美國 人物列錶
非馬 William Marr愛倫·坡 Edgar Alan Poe愛默生 Ralph Waldo Emerson
惠特曼 Walt Whitman狄更生 Emily Dickinson斯蒂芬·剋蘭 Stephan Crane
史蒂文斯 Wallace Stevens弗羅斯特 Robert Frost卡爾·桑德堡 Carl Sandberg
威廉斯 William Carlos Williams龐德 Ezra Pound杜麗特爾 Hilda Doolittle
奧登 Wystan Hugh Auden卡明斯 E. E. Cummings哈特·剋萊恩 Hart Crane
羅伯特·鄧肯 Robert Duncan查爾斯·奧爾森 Charles Olson阿門斯 A. R. Ammons
金斯堡 Allen Ginsberg約翰·阿什伯利 John Ashbery詹姆斯·泰特 James Tate
蘭斯敦·休斯 Langston Hughes默溫 W. S. Merwin羅伯特·勃萊 Robert Bly
畢肖普 Elizabeth Bishop羅伯特·洛威爾 Robert Lowell普拉斯 Sylvia Plath
約翰·貝裏曼 John Berryman安妮·塞剋斯頓 Anne Sexton斯諾德格拉斯 W. D. Snodgrass
弗蘭剋·奧哈拉 Frank O'Hara布洛茨基 L.D. Brodsky艾米·洛威爾 Amy Lowell
埃德娜·聖文森特·米蕾 Edna St. Vincent Millay薩拉·梯斯苔爾 Sara Teasdale馬斯特斯 Edgar Lee Masters
威廉·斯塔福德 William Stafford艾德裏安娜·裏奇 Adrienne Rich大衛·伊格內托 David Ignatow
金內爾 Galway Kinnell西德尼·拉尼爾 Sidney Lanier霍華德·奈莫洛夫 Howard Nemerov
瑪麗·奧利弗 Mary Oliver阿奇波德·麥剋裏許 阿奇波德麦 Kerry Xu傑弗斯詩選 Robinson Jeffers
露易絲·格麗剋 Louise Glück凱特·萊特 Kate Light施加彰 Arthur Sze
李立揚 Li Young Lee姚園 Yuan Yao雷蒙德·卡佛 Raymond Carver
露易絲·博根 Louise Bogan艾倫·金斯伯格 Allen Ginsberg艾米莉·狄金森 Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
哈特·剋萊恩 Hart Crane
美國  (1899年1932年)

詩詞《詩選 anthology》   

閱讀哈特·剋萊恩 Hart Crane在诗海的作品!!!
  哈特·剋萊恩(Hart Crane,1899-1932),生於美國俄亥俄州。自幼就極度焦慮,情緒波動較大。他十幾歲就開始寫作,雖然從未上過大學,但他按自己的癖好有步驟地消化了伊麗莎白時代劇作傢和詩人(莎士比亞、馬洛、鄧恩)和十九世紀法國詩人(拉法格和蘭波)的營養。在紐約居住期間,剋萊恩結識了許多文壇大腕,譬如艾倫·塔特、卡·安·波特、E.E.卡明斯等,但由於酗酒和長期的情緒不穩定,他未能和其中任何一人保持長期的友誼。作為艾略特的信徒,他把歐洲文學和傳統格律的影響和源自惠特曼的美國感受力結合在一起。
    剋萊恩的父親在1912年推出Life Savers糖果,從此生意越做越發達,他父親希望他將來有一天能夠接手傢族企業,然而他卻要做一個詩人。他高中畢業後就漂在紐約,給在家乡剋利夫蘭的父親寫信,希望這個糖果商能夠理解他追求藝術的意義。當然,這樣的信是很難寫,信的結尾其中有這麽一段話:“在我收筆之際,我祈願您能有遐思考—想象僅僅為了純粹熱衷於成就某種美而勞作,--這種美的成果或許難以售賣,亦不能增加其他商品之銷量,然而此乃人與人之間的交流,人類理解與啓蒙之間的紐帶—此乃真正勞作的意義所在。如若您能據此思考,定當理解我為何尾隨一顆暗淡的星辰,知道我實非癡愚。我之所求,旨在為後人留下彌有價值之物,而此等追求自會要求我做出一定的犧牲,以便實現自己內在的值得奉獻之物。為此目標,我將做出一切可能的犧牲。”
   Hart Crane
   從深淵到耶穌受難像, 從地獄走出的腳步
   那無邊的洪水, 隨風激蕩,
    語言、結構和形象都晦澀難懂。剋萊思在《總目標和總理論》這篇論文中,試圖解釋這種語言結構和形象。他的企圖是要在古典經驗和“我們當今這個沸騰、混亂的世界中的不同現實之間搭起一座橋梁,因此我發現‘海倫’乘坐着街車,人們嚮她求婚和引誘她的酒神節歡宴被轉移到一座有爵士樂隊伴奏的大都市屋頂花園裏。我認為特洛伊陷落的‘淨化’可以同最近這次世界大戰中的‘淨化’相提並論。”他為語言和暗喻的晦澀辯護,說這首詩的結構“建立在暗喻邏輯”的有機原理上。言下之意是說,暗喻的力量勝於邏輯思維,因為它比邏輯思維更直接。它給予我們某種體驗,而不是一種思想。暗喻有着自身的邏輯,與思維邏輯截然不同。為此,他引用了這首詩中的一個例子,解釋說“一架飛機的速度與高度”用“迅速移動”的意念來暗示要好得多,因為它也暗示出了飛機和飛行速度與靜止隆起的地球之間的反襯。”他在論文的結尾說:“語言建立起高塔與橋梁,但本身卻始終照例地流動變化着。”他的這些解釋有啓發性,但沒有解决形象擁塞這一基本問題,而且剋萊思沒有提及聽覺諧振(aural resonance)的問題。聽覺諧振雖然不重視解釋,但貫穿着全詩,給了這首詩那怕是最難懂的地方一種整體連貫感,暗示着令人陶醉的目標。
