姓: | 費 | ||||
名: | 孝通 | ||||
籍貫: | 江蘇吳江 | ||||
閱讀費孝通 Fei Xiaotong在百家争鸣的作品!!! |

著名社會學家、人類學家、民族學家、社會活動傢,中國社會學和人類學的奠基人。江蘇吳江人。4歲進入母親創辦的蒙養院,開始接受正規教育。1928年入東吳大學,讀完兩年醫學預科,因受當時革命思想影響,决定不再學醫,而學社會科學。1930年到北平入燕京大學社會學係,1933年畢業後,考入清華大學社會學及人類學係研究生,1935年通過畢業考試,並取得公費留學。在出國前,偕同新婚妻子王同惠前往廣西大瑤山進行調查,在調查時迷路,誤踏虎阱,腰腿受傷,王同惠出外尋求支援,不幸溺水身亡。傷愈後,回家乡農村休養時,進行了一次社會調查。1936年夏,費孝通去英國留學,1938年獲倫敦大學研究院哲學博士學位。論文的中文名《江村經濟》,此書流傳頗廣,曾被國外許多大學的社會人類學係列為學生必讀參考書之一。 1938年回國後費孝通繼續在內地農村開展社會調查、研究農村、工廠、少數民族地區的各種不同類型的社區。出版了調查報告《祿村農田》。1944年費孝通訪美國歸來後不久,參加中國民主同盟,投身愛國民主運動,曾任清華大學教授,著作有《生育制度》、《鄉土中國》及譯文《文化論》、《人文類型》、《工業文明的社會問題》等。
1957年反右運動,費孝通被錯劃為中國著名的大右派,同樣也是人類學界、民族學界的著名五右派(吳澤霖、潘光旦、黃現璠、吳文藻、費孝通)之一。費孝通一生,都曾與另外四個大右派:吳澤霖、潘光旦、黃現璠、吳文藻有着特殊的關係。費孝通寫過一篇《紀念吳澤霖先生》的文章,說明他與吳先生相識於西南聯大,1950年的中央訪問團,民族識別,1956年的民族調查,費孝通與吳澤霖都在一起共事或保持工作聯繫。1952年 -1956年兩人又同在中央民族學院任教授,共事四年; 潘光旦與費孝通是師友關係,自然特別親密,互相攙扶度過那段艱難的歲月。在潘光旦寂寞的晚年,曾在在病床前陪伴潘光旦一年,潘光旦咽氣前,費孝通把老師擁抱在懷中,哀嘆“日夕旁伺,無力拯援,凄風慘雨,徒呼奈何”,直至老師停止呼吸。費孝通與黃現璠相識於1951年的中央訪問團,費孝通任中央民族訪問團中南訪問團代理團長;兼任廣西分團團長,黃現璠任廣西分團副團長。1956年的中國少數民族社會歷史調查,費孝通與黃現璠都是調查組的負責人。費孝通與黃現璠又同是全國人大民委委員。1958年2月1日,全國人大一屆五次會議作出了“罷免費孝通、黃現璠、歐百川全國人民代表大會民族委員會委員職務”的决議。1980年第一屆中國民族學學會成立。十一個顧問中有四個大右派:分別是吳澤霖、黃現璠、吳文藻、費孝通。費孝通與吳文藻也是師友關係。被打成右派後,吳文藻夫婦,潘光旦和費孝通愛散步,傍晚時分,總能看見這四個人分成兩組到校門外散步,那些不知青紅皂白的小學生爭相圍觀,呼叫那個大胖子(費先生)是右派人物,還在後面嚮他們扔石頭。費先生曾說:“失去知識分子等於失去民心。 ”文革期間,吳文藻夫婦、潘光旦和費孝通在中央民族學院二號樓翻譯《世界史》和《世界史綱》,這是他們四人最後的相聚時光。之後,費先生曾被調離中央民族學院,在中國社會科學院民族研究所工作過,平反以前連一張書桌都沒有。改革開放時期,有人曾建議費先生回中央民族學院(後改為大學)擔任院長,遭到學院那些左派人士的反對,就是他們把費孝通打成右派的,害怕費先生回來清算舊賬。憶往昔,潘先生在1967年逝世,黃先生在1982年逝世,吳文藻在1985年逝世,吳澤霖在1990年逝世,費先生在2005年逝世。二十世紀,這些碩學大師多被錯劃為中國著名的大右派,隨着他們的相繼去世,當今中國人類、民族學界還有"大師"否? 當溫傢寶總理感嘆四周無人可用而發出“大學要出大師”的呼喚時,足知其微言責備了。
《Peasant Life in China》,London:Routledge (1939年,該書譯為江村經濟)
《Earthbound China:A Study of Rural Economy in Yunnan》,Chicago:Chicago University Press (1945年)
Chinese Gentry(1945年)
《內地農村》上海:生活書店 (1946年)
《Toward a People's Anthropology》 北京:新世界出版社(1981年)
《Chinese Village Close-up》北京:新世界出版社 (1983年)
《小城鎮四記》北京:新華出版社 (1985年)
《Small Towns in China》北京:新世界出版社(1986年)
《社會變遷 重慶》,上海:商務印書館發行
《初訪美國》 上海:生活書店
《民主·憲法·人權——民之作》 上海:生活書店
《工黨一年》 上海:生活書店
《美國人的性格》 上海:生活書店
《皇權與紳權》 上海:上海觀察社
《兄弟民族在貴州》 北京:三聯書店
《China's Gentry(中國紳士)》 Chicago:Chicago University Press
《工業文明的社會問題》 北京:商務印書館
《世界史》(上、中、下) 北京:三聯書店
《訪美掠影》 北京:三聯書店
《民族與社會》 天津:天津人民出版社
《非洲的種族》 北京:商務印書館
《世界史綱--生物和人物的簡明史》 北京:人民出版社
《美國與美國人》 北京:三聯書店
《社會調查自白》 北京:知識出版社
《生育制度--中國的家庭與社會》 日本,東京:東京大學出版社
《雜寫丙集》 天津:天津人民出版社
