Philip Michael Ondaatje | |
出生地: | 斯裏蘭卡科倫坡 |
自一九六二年出版第一部詩集以來,邁剋爾•翁達傑已經出版六部長篇小說、童年回憶錄 《世代相傳》、多部詩集、劇本、文學評論集。他也積極參與加拿大獨立出版社馬車房出版社的詩歌編輯工作。他於一九九二年出版的小說《英國病人》榮獲布剋奬,後被改編成同名電影。二〇〇〇年出版的小說《安尼爾的鬼魂》獲加拿大吉勒奬、加拿大總督文學奬、法國美第奇奬、《愛爾蘭時報》國際小說奬。二〇〇七年出版的小說《遙望》又獲加拿大總督文學奬。
Ondaatje's literary career began with his poetry in 1967, publishing The Dainty Monsters, and then in 1970 the critically acclaimed The Collected Works of Billy the Kid. However, he is more recently recognized for his nationally and internationally successful novel The English Patient (1992), which was adapted into a film in 1996. In 2018, Ondaatje won the Golden Man Booker Prize for The English Patient.
In addition to his literary writing, Ondaatje has been an important force in "fostering new Canadian writing" with two decades commitment to Coach House Press (around 1970–90), and his editorial credits on Canadian literary projects like the journal Brick, and the Long Poem Anthology (1979), among others.