法國 人物列錶
維剋多·雨果 Victor Hugo白晉 Joachim Bouvet
卡特琳娜·耐 Katrina resistant尼古拉·薩科齊 Nicolas Sarkozy
米歇爾-安托瓦納·布尼耶 Michel-Antoine Burnier米歇爾·孔達 Michel Contat
尼瑪·紮瑪爾 尼玛扎玛尔巴爾紮剋 Honoré de Balzac
西蒙·波娃 Simone de Beauvoir阿爾貝·加繆 Albert Camus
夏多布裏昂 François-René de Chateaubriand小仲馬 Alexandre Dumas, fils
大仲馬 Alexandre Dumas père瑪格麗特·杜拉斯 Marguerite Duras
古斯塔夫·福樓拜 Gustave Flaubert喬治·桑 George Sand
安德烈·保爾·吉約姆·紀德 André Paul Guillaume Gide讓·熱內 Jean Genet
儒勒·凡爾納 Jules Verne埃剋多·馬洛 Hector Malot
居伊·德·莫泊桑 Guy de Maupassant普羅斯佩·梅裏美 Prosper Mérimée
馬塞爾·普魯斯特 Marcel Proust羅曼·羅蘭 Romain Rolland
讓·雅各·盧梭 Jean-Jacques Rousseau薩德 Marquis de Sade
弗朗索瓦茲·薩岡 Françoise Sagan司湯達 Stendhal
左拉 Emile Zola吉拉德·剋萊因 Gerard Klein
阿·康帕尼爾 Allcorn Pani Er伏爾泰 Voltaire
繆塞 Alfred de Musset伊夫·馬拜 Yves Mabin Chennevière
羅斯 Ross剋裏斯提昂·賈剋 Christian Jacq
皮埃爾·洛蒂 Pierre Loti妮可·德·畢隆 Nicole de Buron
阿蘭·羅伯·格利耶 Alain Robbe-Grillet紀堯姆·普雷沃 Antoine François Prévost
卡斯頓·勒魯 Gaston Leroux帕斯卡爾·布呂剋內 Pascal Bruckner
巴特裏剋·格蘭維爾 Patrick Grainville博裏斯·維昂 Boris Vian
多米尼剋·拉皮埃爾 Dominique Lapierre阿黛爾·富歇 Adèle Foucher
洛爾·希爾蘭 洛尔希尔兰莫裏斯·勒布朗 Maurice Leblanc
莫裏斯·薩剋斯 Maurice Sachs雷奧·馬萊 Justin Mallett
聖西門 Henri de Saint-Simon
法國 波旁王朝復闢  (1760年十月17日1825年五月19日)
Claude Henri de Rouvroy, comte de Saint-Simon

Henri de Saint-Simon

剋勞德·昂列·聖西門Claude Henri de Rouvroy, comte de Saint-Simon,常簡稱為Henri de Saint-Simon ,1760年10月17日 - 1825年5月19日)是法國哲學家經濟學家空想社會主義者。與實證主義創始人奧古斯特·孔德相熟,曾聘其為秘書



  1. ^ Horowitz, Irving Louis, Veblen's Century: A Collective Portrait (2002), p142

Claude Henri de Rouvroy, comte de Saint-Simon, often referred to as Henri de Saint-Simon (French: [ɑ̃ʁi də sɛ̃ simɔ̃]; 17 October 1760 – 19 May 1825), was a French political, economic and socialist theorist and businessman whose thought had a substantial influence on politics, economics, sociology and the philosophy of science.

Saint-Simon created a political and economic ideology known as Saint-Simonianism that claimed that the needs of an industrial class, which he also referred to as the working class, needed to be recognized and fulfilled to have an effective society and an efficient economy. Unlike conceptions within industrializing societies of a working class being manual labourers alone, Saint-Simon's late-18th century conception of this class included all people engaged in productive work that contributed to society such as businesspeople, managers, scientists and bankers, along with manual labourers, amongst others.

Saint-Simon said the primary threat to the needs of the industrial class was another class he referred to as the idling class, that included able people who preferred to be parasitic and benefit from the work of others while seeking to avoid doing work. Saint-Simon stressed the need for recognition of the merit of the individual and the need for hierarchy of merit in society and in the economy such as society having hierarchical merit-based organizations of managers and scientists to be the decision-makers in government. Saint-Simon strongly criticized any expansion of government intervention into the economy beyond ensuring no hindrances to productive work and reducing idleness in society, regarding intervention beyond these as too intrusive.

Saint Simon's conceptual recognition of broad socio-economic contribution, and his Enlightenment valorization of scientific knowledge, soon inspired and influenced utopian socialism, liberal political theorist John Stuart Mill, anarchism through its founder Pierre-Joseph Proudhon who was inspired by Saint-Simon's thought and Marxism with Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels identifying Saint-Simon as an inspiration to their ideas and classifying him among the utopian socialists. Saint-Simon's views also influenced 20th century sociologist and economist Thorstein Veblen, including Veblen's creation of institutional economics that has included prominent economists as adherents.


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