《中國農村四細密畫》 日本:日本研文出版社
《江村經濟——中國農民的生活》 南京:江蘇人民出版社
《雜寫丁集》 天津:天津人民出版社
《沿海六行》 南京:江蘇人民出版社
《鄉鎮經濟比較模式》 重慶:重慶出版社
《山水·人物》 南京:江蘇人民出版社
《費孝通選集》 天津:天津人民出版社
《費孝通學術精華錄》 北京:北京師範學院出版社
《費孝通外訪雜寫》 北京:中國展望出版社
《中華民族多元一體格局》 北京:中央民族學院出版社
《逝者如斯-費孝通雜文選集》 蘇州:蘇州大學出版社
《人的研究在中國》 天津:天津人民出版社
《芳草天涯》 蘇州:蘇州大學出版社
《言以助味》 蘇州:蘇州大學出版社
《學術文化隨筆》 北京:中國青年出版社
《學術自述與反思:費孝通學術文集》 北京:生活·讀書·新知三聯書店
《鄉土中國,生育制度》 北京:北京大學出版社
《從實求知錄》 北京:北京大學出版社
論中國家庭結構的變動 《天津社會科學》1982年第3 期
家庭結構變動中的老年贍養問題——再論中國家庭結構的變動 《北京大學學報》1983年第3期
三論中國家庭結構的變動 《北京大學學報》1986年第3 期
中國城鄉發展的道路——我一生的研究課題 《中國社會科學》1993年第1 期 1-1-93
從史祿國老師學體質人類學 《北京大學學報》1994年 第5 期
個人、群體、社會——生學術歷程的自我思考 《北京大學學報》1994年第1 期 1-1-94
略談中國的社會學 《社會學研究》1994年第1 期
關於人類學在中國 《社會學研究》1994年第2 期
論中國小城鎮的發展 《讀書》1995年第8 期
傢底實創新業——再訪溫州 《瞭望》1995年第5 期
農村、小城鎮區域發展——我的社區研究歷程的再回顧 《北京大學學報》哲社版1995年第2 期 4-1-95
簡述我的民族研究經歷和思考 《北京大學學報》1997年第2 期
反思、對話、文化自覺 《北京大學學報》1997年第3 期
我對自己學術的反思——人文價值再思考之一 《讀書》1997年第9 期
跨文化的“席明納”——人文價值再思考之二 《讀書》1997年第10期
Fei Xiaotong or Fei Hsiao-Tung (November 2, 1910 – April 24, 2005) was a Chinese anthropologist and sociologist. He was a pioneering researcher and professor of sociology and anthropology; he was also noted for his studies in the study of China's ethnic groups as well as a social activist. One of China's finest sociologists and anthropologists, his works on these subjects were instrumental in laying a solid foundation for the development of sociological and anthropological studies in China, as well as in introducing social and cultural phenomena of China to the international community. His last post before his death in 2005 was as Professor of Sociology at Peking University.
Early years
Fei Xiaotong was born in Wujiang County of Jiangsu province in China on November 2, 1910. His world was one plagued with political corruption and abject poverty. He grew up in a gentry but yet not wealthy family. His father, Fei Pu'an (費樸安) was educated in the Chinese classics, earned a shengyuan civil service degree, studied in Japan, and founded a middle school. Fei's mother, Yang Renlan (楊紉蘭), the Christian daughter of a government official and also highly educated for her time, established a nursery school in Wujiang which Fei attended. Her brothers include Chinese politician Yang Qianli (father of Hong Kong director and lyricwriter Evan Yang), Architect Yang Xiliu(S. J. Young), Chinese-American animator Cy Young, and entrepreneur Yang Xiren.