   那條蛇, 雄鷹在葉子間………?
   [2] 蒙太祖馬(montczuma: 1466—1520)墨西哥印地安酋長。西班牙徵服該地時被俘,復王位後被同族人殺死。——譯註
   [3] 古羅馬詩人維吉爾的著名史詩。——譯註
   [4] 傳說中曾在直布羅陀大西洋西部存在過的島嶼或陸地。——譯註
   [5] 玻卡洪達斯: (1595--1617)美國印地安人酋長玻哈坦的女兒。據說曾援救過英國殖民主義老約翰.史密斯.後與一白人成親。——譯註
   作者:瓊斯 翻譯:湯潮 錄校:lixiaoshi 製作:惡人𠔌珠樓  轉請註明

  Harold Hart Crane (July 21, 1899 – April 27, 1932) was an American poet. Finding both inspiration and provocation in the poetry of T. S. Eliot, Crane wrote poetry that was traditional in form, difficult and often archaic in language, and which sought to express something more than the ironic despair that Crane found in Eliot's poetry. Though frequently condemned as being difficult beyond comprehension, Crane has proved in the long run to be one of the most influential poets of his generation.
  Life and work
  Born in Garrettsville, Ohio, Hart Crane’s father, Clarence, was a successful Ohio businessman who had made his fortune in the candy business with chocolate bars. He originally held the patent for the Life Saver, but sold his interest to another businessman right before the candy took off. Crane’s mother and father were constantly fighting, and in 1916 they divorced. It was shortly thereafter that Hart dropped out of high school and headed to New York City. Between 1917 and 1924 he moved back and forth between New York and Cleveland, working as an advertising copywriter and a worker in his father’s factory. From Crane's letters, it appears that New York was where he felt most at home, and much of his poetry is set there.
  Crane was gay and associated his sexuality with his vocation as a poet. Raised in the Christian Science tradition of his mother, he never ceased to view himself as a pariah in relation to society. However, as poems such as "Repose of Rivers" make clear, he felt that this sense of alienation was necessary in order for him to attain the visionary insight that formed the basis for his poetic work.
