加拿大 人物列錶
白水 Bai Shui和平島 He Pingdao
瑪格麗特·阿特伍德 Margaret Atwood邁剋爾·布洛剋 Michael Bullock
愛斯基摩人 Eskimo林憶蓮 Sandy Lam
約翰·勞倫斯·雷諾茲 约翰劳伦斯雷 Reynolds泰德·阿蘭 Ted Allan
塞德奈·戈登 Sydney Gordon露西·濛格瑪麗 Lucy Maud Montgomery
川沙 Chuan Sha伊芙·薩倫巴 伊芙萨伦巴
斯蒂芬·裏柯剋 Stephen Leacock史蒂芬妮·賀爾 Stephanie Howard
蘇珊娜·穆迪 Susanna Moodie瓦內莎·葛蘭 Vanessa Grant
多娜·柯莉絲 Donna Carlise康拉德·布萊剋 Conrad Black
範薇 Fan Wei埃剋哈特·托利 Eckhart Tolle
阿爾維托·曼古埃爾李愛英 Jean
約翰·亞歷山大·麥剋唐納 Sir John Alexander Macdonald約翰·約瑟夫·考德威爾·阿伯特爵士 Sir John Joseph Caldwell Abbott
約翰·斯帕洛·大衛·湯普森爵士 Sir John Sparrow David Thompson麥肯齊·鮑威爾爵士 Sir Mackenzie Bowell
查爾斯·塔珀爵士 Sir Charles Tupper威爾弗裏德·勞雷爾爵士 Sir Wilfrid Laurier
羅伯特·萊爾德·博登爵士 Sir Robert Laird Borden阿瑟·米恩 Arthur Meighen
威廉·萊昂·麥肯齊·金 William Lyon Mackenzie King理查德·貝德福德·貝內特 Richard Bedford Bennett
路易·斯蒂芬·聖洛朗 Louis Stephen St. Laurent約翰·喬治·迪芬貝剋 John George Diefenbaker
羅伯特·萊爾德·博登爵士 Sir Robert Laird Borden
加拿大 20世紀早期  (1854年六月26日1937年六月10日)
出生地: 加拿大新斯科細亞Grand Pre
去世地: 加拿大渥太華

羅伯特·萊爾德·博登爵士Sir Robert Laird Borden,1854年6月26日-1937年6月10日),是第九任加拿大總理。任內曾經歷第一次世界大戰。其肖像現在印於加拿大一百元鈔票上。他極力仮對海軍服務法,而希望以海軍支援法來取代,他主張以金援來維持大英帝國皇傢海軍,而非勞民傷財的創建一隻海軍為殖民母國作戰。



  1. ^ Gibert Norman Tucker所著: 加拿大海軍單位:創始與最初的那幾年渥太華:皇傢齣版社,1952年,P191~P200.
  2. ^ Marc Milner所著: "海洋政策-海軍第二部分", Legion雜誌社齣版2004三月一日,2010年五月二日采用

Sir Robert Laird BordenGCMG PC KC (June 26, 1854 – June 10, 1937) was a Canadian lawyer and politician who served as the eighth prime minister of Canada, in office from 1911 to 1920. He is best known for his leadership of Canada during World War I.

Borden was born in Grand-Pré, Nova Scotia. He worked as a schoolteacher for a period and then served his articles of clerkship at a Halifax law firm. He was called to the bar in 1878, and soon became one of Nova Scotia's most prominent barristers. Borden was elected to the House of Commons of Canada in 1896, representing the Conservative Party. He replaced Charles Tupper as party leader in 1901, and became prime minister after the party's victory at the 1911 federal election.

As prime minister, Borden led Canada through World War I and its immediate aftermath. His government passed the War Measures Act, created the Canadian Expeditionary Force, and eventually introduced compulsory military service, which sparked the 1917 conscription crisis. On the home front, it dealt with the consequences of the Halifax Explosion, introduced women's suffrage for federal elections, and used the North-West Mounted Police to break up the 1919 Winnipeg general strike. For the 1917 federal election (the first in six years), Borden created the Unionist Party, an amalgam of Conservatives and pro-conscription Liberals; his government was re-elected with an overwhelming majority.

Borden retired from politics in 1920, having accepted a knighthood in 1915 – the last Canadian prime minister to be knighted. He was also the last prime minister born before Confederation, and is the most recent Nova Scotian to hold the office. His portrait has appeared on Canadian one hundred-dollar notes produced since 1976, but in late 2016 the government announced Borden's image would be removed during the next redesign.

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