Career in academic sociology
At missionary-founded Yenching University in Peiping, which had China's best sociology program, he was stimulated by the semester visit of Robert E. Park, the University of Chicago sociologist. For an M.A. in anthropology, Fei went to nearby Tsinghua University where he studied with Pan Guangdan and learned fieldwork methods from a White Russian, S. M. Shirokogoroff. Fei's first fieldwork experience, in the rugged mountains of Guangxi province in the far south, ended tragically after Fei's leg was crushed by a tiger trap, and his young bride Wang Tonghui (王同惠) died seeking help.
"Functional" anthropology
From 1936 to 1938 Fei studied at the London School of Economics under the pioneer anthropologist Bronisław Malinowski. "From Malinowski and A.R. Radcliffe-Brown, Fei learned to focus on the functional interrelationships of various "parts" of a community and on the meaning of a culture as seen by its members. He devised survey methods which incorporated the functional approach ... ":17 Fei wrote his 1938 PhD thesis, based on earlier fieldwork in Kaixiangong (Chinese:開弦弓) village, China and published it as Peasant Life in China (1939).
Among Fei Xiaotong's contributions to anthropology is the concept that Chinese social relations work through social networks of personal relations with the self at the center and decreasing closeness as one moves out. Among the criticisms of Fei Xiaotong's work is that his work tended to ignore regional and historical variations in Chinese behavior. Nonetheless, as a pioneer and educator, his intent was to highlight general trends, thus this simplification may have had significant justification for Fei's intent, even if they contributed to a bias in studies of Chinese society and culture.
An important work of the period, China's Gentry, was compiled from Fei's field interviews, and was published in the United States in 1953. It went on to become a staple of American university courses on China. The compilation and U.S. publication of China's Gentry grew out of a relationship Fei developed at Tsinghua University with the University of Chicago anthropologist Robert Redfield and his wife, Margaret Park Redfield.:18
Leading intellectual in People's Republic of China
1950s and 1960s: Politics in command
After the establishment of the People's Republic of China in 1949, Fei played an important role in national intellectual and ideological life, and before long he began to hold a growing number of political positions. He was made vice president in 1951 of the Central Institute for Nationalities in Beijing (today, Minzu University of China), and in 1954 attended the First National People's Congress as a member of the Nationalities Affairs Commission.:18
Soon thereafter, however, departments of sociology were eliminated (as a "bourgeois pseudo-science"). Fei no longer taught, and published less and less. During the “Hundred Flowers” thaw of 1956–57, he began to speak out again, cautiously suggesting the restoration of sociology. But then the climate suddenly changed with the “Anti-Rightist Movement.” In 1957, Fei stood with head bowed before countless assemblies to confess his “crimes toward the people.” Hundreds of articles attacked him, not a few by colleagues, some viciously dishonest. Fei became an outcast, humiliated, isolated, unable to teach, do research, or publish. Twenty-three years of his life, he would later write, years that should have been his most productive period, were simply lost, wasted. At the height of the Cultural Revolution, physically attacked by Red Guards, forced to clean toilets, he contemplated suicide.
1970s and 1980s: A 'second life'
In the 1970s, Fei, internationally known, began to receive foreign visitors, and after Mao's death he was asked to direct the restoration of Chinese sociology. He visited the United States again and was subsequently able to arrange the visits to China of American social scientists to help with the gigantic task of training a whole new cadre of Chinese sociologists. In 1980 he was formally rehabilitated, and was one of the judges in the long, televised trial of the “Gang of Four” and others held responsible for the crimes of the Cultural Revolution.
His 'second life' was more than ever that of the public intellectual, with important political posts and contact with policy makers. His influence is thought to have been important in convincing the government to promote rural industry, whose rapid growth in the 1980s raised the income of hundreds of millions of villagers all over China. Virtually every week in the 1990s his name was in the newspapers and his face on television. He traveled all over China, went abroad, to the US, Canada, Europe, Japan, Australia, and elsewhere, and was showered with international honors: the Malinowski Award of the Society for Applied Anthropology, the Huxley Memorial Medal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, an honorary doctorate from the University of Hong Kong, and other honors in Japan, the Philippines, Canada. He played a role in promoting and directing the reestablishment of sociology and anthropology in China, training scholars and developing teaching materials after thirty years of prohibition.
Fei is also known for his influential theory on ethnic groups in Chinese history, which follows the tradition of Lewis H. Morgan's stage-developmental evolutionism. A representative example of his work is Fei's 1988 Tanner lecture in Hong Kong, "Plurality and Unity in the Configuration of the Chinese Nationality." According to Fei, the Huaxia became a true ethnic group, the Han, during the Qin Dynasty. Afterwards, the Han became "a nucleus with centripetal force" with their stable agricultural society attracting and assimilating ethnic nomads from China's northern frontier such as the Qiang.
