現代中國 人物列錶
柳亞子 Liu Yazi(現代中國)瀋尹默 Shen Yinmo(現代中國)海子 Hai Zi(現代中國)
洛夫 Lo Fu(現代中國)舒婷 Shu Ting(現代中國)徐志摩 Xu Zhimo(現代中國)
席慕容 Ximurong(現代中國)餘光中 Yu Guangzhong(現代中國)食指 Si Zhi(現代中國)
劉半農 Liu Bannong(現代中國)北島 Bei Dao(現代中國)顧城 Gu Cheng(現代中國)
卞之琳 Bian Zhilin(現代中國)戴望舒 Dai Wangshu(現代中國)多多 Duo Duo(現代中國)
昌耀 Chang Yao(現代中國)嚮明 Xiang Ming(現代中國)孤夜賞雨 Gu Yeshangyu(現代中國)
離離 Chi Chi(現代中國)陳忠坤 Chen Zhongkun(現代中國)熊焱 Xiong Yan(現代中國)
絶壁孤俠 Jue Biguxia(現代中國)迪拜 DiBai(現代中國)祁鴻升 Qi Hongsheng(現代中國)
杯中衝浪 Wang XuSheng(現代中國)魯緒剛 Lu XuGang(現代中國)餘刃 Yu Ren(現代中國)
白琳 Bai Lin(現代中國)太陽島 Tai Yangdao(現代中國)秋葉 Qiu She(現代中國)
佚名 Yi Ming(現代中國)周夢蝶 Zhou Mengdie(現代中國)鄭愁予 Zheng Chouyu(現代中國)
蘭語凝嫣 Lan Yuningyan(現代中國)劉華明 Liu Huaming(現代中國)陸華軍 Liu Huajun(現代中國)
離開 Chi Kai(現代中國)郭沫若 Guo MoRuo(現代中國)林泠 Lin Ling(現代中國)
商禽 Shang Qin(現代中國)羅門 Luo Men(現代中國)西川 Xi Chuan(現代中國)
歐陽江河 Ouyang Jianghe(現代中國)翟永明 Di Yongming(現代中國)楊煉 Yang Lian(現代中國)
張錯 Zhang Cuo(現代中國)田間 Tian Jian(現代中國)阿壠 A Long(現代中國)
紀弦 Ji Xian(現代中國)灰娃 Hui Wa(現代中國)馬驊 Ma Hua(現代中國)
覃子豪 Qin Zihao(現代中國)林亨泰 Lin Hengtai(現代中國)蓉子 Rong Zi(現代中國)
瘂弦 Ya Xian(現代中國)楊喚 Yang Huan(現代中國)羊令野 Yang Lingye(現代中國)
林徽因 Lin Huiyin(現代中國)白萩 Bai Qiu(現代中國)管管 Guan Guan(現代中國)
劉恆 Liu Heng
現代中國  (1954年)
籍貫: 北京

都市生活 urbanism《貧嘴張大民的幸福生活》

閱讀劉恆 Liu Heng在小说之家的作品!!!
  劉恆 (1954—) 原名劉冠軍。北京人。曾就讀於北京外國語學院附屬小學及中學。1969年人伍,在海軍部隊服役6年。退伍後在北京汽車製造廠當裝配鉗工4年,1979年調北京市文聯,任《北京文學》編輯。現任《北京文學》主編,北京市作傢協會主席、駐會一級作傢,北京市文聯副主席,北京市人大常委。在2006年11月第七屆全國作代會上最新當選為全國作協第七屆副主席。

  Liu Heng (1954 -) formerly known as BIT. Beijingers. Studied at Beijing Foreign Studies University Primary and secondary schools. Wu 1969 people, serving 6 years in the Navy. After the war, when the Beijing auto factory assembly fitter 4, 1979 市文联 transferred Beijing, any "Beijing Literature" Edit. Current "Beijing Literature" edited by Beijing Writers Association President, will be a writer in the Beijing Literature and Arts Association, vice chairman of Beijing Municipal People's Congress Standing Committee. In November 2006 on behalf of the Seventh National Conference for newly elected Vice Chairman for the National Association of Writers of the seventh.
  1977 debut of "small stone." In 1986 published a novel, "Dog Food Day" began striking, given 1985-1986 National Excellent Short Story Award. Forward to the novel "Black Snow", "Ode to Happy," "Cang River daydream" and so on, in the short story "Fu Xi Fu Xi," "White Vortex", "deficiency", "Education Poetry", have been published collection of short stories, "deficiency", "chain set", "white vortex" and so on. Has five volumes of this, "Liu Heng Collectio" come out. 2004 "Beijing Literature Festival" on the Lifetime Achievement Award. Some of his novels were adapted for film and television works, such as "Fu Xi Fu Xi," "black snow" and the novel "The Happy Life of Gossip."

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