 2004


  1. ^ VSD[dead link]
  2. ^ Official biography[permanent dead link]
  3. ^ Paris-Match, n°2990, 7 September 2006
  4. ^ IMDB
  5. ^ "Girl on Paper, the website". Lafilledepapier.com. Archived from the original on 10 February 2011. Retrieved 24 April 2011.
  6. ^ Francesco Pisanu. "Premio Scrivere per Amore". Julietclub.com. Archived from the original on 13 July 2011. Retrieved 24 April 2011.
  7. ^ "Best adaptable novel award". Allocine.fr. Retrieved 24 April 2011.

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