  Throughout the early 1920s, small but well-respected literary magazines published some of Crane’s lyrics, gaining him, among the avant-garde, a respect that White Buildings (1926), his first volume, ratified and strengthened. White Buildings contains many of Crane’s best lyrics, including "For the Marriage of Faustus and Helen," and a powerful sequence of erotic poems called "Voyages," written while he was falling in love with Emil Opffer, a Danish merchant mariner.
  "Faustus and Helen" was part of a larger artistic struggle to meet modernity with something more than despair. Crane identified T. S. Eliot with that kind of despair, and while he acknowledged the greatness of The Waste Land, he also said it was "so damned dead," an impasse, and a refusal to see "certain spiritual events and possibilities." Crane’s self-appointed work would be to bring those spiritual events and possibilities to poetic life, and so create "a mystical synthesis of America." This ambition would finally issue in The Bridge (1930), where the Brooklyn Bridge is both the poem’s central symbol and its poetic starting point.
  The Bridge received poor reviews for the most part, but much worse than that was Crane’s sense of failure. It was during the late '20s, while he was finishing The Bridge, that his drinking, always a problem, got notably worse.
  While on a Guggenheim Fellowship in Mexico in 1931-32, his drinking continued while he suffered from bouts of alternating depression and elation. His only heterosexual relationship - with Peggy Cowley, the soon to be ex-wife of his friend Malcolm Cowley - who joined Crane in the south when the Cowleys agreed to divorce, occurred here, and "The Broken Tower," one of his last published poems, emerges from that affair. Crane still felt himself a failure, though, in part because he recommenced homosexual activity despite his relationship with Cowley. Just before noon on 27 April 1932, while onboard the steamship SS Orizaba[1] heading back to New York from Mexico - right after he was beaten up for making sexual advances to a male crewmember, which may have appeared to confirm his idea that one could not be happy as a homosexual - he committed suicide by jumping into the Gulf of Mexico. Although he had been drinking heavily and left no suicide note, witnesses believed Crane's intentions to be suicidal, as several reported that he exclaimed "Goodbye, everybody!" before throwing himself overboard.
  His body was never recovered. A marker on his father's tombstone in Garrettsville includes the inscription, "Harold Hart Crane 1899-1932 LOST AT SEA".[2]
  Crane's critical effort - like Keats and Rilke - is most pronounced in his letters: he corresponded regularly with Allen Tate, Yvor Winters, and Gorham Munson, and shared critical dialogues with Eugene O'Neill, William Carlos Williams, E. E. Cummings, Sherwood Anderson, Kenneth Burke, Waldo Frank, Harriet Monroe, Marianne Moore, and Gertrude Stein.
  Most serious work on Crane begins with his letters, ____select____ions of which are available in many editions of his poetry; his letters to Munson, Tate, Winters, and his patron, Otto Hermann Kahn, have been particularly valuable. Even his two most famous stylistic defenses emerged from correspondences: his Emersonian "General Aims and Theories" (1925) was written to urge Eugene O’Neill’s critical foreword to White Buildings, then passed around among friends, yet unpublished during Crane's life; and the famous "Letter to Harriet Monroe" (1926) was part of an exchange for the publication of "At Melville's Tomb" in Poetry.
