金國 人物列錶
王重陽 Wang Chongyang
金國  (1113年元月11日1170年元月22日)
名: 中孚、德威、嚞、喆
字: 允卿、知明、世雄
網筆號: 重陽子、王害風、重陽全真開化真君、重陽全真開化輔極帝君
今属: 陝西省鹹陽市秦都區大魏村
出生地: 京兆鹹陽大魏村
去世地: 開封旅邸

道傢類 Taoism class《重陽立教十五論》

閱讀王重陽 Wang Chongyang在百家争鸣的作品!!!
中國金代道士。全真道創始人。原名中字,字允卿。後改名世雄,字德威 。入道後 ,改名嚞,字知明 ,號重陽子。祖籍陝西鹹陽大魏村,出生於庶族地主家庭,後遷終南縣劉蔣村。幼好讀書,後入府學,中進士,係京兆學籍。金天眷元年(1138),應武略,中甲科 ,遂易名世雄。年 47 ,深感“天遣文武之進兩無成焉”,憤然辭職,慨然入道,隱棲山林。金正隆四年(1159),棄傢外遊,自稱於甘河鎮遇異人授以內煉真訣,悟道出傢。金大定元年(1161),在南時村挖穴墓,取名“活死人墓”,又號“行菆”,自居其中,潛心修持 2 年。三年 ,功成丹圓 ,遷居劉蔣村 。七年 ,獨自乞食,東出潼關 ,前往山東布教,建立全真道 。其善於隨 機施教,尤長於以詩詞歌麯勸誘士人,以神奇詭異驚世駭俗。在山東寧海等地宣講教法。同時,先後收馬鈺、孫不二、譚處端、劉處玄、邱處機、郝大通、王處一為弟子,遂後建立全真教團 。收弟子 7 人,後世稱全真教七真人 。十年攜 弟子馬鈺、譚處端、劉處玄、邱處機4人返歸關中 ,卒於開封途中 。葬於終南劉蔣村故庵(今陝西戶縣祖庵鎮)。

王重陽主張儒、釋、道三教平等,三教合一,提出“三教從來一祖風”的融合學說。全真道內以《道德經》、《孝經》、《般若波羅蜜多心經 》為必修經典 ,認為修道即修心 ,除情去欲 ,存思靜定、心地清靜便是修行的真捷徑。所以,全真道不崇尚符籙,不事黃白煉丹之術。大定九年十月﹐與弟子馬鈺﹑譚處端﹑劉處玄﹑邱處機四人西歸﹐次年一月歿於大梁(今河南開封)。葬終南劉蔣村故庵(今陝西戶縣祖庵鎮)。金章宗賜庵名為靈虛觀。元太宗加封為重陽萬壽宮。全真道尊為祖庵或祖庭。元世祖至元六年(1269)封為重陽全真開化真君﹔至大三年(1310)又加封為重陽全真開化輔極帝君。全真道尊為北五祖之一。其死後三年間,全真道傳教範圍波及關中、河南、河北、山東大部分,遍於社會上下各階層。在組織上、理論上為全真道的興盛發展奠定了基礎。







Wang Chongyang (11 January 1113 – 22 January 1170) [Chinese calendar: 22nd day, 12th month, 2nd year, Zhenghe era in the reign of Emperor Huizong of Song - 4th day, 1st month, 10th year, Dading era in the reign of Emperor Shizong of Jin] was a Chinese Taoist and one of the founders of the Quanzhen School in the 12th century during the Song dynasty. He was one of the Five Northern Patriarchs of Quanzhen. He also appears as a character in works of wuxia fiction.

Family name: Wang (王)
Given names: Zhongfu (中孚); Dewei (德威); Zhe (喆)
Courtesy names: Yunqing (允卿); Shixiong (世雄); Zhiming (知明)
Pseudonym: Chongyangzi (重陽子)
Wang was born with his birth name as "Zhongfu" in a wealthy family in 1113. He was educated in Chinese classics and martial arts.

Wang intended to start a rebellion against the Jurchen Jin dynasty, which conquered northern China in the Jin–Song Wars. According to tradition, in the summer of 1159 when he was 48, he met two Taoist immortals in a tavern, Zhongli Quan and Lü Dongbin. They trained him in secret forms of Taoism. He changed his name to "Zhe" and adopted the Taoist name "Chongyang".

In 1160, Wang met one of the immortals again and was provided with a set of written instructions called "Ganshui Xianyuan Lu". Those written instructions included the names of two men who would later become his disciples (Ma Yu and Tan Chuduan). Wang built a tomb for himself near Mount Zhongnan and called it "Tomb of the Living Dead". He lived in it for three years.

At the end of the three years, Wang filled the tomb with earth and built a hut on top of it and called it "Complete Perfection Hut". He spent the next four years in the hut studying Taoism and imparting his knowledge to others. During that time, he met Tan Chuduan, who became his disciple after he cured Tan from illness. Qiu Chuji and Tan traveled around the local towns and villages with Wang and founded five Taoist congregations. Wang's teachings were referred to the "Teachings of the Complete Perfection" (after the hut) and his branch of Taoism became known as the Quanzhen School.

In 1167, Wang burnt down the hut and travelled east to Shandong, where he met Ma Yu and Ma's wife, Sun Bu'er. They became his disciples as well. He accepted a total of seven disciples who later became known as "Seven Masters of Quanzhen" or "Seven Elders of Quanzhen". They are also called the "Seven Immortals" or "Seven Perfected Beings".

