俄羅斯 人物列錶
普希金 Pushkin佚名 Yi Ming丘特切夫 Qiuteqiefu
萊濛托夫 Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov安年斯基 Annenski巴爾濛特 Balmont
索洛古勃 Suoluogubo梅煭日柯夫斯基 Dimitrij Sergeevic Mereskovskij安·別雷 An Bely
洛赫維茨峠婭 Luoheweici Kaja赫列勃尼科夫 He Liebo Melnikov庫茲明 Kuzmin
伊戈爾·謝維裏亞寧 伊戈尔谢维里亚 Ning馬雅可夫斯基 Vladimir Mayakovsky亞歷山大·勃洛剋 Alexander Blok
勃留索夫 Cult Bo吉皮烏斯 Gippius蒲寧 Ivan Bunin
弗·索洛維約夫 弗索洛维约夫馬·沃洛申 马沃洛 application霍達謝維奇 Khodasevich
波普拉夫斯基 Poplavski古米廖夫 Gumilyov阿赫瑪托娃 Anna Akhmatova
茨維塔耶娃 Marina Tsvetaeva曼德爾施塔姆 Osip Mandelstam帕斯捷爾納剋 Boris Pasternak
葉賽寧 Sergei Yesenin弗拉基米爾·納博科夫 Vladimir Nabokov維亞·伊萬諾夫 Weiyayiwan Ivanov
安德列·沃茲涅興斯基 安德列沃兹涅 Xing Ski阿赫瑪杜琳娜 Bella Akhmadulina
伊麗莎白一世·彼得羅芙娜 Elizaveta Petrovna
俄羅斯 俄羅斯帝國  (?1741年1762年元月5日)

  伊麗莎白一世·彼得羅芙娜(俄文:Елизаве́та I Петро́вна,1709年12月29日(儒略歷1709年12月18日)—1762年1月5日(儒略歷1761年12月25日)),俄羅斯帝國女皇(1741年—1762年),彼得一世與葉峠捷琳娜一世之女。

  Elizaveta Petrovna (Russian: Елизаве́та (Елисаве́т) Петро́вна) (29 December [O.S. 18 December] 1709 – 5 January 1762 [O.S. 25 December 1761] ), also known as Yelisavet and Elizabeth, was the Empress of Russia (1741–1762) who took the country into the War of Austrian Succession (1740–1748) and the Seven Years' War (1756 – 1763). On the eve of her death in 1762, the Russian empire spanned almost 4 billion acres(more than 16 million squared kilometres).
  Her domestic policies allowed the nobles to gain dominance in local government while shortening their terms of service to the state. She encouraged Lomonosov's establishment of the University of Moscow and Shuvalov's foundation of the Academy of Fine Arts in Saint Petersburg. She also spent exorbitant sums of money on the grandiose baroque projects of her favourite architect, Bartolomeo Rastrelli, particularly in Peterhof and Tsarskoye Selo. The Winter Palace and the Smolny Cathedral remain the chief monuments of her reign in Saint Petersburg. Generally, she was one of the best loved Russian monarchs, because she did not allow Germans in the government and not one person was executed during her reign.
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