  The 'Logic of Metaphor'
  As with Eliot's "objective correlative," a certain vocabulary haunts Crane criticism, his "logic of metaphor' being perhaps the most vexed. His most quoted formulation is in the circulated, if long unpublished, "General Aims and Theories":
  As to technical considerations: the motivation of the poem must be derived from the implicit emotional dynamics of the materials used, and the terms of expression employed are often ____select____ed less for their logical (literal) significance than for their associational meanings. Via this and their metaphorical inter-relationships, the entire construction of the poem is raised on the organic principle of a 'logic of metaphor,' which antedates our so-called pure logic, and which is the genetic basis of all speech, hence consciousness and thought-extension.[3]
  There is also some mention of it, though it is not so much presented as a critical neologism, in his letter to Harriet Monroe: "...The logic of metaphor is so organically entrenched in pure sensibility that it can't be thoroughly traced or explain outside of historical sciences, like philology and anthropology...."[4]
  L. S. Dembo's influential study of The Bridge, Hart Crane's Sanskrit Charge (1960), reads this 'logic' well within the familiar rhetoric of the Romantics:
  The 'logic of metaphor' was simply the written form of the 'bright logic' of the imagination, the crucial sign stated, the Word made words.... As practiced, the logic of metaphor theory is reducible to a fairly simple linguistic principle: the symbolized meaning of an image takes precedence over its literal meaning; whether or not the vehicle of an image makes sense, the reader is expected to grasp its tenor.[5]
  The publication of White Buildings was delayed by Eugene O'Neill's struggle (and eventual failure) to articulate his appreciation for a foreword to it; and many critics since have used Crane's difficulty as an excuse for a quick dismissal.[6] Even a young Tennessee Williams, then falling in love with Crane's poetry, could "hardly understand a single line--of course the individual lines aren't supposed to be intelligible. The message, if there actually is one, comes from the total effect....".[7]
  It was not lost on Crane, then, that his poetry was difficult. Some of his best, and practically only, essays originated as encouraging epistles: explications and stylistic apologies to editors, updates to his patron, and the variously well-considered or impulsive letters to his friends. It was, for instance, only the exchange with Harriet Monroe at Poetry when she initially refused to print "At Melville’s Tomb" that urged Crane to describe his "logic of metaphor" in print.[8] But describe it he did, then complaining that:
  If the poet is to be held completely to the already evolved and exploited sequences of imagery and logic--what field of added consciousness and increased perceptions (the actual province of poetry, if not lullabies) can be expected when one has to relatively return to the alphabet every breath or two? In the minds of people who have sensitively read, seen, and experienced a great deal, isn’t there a terminology something like short-hand as compared to usual description and dialectics, which the artist ought to be right in trusting as a reasonable connective agent toward fresh concepts, more inclusive evaluations?[9]
  Monroe was not impressed, though she acknowledged that others were, and printed the exchange alongside the poem: "You find me testing metaphors, and poetic concept in general, too much by logic, whereas I find you pushing logic to the limit in a painfully intellectual search for emotion, for poetic motive."[10] In any case, Crane had a relatively well-developed rhetoric for the defense of his poems; here is an excerpt from "General Aims and Theories":
  New conditions of life germinate new forms of spiritual articulation....the voice of the present, if it is to be known, must be caught at the risk of speaking in idioms and circumlocutions sometimes shocking to the scholar and historians of logic. [11]
  More recently, Allen Grossman has given a much respected guest lecture at the University of Chicago, "On communicative difficulty in general and 'difficult' poetry in particular: the example of Hart Crane's The Broken Tower."[12]
  The 'Homosexual Text'
  Recent queer criticism has pointed out that it is particularly difficult, perhaps even inappropriate, to read many of Crane's poems - "The Broken Tower," "My Grandmother’s Love Letters," the "Voyages" series, and so on - without a willingness to look for, and uncover, homosexual meanings in the text. Tim Dean argues, for instance, that the obscurity of Crane's style owes itself partially to the necessities of being a semi-public homosexual - not quite closeted, but also, as legally and culturally necessary, not open:
  The intensity responsible for Crane’s particular form of difficulty involves not only linguistic considerations but also culturally subjective concerns. This intensity produces a kind of privacy that is comprehensible in terms of the cultural construction of homosexuality and its attendant institutions of privacy.... [13]
  Thomas Yingling, arguing from a more essentialist viewpoint, articulates yet another problem with the traditional, New Critical and Eliotic readings of Crane, arguing that the "American myth criticism and formalist readings" have "depolarized and normalized our reading of American poetry, making any homosexual readings seem perverse."[14] Even more than a personal or political problem, though, Yingling argues that such biases obscure much of what the poems make clear; see, for instance, the last lines of "My Grandmother's Love Letters" from White Buildings, a haunting description of estrangement from the norms of (heterosexual) family life:
  Yet I would lead my grandmother by the hand
  Though much of what she would not understand;
  And so I stumble. And the rain continues on the roof
  With such a sound of gently pitying laughter.
