托馬斯·亨利·赫胥黎,FRS(英語:Thomas Henry Huxley,1825年5月4日-1895年6月29日),英國生物學家,因捍衛查爾斯·達爾文的進化論而有“達爾文的鬥牛犬”之稱。
赫胥黎生於倫敦西部伊令,是當地數學教師喬治·赫胥黎8個孩子中的第7個。17歲時,得到奬學金,開始在查靈十字醫院(Charing Cross Hospital)接受正規的醫學教育。二十歲時在倫敦大學通過他初次的醫學士考試,解剖學及生理學兩個科目都得到最優等成績。1845年他發表了第一篇科學論文,描述了毛發內鞘中迄無人發現的一層構造,此後該層構造即被稱為“赫胥黎層”。
之後,赫胥黎前往英國海軍謀職,而獲得了即將前往托勒斯海峽進行探勘任務的軍艦響尾蛇號駐艦外科醫官的職位。響尾蛇號於1846年12月3日駛離英國,一抵達南半球,赫胥黎即埋首研究海洋無脊椎動物。他開始將他的發現內容寄回英國。他的一篇論文,“論水母科動物的解剖構造及其間的親屬關係”在1849年被英國皇傢學會的“哲學會報”刊出。赫胥黎將Medusae、Hydroid及Sertularian polyps合併為一綱,並將其命名為Hydrozoa綱。他發現此綱生物的共同點是具有由雙層膜所包圍形成的中央空腔或消化道。這就是現在所稱刺胞動物門(Cnidaria)的特徵。他並且把這個特徵比作存在於較高等動物的胚胎中的漿液性和粘液性構造。
赫胥黎的傳世名言:“試着去學一切的一點皮毛,和某些皮毛的一切。”(Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.)
- ^ 有爭議。Bibby, Cyril. 1959. T. H. Huxley: scientist, humanist and educator. Watts, London. p. 3–4
Thomas Henry Huxley PC FRS HonFRSE FLS (4 May 1825 – 29 June 1895) was an English biologist and anthropologist specialising in comparative anatomy. He is known as "Darwin's Bulldog" for his advocacy of Charles Darwin's theory of evolution.
The stories regarding Huxley's famous debate in 1860 with Samuel Wilberforce were a key moment in the wider acceptance of evolution and in his own career, although historians think that the surviving story of the debate is a later fabrication. Huxley had been planning to leave Oxford on the previous day, but, after an encounter with Robert Chambers, the author of Vestiges, he changed his mind and decided to join the debate. Wilberforce was coached by Richard Owen, against whom Huxley also debated about whether humans were closely related to apes.
Huxley was slow to accept some of Darwin's ideas, such as gradualism, and was undecided about natural selection, but despite this he was wholehearted in his public support of Darwin. Instrumental in developing scientific education in Britain, he fought against the more extreme versions of religious tradition.
Originally coining the term in 1869, Huxley elaborated on "agnosticism" in 1889 to frame the nature of claims in terms of what is knowable and what is not. Huxley states
Use of that term has continued to the present day (see Thomas Henry Huxley and agnosticism). Much of Huxley's agnosticism is influenced by Kantian views on human perception and the ability to rely on rational evidence rather than belief systems.
Huxley had little formal schooling and was virtually self-taught. He became perhaps the finest comparative anatomist of the later 19th century. He worked on invertebrates, clarifying relationships between groups previously little understood. Later, he worked on vertebrates, especially on the relationship between apes and humans. After comparing Archaeopteryx with Compsognathus, he concluded that birds evolved from small carnivorous dinosaurs, a theory widely accepted today.
The tendency has been for this fine anatomical work to be overshadowed by his energetic and controversial activity in favour of evolution, and by his extensive public work on scientific education, both of which had significant effects on society in Britain and elsewhere. Huxley's 1893 Romanes Lecture, “Evolution and Ethics” is exceedingly influential in China; the Chinese translation of Huxley's lecture even transformed the Chinese translation of Darwin's Origin of Species.