美國 人物列錶
非馬 William Marr愛倫·坡 Edgar Alan Poe愛默生 Ralph Waldo Emerson
惠特曼 Walt Whitman狄更生 Emily Dickinson斯蒂芬·剋蘭 Stephan Crane
史蒂文斯 Wallace Stevens弗羅斯特 Robert Frost卡爾·桑德堡 Carl Sandberg
威廉斯 William Carlos Williams龐德 Ezra Pound杜麗特爾 Hilda Doolittle
奧登 Wystan Hugh Auden卡明斯 E. E. Cummings哈特·剋萊恩 Hart Crane
羅伯特·鄧肯 Robert Duncan查爾斯·奧爾森 Charles Olson阿門斯 A. R. Ammons
金斯堡 Allen Ginsberg約翰·阿什伯利 John Ashbery詹姆斯·泰特 James Tate
蘭斯敦·休斯 Langston Hughes默溫 W. S. Merwin羅伯特·勃萊 Robert Bly
畢肖普 Elizabeth Bishop羅伯特·洛威爾 Robert Lowell普拉斯 Sylvia Plath
約翰·貝裏曼 John Berryman安妮·塞剋斯頓 Anne Sexton斯諾德格拉斯 W. D. Snodgrass
弗蘭剋·奧哈拉 Frank O'Hara布洛茨基 L.D. Brodsky艾米·洛威爾 Amy Lowell
埃德娜·聖文森特·米蕾 Edna St. Vincent Millay薩拉·梯斯苔爾 Sara Teasdale馬斯特斯 Edgar Lee Masters
威廉·斯塔福德 William Stafford艾德裏安娜·裏奇 Adrienne Rich大衛·伊格內托 David Ignatow
金內爾 Galway Kinnell西德尼·拉尼爾 Sidney Lanier霍華德·奈莫洛夫 Howard Nemerov
瑪麗·奧利弗 Mary Oliver阿奇波德·麥剋裏許 阿奇波德麦 Kerry Xu傑弗斯詩選 Robinson Jeffers
露易絲·格麗剋 Louise Glück凱特·萊特 Kate Light施加彰 Arthur Sze
李立揚 Li Young Lee姚園 Yuan Yao雷蒙德·卡佛 Raymond Carver
露易絲·博根 Louise Bogan艾倫·金斯伯格 Allen Ginsberg艾米莉·狄金森 Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
林登·貝恩斯·約翰遜 Lyndon Baines Johnson
美國 冷戰中的美國  (1908年八月27日1973年元月22日)

  林登·貝恩斯·約翰遜(Lyndon Baines Johnson,1908年8月27日-1973年1月22日)是美國第三十六任總統(1963年11月22日 – 1969年1月20日)。他於1908年8月27日生於得剋薩斯州基利斯比縣的石墻。約翰遜傢族曾參與了約翰遜城的建設。

  Lyndon Baines Johnson (August 27, 1908 – January 22, 1973), served as the 36th President of the United States from 1963 to 1969 after his service as the Vice President of the United States from 1961 to 1963. He served in all four elected offices of the United States: Representative, Senator, Vice President, and President.
  Johnson (often referred to as LBJ) , a Democrat, succeeded to the presidency following the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, completed Kennedy's term and was elected President in his own right, winning by a large margin in the 1964 Presidential election. Johnson was greatly supported by the Democratic Party and, as President, was responsible for designing the "Great Society" legislation that included laws that upheld civil rights, Medicare, Medicaid, environmental protection, aid to education, and his attempt to help the poor in his "War on Poverty." Simultaneously, he greatly escalated direct American involvement in the Vietnam War.
  Johnson served as a United States Representative from Texas, from 1937–1949 and as United States Senator (as his grandfather foretold when LBJ was just an infant) from 1949–1961, including six years as United States Senate Majority Leader, two as Senate Minority Leader and two as Senate Majority Whip. After campaigning unsuccessfully for the Democratic nomination in 1960, Johnson was asked by John F. Kennedy to be his running-mate for the 1960 presidential election. Johnson's popularity as President steadily declined after the 1966 Congressional elections, and his re-election bid in the 1968 United States presidential election collapsed as a result of turmoil within the Democratic Party related to opposition to the Vietnam War. He withdrew from the race to concentrate on peacemaking.
  Johnson was renowned for his domineering personality and the "Johnson treatment," his arm twisting of powerful politicians in order to advance legislation. He was a legendary "hands-on" manager and the last President to serve out his term without ever hiring a White House Chief of Staff or "gatekeeper" (a position invented by Kennedy's predecessor, Dwight Eisenhower).
  Johnson died after suffering his third heart attack, on January 22, 1973. He was 64 years old.
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