  And Brian Reed, an emerging critic of Crane deeply interested in Crane's homosexuality, has made contributions to a project of critical reintegration: though sympathetic, Reed notes that an overemphasis on the sexual biography of Crane's poetry can, of course, also be damaging to a broad appreciation.[15] He has, on a less formal scale, also contributed a study of Crane's famous gay lyrical series, "Voyages," to the Poetry Foundation.[16]
  Crane has long been admired among poets, often passionately so. Some poet-critics have been ambivalent — one thinks of Yvor Winters’s famous turnabout, reviewing The Bridge in Poetry — but even the turning-aways have a tone of affectionate critique: Winters’s review grants Crane’s status of a "poet of genius" as a matter of course, even if he goes on to say that the poem augurs for a "public catastrophe."[17] Indeed, Crane was admired, if sometimes cautiously, by much of the Greenwich Village and New England crowd: Allen Tate and Eugene O’Neill, of course, but also Kenneth Burke, Edmund Wilson, E. E. Cummings, and William Carlos Williams. And though some of his sharpest critics are well known — Marianne Moore, Ezra Pound, and a few others — Moore did publish his work, as did T. S. Eliot, who, moving even further out of Pound's sphere, may have borrowed some of Crane's imagery for Four Quartets.[18]
  Over the next two generations, Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg read The Bridge together,[19] John Berryman wrote him one of his famous elegies, and Robert Lowell published his "Words for Hart Crane" in Life Studies (1959): "Who asks for me, the Shelley of my age, / must lay his heart out for my bed and board." Perhaps most adoringly, Tennessee Williams wanted to be "given back to the sea" at the "point most nearly determined as the point at which Hart Crane gave himself back...".[20]
  Such important affections have made Crane even more of a "poet’s poet," and much of Poet’s Bookshelf, a recent anthology of short, personal essays by contemporary poets, is marked through with debts to him. Thomas Lux offers, for instance: "If the devil came to me and said 'Tom, you can be dead and Hart can be alive,' I'd take the deal in a heartbeat if the devil promised, when arisen, Hart would have to go straight into A.A."[21]
  Beyond poetry, Crane's suicide inspired several works of art by noted artist Jasper Johns, including "Periscope" and "Diver," and a painting by Marsden Hartley called "Eight Bells' Folly, Memorial for Hart Crane."
  Published by Crane
  White Buildings (1926) ISBN 0-87140-179-7
  The Bridge (1930) ISBN 0-87140-025-1
  Compilations of Letters and/or Poems
  The Complete Poems of Hart Crane, Marc Simon, ed. New York: Liveright (1986; Centennial edition with intro. by Harold Bloom, 2000) ISBN 978-0-87140-178-9
  O My Land, My Friends: The ____Select____ed Letters of Hart Crane. intro. and commentary by Langdon Hammer, forward by Paul Bowles. New York: Four Walls Eight Windows (1997) ISBN 978-0-941423-18-2
  Hart Crane: Complete Poems and ____Select____ed Letters, Langdon Hammer, ed. New York: The Library of America (2006) ISBN 978-1-931082-99-0.