In 1187, Emperor Shizong of Jin summoned Wang's disciple Wang Chuyi (and, according to some sources, also Qiu Chuji) to preach in his inner palace. Later, he requested the presence of Wang Chuyi at his deathbed. Shizong's successor, Emperor Zhangzong, banned the teaching of Quanzhen Taoism. He considered them as causing heretical and detrimental to society;He converted to Quanzhen's teachings later and let Wang Chuyi stay in Yanjing (present-day Beijing) for a year. Shizong's grandson Wanyan Shou later wrote a biography for Wang Chongyang.

Wang was the author of many poems of Taoist instruction. According to legend, Liu Chuxuan became a follower of Wang after reading one of Wang's poems.

Wang's writings include:

"An Anthology of Complete Perfection by Chongyang" (Chongyang Quanzhen Ji)
"Chongyang's Anthology on Teaching Transformation" (Chongyang Jiaohua Ji)
"Chongyang's Anthology of the Ten Transformations by Dividing Pears" (Chongyang fenli shihua ji) (The phrase "to divide a pear" is a pun for "to separate," these were writings intended to convince Ma Yu and Sun Bu'er to separate in order to better cultivate the Dao.)

Wang Chongyang and his seven disciples, depicted in Changchun Temple, Wuhan
The most notable ones among Wang's seven disciples were Sun Bu'er and Qiu Chuji. Sun's husband, Ma Yu, was one of the seven, while she became an important role model for female Taoists. Ma Yu later succeeded Wang as the leader of the Quanzhen School.

Qiu Chuji gained the favour of Genghis Khan and founded the White Cloud Monastery in Beijing. Genghis Khan granted tax-exempt status to all Quanzhen schools and placed Qiu in charge of all religions in China.

Each of the seven disciples founded his or her own lineage of Quanzhen Taoism. They are as follows:

Ma Yu (馬鈺) founded the Yuxian lineage (Meeting the Immortals)
Tan Chuduan (譚處端) founded the Nanwu lineage (Southern Void)
Liu Chuxuan (劉處玄) founded the Suishan lineage (Mount Sui)
Qiu Chuji (丘處機) founded the Longmen lineage (Dragon Gate)
Wang Chuyi (王處一) founded the Yushan lineage (Mount Yu)
Hao Datong (郝大通) founded the Huashan lineage (Mount Hua)
Sun Bu'er (孫不二) founded the Qingjing lineage (Clarity and Stillness)
In fiction
Condor Trilogy
Wang Chongyang
Created by Jin Yong
Appearances The Legend of the Condor Heroes,
The Return of the Condor Heroes
Personal information
Nickname(s) "Central Divine" (中神通)
Gender Male
Romantic interest(s) Lin Chaoying
Organisations Quanzhen Sect (founder)
Students Official students:
Ma Yu,
Tan Chuduan,
Liu Chuxuan,
Qiu Chuji,
Wang Chuyi,
Hao Datong,
Sun Bu'er
Unofficial students:
Zhou Botong
Wang appears as a character in the novel The Legend of the Condor Heroes and its sequel The Return of the Condor Heroes, both written by Jin Yong (Louis Cha). Although he is only mentioned by name, he is credited as the "Central Divine" (中神通) of the Five Greats (五絕), the top five champions of the first martial arts contest on Mount Hua. He is depicted as a patriotic Taoist of the predominantly-Han Chinese society of the Song Empire, and seeks to protect his people from the Jurchen Jin dynasty's invasion of northern China. He founds the Quanzhen Sect, based in Chongyang Palace on Mount Zhongnan, with the aim of grooming and nurturing Taoists, who are trained in martial arts, to serve the country and uphold justice. After Wang's death, his seven students, known as the "Seven Immortals of Quanzhen", inherit his legacy and promote Quanzhen to become one of the leading orthodox sects in the wulin (martial artists' community).

The sequel provides a glimpse into Wang's romance with Lin Chaoying, founder of the Ancient Tomb Sect. In his earlier life, Wang had an ancient tomb built at Mount Zhongnan, intended to serve as a secret base of operations for the battles against the Jurchens. He lost to Lin in a martial arts contest and had to abide by his promise to give up the tomb to her and become a Taoist. Wang and Lin remain rivals for the rest of their lives, constantly innovating new martial arts techniques to defeat each other. However, Yang Guo and Xiaolongnü discover later that Lin apparently hates Wang but actually still loves him. This is evident from the fact that although Lin's martial arts seem to counter Wang's, they actually complement his skills.

Other appearances
In the manhua series Oriental Heroes by Hong Kong artist Wong Yuk-long, Wang Chongyang is noted as the creator of the 'Nine Solar Art'.

Daoism Handbook, Livia Kohn, editor. (Handbook of Oriental Studies Section Four, Volume 14.) Brill Academic Publishers, 2000.
The Taoist Manual: An Illustrated Guide Applying Taoism to Daily Life, Brock Silvers. Sacred Mountain Press 2005.
Jump up ^ 宋徽宗政和二年十二月廿二 – 金世宗大定十年正月初四
^ Jump up to: a b c d e Jing-shen Tao, "The Jurchen in Twelfth-Century China". University of Washington Press, 1976, ISBN 0-295-95514-7. Pages 106-107.
Cha, Louis. The Legend of the Condor Heroes.
Cha, Louis. The Return of the Condor Heroes.


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