The 1990s and 2000s: reminiscence and caution
Above all, it was as a writer that Fei flourished in his 'second life'. Virtually all of his old books were republished during these years, and he turned out new books and articles in even greater quantity. Of the fifteen volumes of his “Works” (1999–2001), new writings from the 1980s and 1990s fill over half. Many of the themes were familiar. He repeatedly and forcefully set forth the case for sociology and anthropology in China if modernization were to succeed. He reminisced about his village fieldwork, his studies, and his teachers. There were articles and books on rural industrialization, small towns, national minorities, and developing frontier areas. He championed the cause of intellectuals. He recounted what he had learned from his trips abroad and made some new translations from English. There was even a little book of his poetry. What is different in all this new writing is political caution; Fei had too much to do and too little time in the last decades to risk playing with fire again.
He was Professor of Sociology at Peking University at the time of his death on April 24, 2005 in Beijing at the age of 94. A memorial has been set up in the Department of Sociology at the university, where he has taught and directed since the 1980s.
Career landmarks
Major works
- Peasant Life in China: A Field Study of Country Life in the Yangtze Valley. Preface by Bronislaw Malinowski. London: G. Routledge and New York: Dutton, 1939, and various reprints and a Japanese translation.
- Fei and Chang Chih-I [Zhang Zhiyi 張之毅], Earthbound China: A Study of Rural Economy in Yunnan. University of Chicago Press, 1945.
- China's Gentry: Essays in Rural-Urban Relations. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1953.
- Neidi de nongcun 《內地的農村》(Villages of the interior). Shanghai: Shenghuo, 1946.
- Shengyu zhidu 《生育制度》 (The institutions for reproduction). Shanghai: Shangwu, 1947.
- From the Soil (Xiangtu Zhongguo, 《鄉土中國》). Shanghai: Guancha, 1948. (Translated as From the Soil: The Foundations of Chinese Society, U. of California Press, 1992)
- Xiangtu chongjian 《鄉土重建》 (Rural recovery). Shanghai: Guancha, 1948.
- Fei Xiaotong et al. Small Towns in China: Functions, Problems & Prospects. Beijing: New World Press, 1986.
- Xingxing chong xingxing 《行行重行行》 (Travel, travel, and more travel). Ningxia Renmin Chubanshe, 1992.
- Fei Xiaotong wenji 《費孝通文集》 (Collected works of Fei Xiaotong), 15 vols. Beijing: Qunyan chubanshe, 1999.
- 1980: Bronislaw Malinowski Award of the International Applied Anthropology Association
- 1981: Huxley Memorial Medal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland
- 1988: Encyclopædia Britannica Prize in New York
- 1993: USA and Asian Cultural Prize in Fukuoka, Japan
- Doctor of Letters degree, honoris causa by the University of Hong Kong
- Doctor of Social Science degree, honoris causa, University of Macau
- 1994: Ramon Magsaysay Award for Community Leadership in the Philippines.
Political positions
Fei also made significant contributions to the study and management of the development of China's rural economy.
Before his death, Fei held a number of political positions, although these are mostly honorary; he was considered by many to be "active politically".
- Vice-President of the 6th Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference
- Vice-Chairman of the 7th and 8th Standing Committee of the National People's Congress
- Vice-Chairman of the Drafting Committee for the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China
- Honorary Chairman of the Central Committee of the China Democratic League, a minor party which is part of the United Front led by the Communist Party of China
- Deputy Director of the Experts Bureau of the State Council
- Deputy Director of the National Ethnic Affairs Committee
- Chairman of the Central Committee of the Democratic Union
See also
- ^ ab c d Boorman, Howard L. (1968). ""Fei Hsiao=t'ung". Biographical Dictionary of Republican China. II. New York: Columbia University Press. pp. 17–19.
- ^ 同裏驕楊 (in Chinese)
- ^ “人天無據,靈會難期”:費孝通與王同惠 (in Chinese). Sina. March 31, 2009. Retrieved October 22, 2013.
- ^ ab citation?
- ^ by whom?
- ^ Gladney, Dru C. Muslim Chinese: Ethnic Nationalism in the people's Republic (2 ed.). Harvard University Asia Center. pp. 72–73.
Further reading
- R. David Arkush, Fei Xiaotong and Sociology in Revolutionary China. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1981.
- Pasternak, Burton, "A Conversation with Fei Xiaotong," Current Anthropology 29:637-62 (1988).
- "Fei Xiaotong [Hsiao-tung Fei]," American Anthropologist, 108.2:452–461 (2006).
External links
- New York Times obituary, May 9, 2005 (registration required)
- The Guardian obituary, May 5, 2005
- Biographical information at China Vitae
- Xinhua obituary, April 26, 2005