伊麗莎白·勃朗寧在英格蘭的赫普恩德(Hope End)度過她的童年。巴雷特傢族從伊麗莎白的父親愛德華·巴雷特所繼承的牙買加糖料農場那裏積纍了一筆相當可觀的財富。她的父親在幼年時從牙買加移民到英格蘭。她的父母一共有12個孩子(伊麗莎白是年紀最大的)。伊麗莎白在傢中接受教育,而她的淵博的希臘語知識有一部分得益於她早年和住在鄰居的失明學者休·斯圖爾特·伯伊德(Hugh Stuart Boyd)之間的友情。她上過她弟弟導師的課程,因此在那一個年代,她是一位受過良好教育的女孩。在伯伊德的倡議下,她翻譯了埃斯庫羅斯的“被縛的普羅米修斯”(1833年出版)
伊麗莎白在十幾歲時得了肺病,也許是肺結核,這衹是猜測因為真實的病源不明。在接下來的日子裏,她的傢人把她看作需要被人照料的病弱者。伊麗莎白的第一首有記載的詩歌是在6歲或者8歲時寫的(手稿現存放在紐約公共圖書館裏,具體的日期無法確定,因為日期1812年中的2寫在被颳去的什麽東西上面)。一首長篇的以“馬拉鬆之戰”(The Battle of Marathon)為標題的荷馬風格詩歌在她14歲時出版,她的父親承擔了一切費用。1826年她出版了她的第一本詩集《〈論心智〉及其它詩作》(An Essay on Mind and Other Poems)。
1840年,她的弟弟愛德華之死(在一次帆船事故中遇難)給她原本就健康不佳的身體狀況造成嚴重的影響。在未來的幾年裏她幾乎沒有離開過臥室。後來她的身體有所好轉。1841年出版的“孩子們的哭聲”(The Cry of the Children)大大提升了她的名氣。在同一時期她也為理查德·亨利·霍恩(Richard Henry Horne)的“紀元的新精神”(New Spirit of the Age)寫一些散文。1844年她出版了兩捲詩歌,其中包括“一出流亡的戲劇”(A Drama of Exile),“詩人的想像”(Vision of Poets)和“傑拉丁女士的求婚”(Lady Geraldine's Courtship)。
1845年她第一次遇見了她未來的丈夫羅伯特·勃朗寧。羅伯特在她出版詩集後曾寫信給她。由於她的健康因素和她父親對其子女婚禮不尋常的反對,他們的婚禮在聖瑪麗萊本牧區教堂(St Marylebone Parish Church)秘密舉行。婚後她陪着丈夫去了亞平寧半島,意大利就這樣成了她的傢直到她去世為止。
她在43歲時産下一子,取名為羅伯特·魏德曼·巴雷特·勃朗寧(Robert Wiedemann Barrett Browning)。勃朗寧夫婦到了佛羅倫薩定居,在那裏她寫下了“加薩古伊迪之窗” (Casa Guidi Windows,1851年) (‘Casa Guidi’是勃郎寧夫婦居所的名字),靈感來自於托斯卡納人爭取自由的鬥爭。許多人認為這是她最好的作品。在佛羅倫薩她和兩位英國出身的詩人伊莎貝拉·布拉登(Isabella Blagden)和西爾多西亞·加羅(Theodosia Trollope Garrow)成了密友。
她最流行的長篇詩歌“奧蘿拉·莉”(Aurora Leigh) 誕生於1856年。
1860年她出版了一小捲以“議會前的詩篇”(Poems before Congress)為題的政治詩篇。不久她的健康隨之惡化,並逐漸失去精力。她於1861年6月29日與世長辭,下葬在佛羅倫薩。
她最著名的作品是《葡語十四行詩集》(Sonnets from the Portuguese)。
阿加莎·剋裏斯蒂在她的小說《神秘的別墅》(Sleeping Murder)中以‘溫普勒街的巴雷特先生’(Mr. Barrett of Wimpole Street)提到伊麗莎白·勃朗寧的父親。
- Avery, Simon, and Rebecca Stott. "Elizabeth Barrett Browning." (Longmans, 2005) (Critical study of the poet's life and works.)
- Barrett, R.A. "The Barretts of Jamaica: The Family of Elizabeth Barrett Browning." (Wedgestone, 2000). (Account of the lives of the descendants of Hercie Barrett, from 1655; with extensive genealogy.)
- Donaldson, Sandra. "Critical Essays on Elizabeth Barrett Browning." (G.K. Hall, 1999)
- _____. "Elizabeth Barrett Browning: An Annotated Bibliography of the Commentary and Criticism from 1826 to 1990." (G.K. Hall, 1993).
- Karlin, Daniel. The courtship of Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett. (Oxford, 1985) (Critical biography focused on the courtship correspondence.)
- Kelley, Philip et al. (Eds.) The Brownings' correspondence. 15 vols. to date. (Wedgestone, 1984-) (Complete letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Robert Browning, so far to 1849.)
- Garrett, Martin (Ed.) Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Robert Browning: Interviews and Recollections(Basingstoke and London, 2000). (Accounts of both poets by themselves and others.)
Elizabeth Barrett Browning (née Moulton-Barrett, /ˈbraʊnɪŋ/; 6 March 1806 – 29 June 1861) was an English poet of the Victorian era, popular in Britain and the United States during her lifetime.
Born in County Durham, the eldest of 12 children, Elizabeth Barrett wrote poetry from the age of eleven. Her mother's collection of her poems forms one of the largest extant collections of juvenilia by any English writer. At 15 she became ill, suffering intense head and spinal pain for the rest of her life. Later in life she also developed lung problems, possibly tuberculosis. She took laudanum for the pain from an early age, which is likely to have contributed to her frail health.
In the 1840s Elizabeth was introduced to literary society through her cousin, John Kenyon. Her first adult collection of poems was published in 1838 and she wrote prolifically between 1841 and 1844, producing poetry, translation and prose. She campaigned for the abolition of slavery and her work helped influence reform in the child labour legislation. Her prolific output made her a rival to Tennyson as a candidate for poet laureate on the death of Wordsworth.
Elizabeth's volume Poems (1844) brought her great success, attracting the admiration of the writer Robert Browning. Their correspondence, courtship and marriage were carried out in secret, for fear of her father's disapproval. Following the wedding she was indeed disinherited by her father. In 1846, the couple moved to Italy, where she would live for the rest of her life. They had one son, Robert Wiedeman Barrett Browning, whom they called Pen. She died in Florence in 1861. A collection of her last poems was published by her husband shortly after her death.
Elizabeth's work had a major influence on prominent writers of the day, including the American poets Edgar Allan Poe and Emily Dickinson. She is remembered for such poems as "How Do I Love Thee?" (Sonnet 43, 1845) and Aurora Leigh (1856).