宋代 人物列錶
宋代  宋

詩詞《念奴嬌 Stories of》   《沁園春(用履齊多景樓韻) Write Your use of assumed homogeneous View more building charm》   《水調歌頭(和吳秀岩韻)》   《安人趙氏哀詞 Anren Zhao state Sad words》   《八月十日夜夢登青城最高峰醮仙迷惘醮罷同羽士二三人散策月下濯足澗水意甚適也推枕惘然紀以唐律》   《北新橋藉孫氏宅內有井甘寒又有柳陰度夏為宜 Beixinqiao by Sun shi Inside the residence there are well Gan Han Liu Yin Aestivate Suitable》   《被檄北徵從宣威幕公之招也 Beixi North levy Congxuanweimugongzhizhaoye》   《碧雲程道士自清江相過示以玉淵劉清叔詩藉韻同賦 Pik order Taoist from Qing jiang Phase had said to Yu Yuan Liu Qingshu rhyme with poetry by Fu》   《避暑鏘璆亭 Summer Qiang cited Pavilion》   《別馮伯昭新放歸三榮末句乞呈似使君王萬裏年兄 Do Feng Bozhao reintroduction Mizakae new last sentence was like begging Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china Wanli Wang my elder brother,formerly address to successful fellow students partaking in the same examination》   更多詩歌...


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