  Hart Crane and Yvor Winters: Their Literary Correspondence. Thomas Parkinson ed. and commentary. Berkeley: University of California Press (1978)
  Mariani, Paul. The Broken Tower: A Life of Hart Crane. New York: W.W. Norton & Company (1999) ISBN 0-393-32041-3
  Untrecker, John. Voyager (1969)
  ____Select____ed Criticism
  Corn, Alfred. 'Hart Crane's "Atlantis,"' The Metamorphoses of Metaphor. Viking (1987)
  Dean, Tim. ‘Hart Crane’s Poetics of Privacy,’ American Literary History 8:1 (1996)
  Dembo, L. S. Hart Crane’s Sanskrit Charge: A Study of The Bridge. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press (1960)
  Gabriel, Daniel. Hart Crane and the Modernist Epic: Canon and Genre Formation in Crane, Pound, Eliot and Williams. New York: Palgrave Macmillan (2007)
  Grossman, Allen. ‘Hart Crane and Poetry: A Consideration of Crane's Intense Poetics With Reference to “The Return,”’ ELH 48:4 (1981)
  ----. ‘On communicative difficulty in general and “difficult” poetry in particular: the example of Hart Crane's “The Broken Tower,”’ Poem Present lecture series at The University of Chicago. (2004)
  Hammer, Langdon. Hart Crane & Allen Tate: Janus-Faced Modernism. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press (1993)
  Herman, Barbara. ‘The Language of Hart Crane,’ The Sewanee Review 58 (1950)
  Lewis, R. W. B. The Poetry of Hart Crane: A Critical Study. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press (1967)
  Pease, Donald. ‘Blake, Crane, Whitman, and Modernism: A Poetics of Pure Possibility’, PMLA 96:1 (1981)
  Ramsey, Roger. ‘A Poetics for The Bridge,’ Twentieth Century Literature 26:3 (1980)
  Reed, Brian. ‘Hart Crane’s Victrola,’ Modernism/Modernity 7.1 (2000)
  ----. Hart Crane: After His Lights. Tuscaloosa, AL: University of Alabama Press (2006)
  Riddel, Joseph. ‘Hart Crane's Poetics of Failure,’ ELH 33 (1966)
  Rowe, John Carlos. ‘The “Super-Historical” Sense of Hart Crane’s The Bridge,’ Genre 11:4 (1978)
  Schwartz, Joseph. Hart Crane: A Reference Guide. Boston: G.K. Hall & Co. (1983)
  Snediker, Michael. "Hart Crane’s Smile," Modernism/modernity 12.4 (2005)
  Trachtenberg, Alan. Brooklyn Bridge: Fact and Symbol, 2nd ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press (1979)
  Unterecker, John. "The Architecture of The Bridge," Wisconsin Studies in Contemporary Literature 3:2 (1962)
  Winters, Yvor. "The Progress of Hart Crane," Poetry 36 (June 1930)
  ----. In Defense of Reason. New York: The Swallow Press and William Morrow (1947)
  Yannella, Philip R. ‘“Inventive Dust”: The Metamorphoses of “For the Marriage of Faustus and Helen,” Contemporary Literature 15 (1974)
  Yingling, Thomas E. Hart Crane and the Homosexual Text: New Thresholds, New Anatomies. Chicago: University of Chicago Press (1990)
  ^ Mariani 1999 p. 421
  ^ Untrecker, John. Voyager (1969)
  ^ Hammer 1997 p. 163
  ^ Hammer 1997 p. 166
  ^ Dembo, L. S. Hart Crane's Sanskrit Charge (1960) p. 34
  ^ See article on White Buildings
  ^ Lyle Leverich. Tom: The Unknown Tennessee Williams (1995) p. 162
  ^ Mariani p. 191
  ^ Hammer 1997 p. 281
  ^ Hammer 1997 p. 282
  ^ Hammer 2006 p. 164
  ^ Allen Grossman (2005). On communicative difficulty in general and 'difficult' poetry in particular: the example of Hart Crane's The Broken Tower. GENWI. Retrieved on 2008-04-11.
  ^ Tim Dean. "Hart Crane's Poetics of Privacy," American Literary History 8:1 (1996) p. 84
  ^ Thomas Yingling. Hart Crane and the Homosexual Text: New Thresholds, New Anatomies. p. 3
  ^ Brian Reed. Hart Crane: After His Lights (2006)
  ^ Brian Reed on 'Voyages': http://www.poetryfoundation.org/archive/feature.html?id=180083
  ^ 'The Progress of Hart Crane,' Poetry 36 (June 1930) pp. 153-65
  ^ Lee Oser. T. S. Eliot and American Poetry. Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press (1998) pp. 112-14.
  ^ Haw, Richard. The Brooklyn Bridge: A Cultural History (2005) p.175. Also, see the Literary Kicks article, linked below.
  ^ Leverich, Lyle. Tom: The Unknown Tennessee Williams (1997) pp. 9-10
  ^ Poets Bookshelf p. 126
  See also
  Walt Whitman (a hero to Crane)
  Harold Bloom (literary critic inspired by Crane)
  Modernist poetry in English
  Poetry of the United States
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