《沁園春(太學補試歸塗作) s poem The highest seat of learning in ancient times in china Up test Tu as go》《賀新郎(京學類申時作) Congratulate benedict Jingxuelei The period of the day from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. work》《賀新郎(京學類中後作) Congratulate benedict Beijing made after school class》《霜天曉角(湖上泛月歸)》《沁園春(送友人補太學) s poem Accompany friend fill the highest seat of learning in ancient times in China》《賀新郎(及第作)》《沁園春(壽同年陳探花) Write your life Class exhibit, display number three on imperial examination》《賀新郎(送楊帥參之任) Congratulate benedict Participation of delivery of any Yang Shuai》《念奴嬌(和尹司門與蔡侯詠雪)》《沁園春(壽婺州陳可齊九月九日)》更多詩歌...